So Cold (New/Reworked with Whole Band)

gimme a little kick & snare
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So Cold (New/Reworked with Whole Band)

Post by Robertt8 » Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:56 am

Hey guys! We're putting together a demo to get gigs in San Francisco, and this is the first song that we've (re)recorded. Some of you may remember this tune from me from a couple years ago, but since we now have a complete band, I've re-recorded all their parts (drums, bass, and lead guitar).

It still seems like it might be missing a change somewhere, where maybe I drop out a guitar, add another drum part in a little spot....tambourine...something like that. Also, let me know what you think of the mix, balance, levels...all that sort of stuff...

SONG: 01.So Cold.mp3 (new/reworked)

(by the way, the original can still be heard at )

If anyone cares, here's the gear I used...
Mics: Studio Projects C1 and B1...Audio Technica Pro25 (only on bass drum)
Pre-Amp: M-Audio Audio Buddy
Outboard Compressor: Behringer Ultra Dyne Pro
Recorder: Roland VS-880EX
Guitars: Big Baby Taylor (main rhythm), Larrivee LV-03E (leads)
Bass: my bass players sweet bass (can't remember name)
Bass DI: Behrninger Bass V-Amp
Drums: Whatever that his set is...just bass, snare, high-hat, 1 tom, 1 cymbal

Let me know what you think.

Robert Tait

gimme a little kick & snare
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Re: So Cold (New/Reworked with Whole Band)

Post by Robertt8 » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:00 am

no commments on this puppy?

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gimme a little kick & snare
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Re: So Cold (New/Reworked with Whole Band)

Post by glagola1 » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:12 am

A lot of it sounds really good. The thing that stands out most in terms of production is the way that some of the cymbol and hi-hat action sounds like it's inches from my ear. I might brings some of the ride, hi-hat, and rim clicks down in the mix. What kind of recording techniques did you use on the percussion?
I miss the days of Ass Engineer.

gimme a little kick & snare
Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:00 pm
Location: San Francisco

Re: So Cold (New/Reworked with Whole Band)

Post by Robertt8 » Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:38 am

Hey Glagola1! Thanks for responding! Yeah, when I recorded this, I should have played around a bit more with the placememnt of the overhead mics. I put them a bit to close to the cymbals, and all I've got are the two overheads and one bass drum mic. So i think i need tp place the overheads a little more behind the drummer as opposed to to the side pointed inwards.

tait :lol:


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