I need a job

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I need a job

Post by ubertar » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:21 pm

As some of you know from reading my posts, I've been teaching music to kids, including having them make their own electric guitars.

It looks like the summer program has fallen through-- the school went with a different after-school program than the one I work for.

I love recording. I mostly record my own stuff, sometimes for paid projects (film soundtracks, backing tracks for poetry cds, book on tape) and sometimes record others (I don't seek out clients but sometimes they find me). I would be really happy to help out in a studio for a while. I'll be making some electric cellos and electric fretless bowed guitars to sell this summer, but would like something else to supplement that.

I also play a number of unique instruments: see
I love doing sessions, adding a track or two to a song or other audio project.

PM me if you've got anything. Thanks.


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