anybody willing to give opinions???

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anybody willing to give opinions???

Post by ieatonlyshelfish » Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:28 pm

Hi everybody. First time poster in the mp3 forums here. Last night i uploaded two new recordings to my purevolume site:


Check out the new full demo of "snakes" as well as the beginning to a new track i layed out called "white sunlight". Please let me know what you think. much appreciated as always! thanks alot. -sean

just to let you know, there are some clicky-pops in snakes; i think i recorded in the wrong bitrate or something.

feel free to let me know what you think about a n y of my songs! thanks again! -sean

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Re: anybody willing to give opinions???

Post by ubertar » Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:19 am

I'm listening to snakes right now. The recording seems a bit "low-fi". I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I like the song a lot.

White Sunlight just came on, and it sounds a lot clearer. Whoa-- that ended quickly. Antennaeland went by fast, too-- are those just excerpts?

I like the dark guitar sound. If there's a way to make it more detailed without adding too much top end, I think that would be a good thing. What are you using for mics? I'd guess a dynamic. Maybe try mixing in a condenser for more detail. I could definitely get into listening to a full cd of this stuff, if the songs are varied enough. :^:

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Re: anybody willing to give opinions???

Post by YOUR KONG » Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:04 am

I like em, but I'd like more vocals. It sounds like you're trying for a mumbly inaudible thing, but I'd like the inaudableness to You know what I mean.

Nice tracks, though. I'm crabby today and don't want to like anything, but I like these.

Are you banging on your guitar for the "drums" in Snakes? Cool!

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Re: anybody willing to give opinions???

Post by ieatonlyshelfish » Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:10 am

Thanks alot for your positive (and negative) feed back, guys. It means alot to me.

Actually, ubertar, on snakes, the main guit track i am using a sp-b1 and a sm57. on all other guitar tracks i am using the b1. It may sound so dark because i dont use a pick? Im not sure. And yes; the other two are just excerpts or beginnings to the songs.

And ill work on bringing the vocals into the mix better. These songs are pretty bare-bones as far as production goes at this point. mic's straight into fostex vf80; no compression or pres or anything... Im not sure if i will do my final cuts this way or not...i kindof like the human feel this "lofi" set up gives me, and am pretty intimidated by outboard compression and all that jazz. Now to find someone to put a record out with! heh...

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Re: anybody willing to give opinions???

Post by ataraxia » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:54 pm

i like lo fi, but i don't like poppy things. my speakers don't like it either. more vocals. and maybe a pedal tone of sorts to connect everything.


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