Need an intern/personal slave? (Cincinnati/Dayton)

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Need an intern/personal slave? (Cincinnati/Dayton)

Post by sthslvrcnfsn » Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:14 pm

In all seriousness, I am looking for a job interning or being a second engineer in the Cinci/Dayton area. I will be graduating from the Recording Workshop in 3 weeks, and have prior experience recording.

You can email or pm me for a resume or my phone number, but here's a short list of things I know:
Sound Forge 6
Cool Edit Pro 2
8tk cassette!
miking in a 10' x 10' square bedroom
...and things from the RecW:
Mackie D8B
Mackie and Alesis HD 24tk machines
MCI 2" 24tk
Pro Tools LE
miking in a Walter Storyk-designed room

I'll be moving to either Clifton, Northside, or Hamilton in a few weeks, so email me, I'll start right away!

Jim McGowan


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