Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It?

Will We Stay Together Until The Prince Show, 8/18?

Nope. Doom.
You may hate each other, but you'll suffer for Prince.
You will bond over "I Would Die 4 You" and get married.
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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by trashy » Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:31 pm

You're having the ubiquitous three month fight early. Not to worry. It's the Power of Prince pushing it out of the way so you will both enjoy the show.

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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by wing » Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:01 pm

This shit don't PLAY in L.A. homies!

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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by kcrusher » Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:04 pm

dude - stick it out! it's going thru the tough stuff that really proves your mettle. if you bail out expecting 'smooth sailing' the whole way thru then you're prolly gonna go thru a bunch of lame relationships until you realize that smooth sailing don't happen all that often.

another thing is to really examine why, exactly, the drama is happening. often times people behave a certain way because that's what they THINK they're supposed to do, without examining exactly WHY. most 'expected' relationship behavior is so fuckin' lame. you can't be friends with your ex, you don't love me if you're always off doing something else, blah, blah, blah.

given your description of her, if you decide to cut and run, can you put in a good word for me? i'd like to meet a smart, purdy girl....
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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by omegatr0n » Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:46 pm

Junokane - I had a similar experience not too long ago actually. I was going out with this girl for about 4 months. Her birthday was coming up in a month so I decided to get tickets to a Modest Mouse concert. We had pretty good communication and were very open with one another on everything. Anyway, we also had drama regarding relationships kind of stuff. Basically, differences that couldn't be resolved. We probably should have broken it off already but there was that concert so we just kept it going. We broke up a few weeks after that.
I don't know your exact situation but I would advise that you figure out if you can accept those differences that can't be resolved. I couldn't accept them so I broke it off...and am living the life of a ninja...a rock and roll ninja! I travel the country fighting crime with just an infinity gauntlet and a wang bass.
junokane wrote:So a couple of weeks back, I handed over my credit card and spent $172 (Ticketmaster, grrr) for two choice seats at the Prince show in mid-August. We joked at the time that it was the first show of faith towards any potential longevity (meaning, dating for longer than a month) in our relationship, sort of a rite of passage, like buying a washer and dryer together, or taking an airplane to meet one of our sets of parents or something. Would we make it????
A couple of weeks back, I handed over my credit card to your mom and spent $172. She had faith in my potential longevity and was satisfied.
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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by A.L. » Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:11 pm

It depends if you're desparate, kind of ugly and this is likely the last lady you will ever get with then maybe you should stick it out.

Otherwise, drew is right. There isn't enough time for that bullshit.

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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by JES » Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:30 am

Go to the concert. It'll be memorable one way or another.

As for the relationship-issues-too-soon thing, don't buy it. I've been together with my (now) spouse for 14 years, and we worked out most of our baggage shit in the first month. We get great, and have almost no arguments. The one big issue, two careers in one house, just got solved with this upcoming Montreal move. So it can work out.

Different strokes for different folks.


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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by Rigsby » Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:43 am

If you like her more than you dislike her baggage it's probably worth carrying on, but keep talking, and let her know that this stuff is getting in the way but that you like her. Just don't for fuck's sake tell her you discussed this on a message board with 4100-ish people potentially reading.
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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by junokane » Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:58 am

Rigsby wrote:Just don't for fuck's sake tell her you discussed this on a message board with 4100-ish people potentially reading.
Oh, I told her. She thinks it's hilarious.

The "hang in there" encouragement is cool, y'all. It's kind of how I feel. The other thing is that I've been vague, and everybody's had to fill in the blanks regarding what the "drama" is. I won't bore you with the details. The truth is that there's no way anyone could be expected to advise anybody else on this stuff unless they knew much, much more. It's interesting to see how different people would react to a situation like this, given the severe lack of information. This thread has turned into kind of a sociological survey of the mating habits of TO messagers. Neat. I'm not saying anybody's right or wrong, either, because every situation is exclusive. I just think it's interesting.

UPDATE: After a coupla - three days of no contact, just to get some perspective, we had a good phone call and are getting together over the weekend.

She told me all about the stud she picked up at a dive bar in my neighborhood night before last, how she tossed his ass out of her apt. after he burped while they were in mid-makeout. Funny story. Do I feel cuckolded? Nah. I've never been the jealous type.

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Re: Have 2 Prince Tix. Have Girlfriend Drama. Can We Make It

Post by cassettefetish » Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:09 pm

Is this her?


That girl did my mom in a dumpster, but not in L.A. This shit don't PLAY in L.A., homies!



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