Star Wars Episode III finally named...

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gettin' sounds
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Re: Star Wars Episode III finally named...

Post by monkeyboy » Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:16 am

The Producer of the first two Star Wars films was Gary Kurtz. If you are at all
interested in why the current movies suck so bad, you should read the following interview with him.

"George and I had many, many discussions about that, but it boiled down to the fact that he became convinced that all the audience was interested in was the roller-coaster ride, and so the story and the script didn't matter anymore."

George has been sited many times as having the opinion of the character development and script being unimportant in regards to movie making.
Incidentally, my favorite Star Wars episode Empire Strikes Back is the one
that George had the least involvement. Gary Kurtz was mostly to thank for
that one.

I do enjoy the prequel films...but with a lot of misgivings.


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