David Kucinich for President

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by helstab » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:08 am

opinions are like assholes....

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by rtopia » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:08 am

how do you save money if you can barely pay your rent?
I personally would get a second job or do whatever it took to get a better job or find a way to make additional income...

I realize this sounds oversimplistic and I know first hand how hard it is to improve a personal economic situation. Just because you barely make enough to pay your rent today doesn't necessarily make your circumstances permanent.

You stand of better chance of getting results by taking on the responsibility for yourself than expecting the government to deliver it you.

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by rtopia » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:11 am

opinions are like assholes....

Mine don't stink and your does!
wow - there's the voice of tolerance (not)

- r

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by Monkeyfist » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:14 am

But in the art of Japanese conversation, he who raise his voice in the arguement first loses said arguement, being that we are not in an auditory environment, the exclamations would be done through the text of course, by reading the overall body of the message. Now if one responds in anger or malice it would be arguing and said agressor would lose the win of the topic, unfortunately it drags passion out of topics. I have absolutely no idea why I am even writing this actually, but I feel it needs to be known.
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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by rtopia » Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:15 am

I have absolutely no idea why I am even writing this actually, but I feel it needs to be known.
Goodnight Austin Texas! Where ever you are!

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You're quoting Billy Gibbons, paying homage to Frank and the status message combined with your username would make a helluva good LP title.

- r

ps. well - I thought it was funny

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by trashy » Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:17 am

Left wing ideologues are just as closed minded as the Right wing ideologues.

I don't think anyone is being close minded here. We just disagree. I think everyone here has made valid points. I think my ideas are as kooky and half-assed as your ideas are. I really believe that if you put all of this stuff together, all of these kooky half-assed ideas, all of these Americans trying to make shit better, you'll get a great country; which is what we have. It's the pull of ideas that makes things better. I think this country would really go to hell if anyone, liberals, libertarians, conservatives, weirdos, wackos, included, got exactly what they wanted.

Here we are making things better.

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by rtopia » Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:23 pm

I think this country would really go to hell if anyone, liberals, libertarians, conservatives, weirdos, wackos, included, got exactly what they wanted.

If libertarians got exactly what they wanted, no one would have to sacrifice the type of lifestyle they wanted to live, whether or not they were liberal, conservative, weirdo or wacko.

No one would have to have a different ideology forced upon them by the government the way we do now. That socialized medicine, infringements on freedom of speech, the war on drugs, the patriot act, telecommunications universal service fees, Social Security...

Is there something wrong with the notion that Socialists could remain socialist, Conservatives longing for the "old days" could stay there, everyone else could their freak flag fly, etc, etc. as long as no one was forced to behave a certain way or pay for services they didn't use?

Shouldn't we have a right to choose how we want to live?

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by rtopia » Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:27 pm

sorry guys - I missed a word.
my second paragraph should've read:

No one would have to have a different ideology forced upon them by the government the way we do now. That INCLUDES socialized medicine, infringements on freedom of speech, the war on drugs, the patriot act, telecommunications universal service fees, Social Security...

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by Monkeyfist » Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:46 pm

I am a servicememeber in the United States Navy, and have been for 3 years now. I am 29 years old, didn't finish college, and am in the enlisted side (blue collar) of the military, and I can gaurantee you, the amount of crap I have to suppress on a daily basis due to right wing impressionists I work with is toe the line unbearable! Now I am a patriot as much as can be, I have done two cruises, been on several detachments, and been sent t.a.d. to so many places I can't count. All of which I have had to leave my wife for weeks to months at a time. I am limited in communication (ptretty much narrowed down to e-mail and a once a month phone call, and I am grateful for that). Also I have to leave behind my friends and family that live around me, including my band, and the cats I am working on other projects with. I am not trying to parade my anguish, but I am conveying them to show the iron clad trend that occurs due to a republican president in office. Job market goes down, the rich get richer, countries fight, economy busts, and people get upset. So if you want to avoid this trend, sincerely, look into every avenue before you make any decisions. Don't forget, we had fighting during CLintons term as well, but the media was quelled on that subject for the most part, due to a cigar festival. Man, Bill was entertaining! I am not saying don't vote republican, I am not saying don't vote democrat, or any other political party. I am saying that as a free people with the rights we have we kind of forget to do the homework on what we do, and forget to look into these people running for office. It is ultimately our decision in the end, and the more people that make the educated vote the better. Don't listen to influence, just look at the track records and histories of these folks trying to "lead" our nation. I am done, and will probably never take a stance like this again, since I really am not to hip on politiks to begin with.
Last edited by Monkeyfist on Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by trashy » Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:01 pm


I don't understand how your reply is any more open-minded than any of the other posts here. In fact, it sounds a heck of alot more close-minded. I'm a liberal, although pretty moderate, and proud of it, but I'll be damned if I ever thought that I had the exactly right formula for "fixing" this country. How totally absurd is that? How completely egotistical?

I'm thankful that libertarians, greens, and conservatives are around to check my demons. And I'm proud to be there check to theirs. It's society, that's what we do.

I feel like you keep changing the subject back to how you believe libertarianism is correct. For example, when I complained about some of the questions in the quiz, you pointed out that the questions are correct- totally ignoring the fact that the topic was whether the questions were biased. Here, in my last post I was arguing that no one is really being close-minded, and again you've produced a treatise on lassez-faire gov't.

Okay, fine, here's what happened the last time the government got out of people's lives: there was slavery, children worked in factories, workers were chained to their posts, people died in fires regularly do to the owners of the businesses and buildings total negligence, tainted meat was sold to the public and spoiled milk to the schools, black children went to school in boarded shacks with coffee cans in the corner to piss in, rivers caught on fire, children couldn't play in LA for 80% of the year because the air was too bad, defective products killed and maimed people, medicines were really just addictive substances with no medicinal benefits, privately-owned fire departments set fires to make money, huge monopolistic trusts ran competitors out of business and gouged customers, etc. etc. etc.

We as a people got together to make right some of these wrongs. To make right what individuals and businesses wouldn't. When people get together to make things right its called a government. Its a way for us to protect the natural rights all humans are born with (see John Locke). We've decided as a society that the right of the slaughterhouse to dump chlorine wherever it feels like is not as important as the right of the rest of the country that lives on the banks of the Missouri to enjoy that river without dying. It's what we do as a society.

Is there a better way to protect rights? I can't think of one, and neither has any society ever in the history of the world. Maybe in some respects we've gone to far - that's what libertarians are for; tell us that requiring handrails on a staircase to be exactly 60' high is ridiculous. But this my way or the highway attitude is not cutting it.
Last edited by trashy on Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by aurelialuz » Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:01 pm

akaromeo1 wrote:No one would have to have a different ideology forced upon them by the government the way we do now. That INCLUDES socialized medicine, infringements on freedom of speech, the war on drugs, the patriot act, telecommunications universal service fees, Social Security...
so what is the point of society? what is the point of government if not to provide for that society? and sure, it's nice to think everybody should be able to do whatever the friggin 'ell they want, but how realistic is that really? if your neighbor is cooking meth and he blows the neighborhood up, that's cool with you?

the only reason society started in the first place was to protect its members from bears and other nasty things with large claws. everything else all the way up to and including the patriot act is an extension of that. these idiots think they're 'protecting us' or at least that's the excuse they're using.

and yeah, it would be nice if we could all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, get a second job, or recycle enough cans to buy back our nuclear power plant, but if someone was offerring you free health care, you really wouldn't take it? REALLY?

the notion that everybody should be left to fend for themselves is ridiculous. you know that bad driver you're complaing about on the way home from work? that idiot that works the drive through at taco bell? that asshole who ripped you off on ebay cause he was so desperate for cash your ten bucks really made a difference to him? wouldn't it be nice if these people were actually educated, fully contributing members of society? it's totally cyclical.

i gotta tell ya, i'll give 50% of my income if it decreases the amount of fucking morons i have to deal with everyday. shit, in oregon, that's only 20% more than i'm already paying for nothing.

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by Monkeyfist » Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:40 pm

Hey thanks for the kudos on the liners. I am glad someone caught them, just wish the damned oompah loompah thing would have caught on more. But hey, you could live in happiness to, like the oompah loompah doompaty doo!
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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by trashy » Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:45 pm

I loved the oompah loompah thing. It was clever. I didn't reply because I couldn't think of anything equally clever. So now you get this...

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by Monkeyfist » Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:21 pm

I am relieved that the Oompah Loompah thing touched someone! It's about damn time someone gave props to Willi Wonka! Represent!

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Re: David Kucinich for President

Post by DUC » Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:25 pm

Willi Wonka, the most fucked up, tripped out, reefer movie, ever made. Let's kill all the greedy little children. Yay!

Is it out on DVD?
Vocals, vocals, vocals!


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