Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by helstab » Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:51 pm

sserendipity wrote:
TrumpsHair wrote:It was interesting to watch. John seemed to want to sabotage himself, in terms of not living up to the expectations they had of him. (to be light and funny) He knew he was sort of being a drag, (as far as entertainment value was concerned)
Right at the time the show ended, he remarked very cynically, "that went great." or something like that.
I think he'll be surprised how well his frustration went over with the public, who are also frustrated.

On the contrary, he did exactly what he set out to do: making his point and being hilarous to watch to boot, at the expense of the show's hosts. He was way more prepared for this than either of them.

They don't know shit... and jon stewert just helped some people see it... but this fucking country is filled with too many fucking idiots like massive... and they refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes.

*walks off mumbling obscenities*
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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by saultime » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:08 am

The Media is broken, guys.

I guess--I'm not sure, but I think that once upon a time you could flip the news on or grab a paper every now and again and more-or-less figure out what's up in the world.

It might have scewed, from time to time, a bit left of center. But guess what: stories about the poor, minorities, war, and the oppressed almost always contain FACTS that aren't exactly favorable to corporate interests and the funding base of the Republican party in geneneral. If that's bias, then whatever.

The defacto news format now is two opposing hacks reading, often yelling at each other from their RNC or DNC script, with the "journalist" in the middle, doing no more than making sure each side gets an equall amount of time to yell. The anchors never call either side out on the facts. It's insane. Example:

RNC HACK: Greedy trial lawyers cause hurricanes.
DNC HACK: No they don't. Bush wants to bring back the draft.
Tucker Carlson: Well, it's up to the veiwers to decide, folks! See you next time on CROSSFIRE!

2 weeks later, there might be an article on page 7 of the Washington Post about how they've discovered trial lawyers really don't cause hurricanes. But because the same RNC hack has been on Crossfire, Hardball, the O'Reilly Factor, and Scarborough every fucking night for 14 days repeating the same fucking lies, the damage has already been done.

TV news is a source of information for people. Regardless of the truthfulness of what's said, a large proportion of the population is inclined to believe it, just a little bit, if it's on TV.

The swiftboat stuff is the prime example of this breakdown.Those guys should have NEVER been allowed on TV. (I know I catch a little bit of shit for saying that, but it will be from one of the same 3 guys who prove my point by believing it--because it's on TV.) The swifties have never EVER had a single fact to back up what they've said. They're just pissed, 30 years later, because John Kerry came back from Vietnam and protested their dirty little war. The Navy's records, and every man except one that served with Kerry, as opposed to around him back up his story 100%. Case Fucking Closed.

The very notion that anyone would have for more than 30 seconds entertained anything those guys said proves that the media isn't doing its job. If John O'Neil wanted to slam Kerry (he's been doing it for 30 years now) on cable news every night for 2 weeks, they should have asked him to bring some fucking facts with him first. The Media gave credibility to their claim just by letting them on TV.

Something has to change.
When is the Douchebag Rapture?

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by Mark67 » Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:37 am

saultime wrote:TIf John O'Neil wanted to slam Kerry (he's been doing it for 30 years now) on cable news every night for 2 weeks, they should have asked him to bring some fucking facts with him first. The Media gave credibility to their claim just by letting them on TV.

Something has to change.
Great post all around. Why doesn't anyone question what kind of man devotes his LIFE to obsessively following Kerry for 30 years trying to discredit him? Why doesn't anyone say "You know what? John Kerry's not the first guy to go into the military to pad his resume. But he DID GO."

It is sooooo looney tunes out there.

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by TrumpsHair » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:03 am

I must say, I hate John O'Neil with a passion. His sad, pathetic mug is enough to make my stomach churn. He is a bitter fuckface. If there's one reason I want to see Kerry sweep this thing is so O'Neil will be a broken man. And further, it would be great if O'Neil and is bitter co-horts were partially the cause of it, due to the backlash.
I don't know if any of you saw him on Nightline last week, but all I wanted to do was puch him through my TV, and I just sat there, giving him the finger each time he spoke.

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by saultime » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:27 am

I have no doubt that one day, they will find the skins of little children drying in John O'Neil's attic.
When is the Douchebag Rapture?

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by tomhampton » Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:28 pm

Saultime, your "media is broken" post is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

it continues to amaze me that people in this country will believe absolutely ANYTHING if they see it on TV. proves yet again that no matter how dubious the guy with the wallet, that credibility can still be bought and paid for.

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by ottokbre » Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:50 pm

there is something telling about america when the only guy here with balls is a comedian.
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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by foley » Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:19 pm

The media is definitely broken. I came home today for lunch, and flipped on CNN to catch some news and its ... a Bush campaign speech LIVE!. So I try CNBC - same speech. MSNBC? The same. Fox? Of course.

What the fuck? Why is the media so stupid that they believe Bush's handlers when they say he is going to make a "major policy address" in the middle of a campaign, and then leave him on after it is abundantly clear that his only point is to campaign and bash Kerry? What is this?

It so infuriated me I actually e-mailed CNN and called CNBC. These people have no spine, and no journalistic credibility right now. The ONLY mainstream media I can even consider slightly competent is ABC News because they refused to interview spinsters after the debates. I guess that was something. Ugh.

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by TrumpsHair » Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:23 pm

"We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God's name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion."
Howard Beale/Network

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by Mr. Dipity » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:24 pm

I've got some bad news guys.

Apparently, John Stewart lost the debate.

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Re: Hilarious: John Stewart on Crossfire- must see

Post by TrumpsHair » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:32 pm

AT the end of Crossfire today, Carville and Novak commmented on Jon's Friday appearance. I love what Novak said. "He is not funny, and he is not well-informed. :D Of course Novak would say that, Jon's always referring to him as a douchebag. :lol: :lol:


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