mastering for pounding techno?

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mastering for pounding techno?

Post by mux » Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:01 pm


Second post. :)

I've been writing and performing electronic dance music at raves and parties for about five years now (and performing in front of rock audiences for years before that), but word-of-mouth isn't exactly the fastest way to get popular. The next logical step is to get some of my music onto a label or at least distributed somehow, so I'm slowly teaching myself studio recording. I've been reading TapeOp religiously; even though very little of the techniques (ie, anything to do with mics) apply to my stuff, I always walk away from the magazine with a bunch of new ideas.

Anyway - I see all kinds of advertisements in the back of the magazine for different mastering houses, and having tried my hand at mastering my own stuff, I have realized that I'm... well... really bad at it.

Does anyone here know a good mastering guy for pounding rave techno? What sort of questions should I be asking a mastering guy when I first talk to one? What sort of price is appropriate, per track (keeping in mind that a successful underground dance track is one that sells 2000 records, and the likelyhood of these tracks ever getting sold at all is small)?

Any other tips you guys can think of?


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