My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

pluggin' in mics
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My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

Post by pedalboy » Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:30 pm

Hey guys. After trying to actually SELL my last album, I decided to let it all go on the net for free, so spread the love. And please give me some constructive criticism on anything you feel like. Here's the link:

My solo project is called Pedalboy, and the album is called The Falling Action.

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Re: My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

Post by dynomike » Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:54 am

I've listened to several of the songs now.

Sounds like a lot of work went into this! Very polished, impressive mix. I really like the hard panned delays and cool stuff going on in the first track.

I like the short song about quitting your job.

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Re: My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

Post by NaturalAsDessert » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:15 pm

Hey Pedalboy

I am really impressed with your work. Your stuff has lots of variety, is very clear and present sounding - catchy songs and nice background noise/effects that compliment it all very well.

I'm working on a solo album myself but am currently just recording the songs roughly and impefectly to get an idea of the entire album as a whole so I can figure out what I need to add/take away/make more interesting ...

Is there any particular process you followed while constructing this album? did you play all parts yourself?

Keep up the good work!
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Re: My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

Post by phait » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:48 pm

I'm listening to "embrace the chaos"...

When it first started out, I'm thinking "uhh.. I hope this doesn't carry on for several minutes"... which is a little odd, I'm pretty diverse and I like ambient, atmospheric, and eery music and soundscapes... then the rest came in and I think you did a fine job. I'm listening to "drug of choice" right now...

I'm working on my own album right now, it's mostly melodic ambient/keyboard oriented, no vocals... but listening to your stuff kinda pushes me back to re-evaluate and I hope I do well.

I like the guitar production, tell me more about that.

I like the singing too, its inspiring because if I did sing I think it might be like something in this range.

I actually visited your site before and saw the title "death of a dream" - I like the punctuality of that phrase, it's cliche though right? Either way I was thinking of using the same title for a song... Keep writing.

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Re: My last album - give a listen, or just steal it!

Post by pedalboy » Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:25 pm

hey sorry for not getting back to everybody sooner, I must've missed the emails that tole me people replied to this message... oops.

Thanks dynomike and NaturalAsDessert for the compliments. Natural, I didn't really have a process per se... Some of the songs were recorded in my dorm room in college, and some at home, with a little bit done in the studios at school.... so I had various diffferent setups to work with/around. I typically write on an acoustic... though death of a dream came from a beat i heard in my head while walking to class, and embrace the chaos started with me wanting to do a misique concrete noise piece that just happened to have a cool loop in it.
I played all the parts myself, except for the drums in drug of choice, and the keyboards in too late, a friend of mine produced that one, which is why it sounds so different than the rest of the album.

And phait... Lets see gutiar production... well i'm assuming your talking about embrace the chaos. I split a yamaha strat copy with a duncan distortion pickup into a disgusting crate amp and into a tech21 trademark 10 with it set on mesa... miked em up with 57s and double tracked it. The acoustics are miked sorta far with 57s and i used an eq to bring out the hi mids for a jangly old timey sound. that's really all i gotta say for that one. Disgusting! Death of a dream is cliche i know. whatever. It doesn't bother me there for some reason.

Again thanks all for the kind words and spread it like an STD.


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