My Mixes

audio school
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My Mixes

Post by TSBro » Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:30 am

Last edited by TSBro on Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

takin' a dinner break
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Re: My Mixes

Post by markee2004 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:44 am

These comments apply to the song harlots:

I thought some of the ideas in this piece where quite good. The electronic drums sounded herendous all the way through, they were far to loud and where taking up far to much space across the whole frequency spectrum which really detracted from the power of the guitars, I think a real drummer giving a good performance would've made this piece ALOT better. the guitar sound in itself was certainly not the worst I've ever heard, although it was pretty bland and generic (I expect it was some kind of digital distortion/amp simulator?) it had no presence or power in the mix. I'd deffinately use a real amp next time overdriven and with some distortion pedal of your choosing. I don't remember wether there was a bass guitar, if there was it was so bland and buried in the mix I couldn't even hear it. So overall on the production side of things I think you need to look harder for some more original sounds from real players to bring the piece to life.

In terms of the composition, as I said earlier it genuinely had some quite good ideas in it. My biggest criticism is that parts of it sounded quite alot like other bands, and it sounded more like a bunch of ideas that had been chucked together rather than a composition with development and flow. The first part was a slightly perfect circle/metallicaish arpegio and I don't think you'd really built on that idea and created enough suspense etc... before going in to the heavy metallicaish part (which I'm not sure was the right way for the piece to go anyway). and as this part went on it grew into a heavy dillinger escape plan style work out which if I'm honest I found progressively boring. These three parts of the song felt almost entirely disconnected. Another thing was the drum fills on the heavier part really stuck out like a sore thumb, and were not right for the song. I suppose if you were working wih a real proficient drummer he probably would've played something more appropriate.
you can buy all the equipment in the world but it won't write the music for you.


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