Support 'Free Trade'?

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Support 'Free Trade'?

Post by kcrusher » Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:57 pm

What does this mean, exactly?

(from ... 11&adno=54)

Dear [Elected Official's Name]:
Free trade is a vital contributor to America"s economic growth and sustainability. Thanks to free trade, Americans enjoy one of the healthiest economies and most prosperous ways of life in the world. However, an alarming amount of people are speaking out against free trade. They support a dangerously isolationistic approach, in spite of the fact that international trade contributes hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy each year.

The benefits of free trade are incalculable. Foreign investors have brought hundreds of thousands of well-paying, high-tech jobs to the U.S. Trade has encouraged competition, and America produces far more, far better, and far less expensive consumer goods than ever before. We are not only the world"s leading importer, we are the number one exporter of goods and it shows.

I strongly urge you to ignore the isolationists and mark the benefits that America reaps from an open market. Please support any legislation that promotes free trade, and encourage your colleagues in Congress to do the same.


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Re: Support 'Free Trade'?

Post by apropos of nothing » Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:39 pm

It means that Libertarians are idealists in spite of themselves.

Free trade would be an awesome deal if there were such a thing as an international minimum wage and protections for labor.

As it is, its a race to the bottom in terms of who can pay their workers the least and provice the least environmental protections in order to attract investment $.

For a clear picture think of any municipality that has put up tax-breaks and other incentives for X corporation to relocate there. Hey look, X Corp just got another sweetheart deal somewhere else -- seeya suckers.


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