Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

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Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by inverseroom » Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:38 pm

Sound crazy? Read this: ... detat.html

One day this summer we'll all collectively blink, and everything will suddenly make sense. Perhaps the day Powell resigns...

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by greenmeansjoe » Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:51 pm


Crazy stuff.

Fuckin' asshole(s).

I hope Bush is impeached. That would be awesome.


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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by I'm Painting Again » Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:24 pm

poor Bush..i wonder if this article will ring true in the future..i like the end in the quote from capitol hill blue how it says "President George W. Bush's increasingly erratic behavior and wide mood swings has the halls of the West Wing buzzing lately as aides privately express growing concern over their leader's state of mind. In meetings with top aides and administration officials, the President goes from quoting the Bible in one breath to obscene tantrums against the media, Democrats and others that he classifies as "enemies of the state. Worried White House aides paint a portrait of a man on the edge, increasingly wary of those who disagree with him and paranoid of a public that no longer trusts his policies in Iraq or at home."

all hail president Dennis Hastert..

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by jamoo » Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:29 am

white against black with grey always winning because gray is white And black and invisible..

This makes me think, and sometimes I think like this...

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by jamoo » Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:52 am

thekingandcaroline wrote:
I hope Bush is impeached. That would be awesome.
I doubt it will happen before the election. American politics is like team sports, and Republicans still run the legislature. If they lost all those seats like the Labour party just did in the UK, then we might have something... Alas, the presidential election is sooner.

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by inverseroom » Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:16 am

This would explain something else--the reason John McCain turned down Kerry's offer to be his running mate. If the Republicans lose Bush and Cheney, nobody would vote for Hastert in November--they would have to run the only Republican anybody considers to have personal integrity--John McCain. A McCain vs. Kerry election would be a battle on the issues between two war heroes, friends, and men of integrity--there would be no mudslinging whatsoever.

God, I drool at the prospect.

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by djimbe » Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:43 am

That quote that Beard of Bees posted has "ibogane" written all over it. Eratic behavior, mood swings, strange vocal rantings. Ibogane brought down Ed Muskie...stuff is worse than crack...Where's Dr. Thompson when we need him?
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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by bobbydj » Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:58 am

That was on telly here the other night. This Weegie bloke tryin to kick meth went on some ibogane thang. Seemed like voo-doo to me but wtf do I know.
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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by inverseroom » Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:53 pm

Here's an update: ... id=1794290

Indictments are looming. Heads will start rolling soon. Mark my words!

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by andrew embassy » Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:45 pm

Does anyone else think that these stories all seem a little bit poorly supported? Not to say that I wouldn't love to see Bush impeached (or that I don't belive that he deserves to be impeached), but the writing on some of these articles is really substandard, and I find myself doubting the sources...
HEY! Who forgot they bag?

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by inverseroom » Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:25 pm

Perhaps. But I read the Seymour Hersh article last fall about the CIA forgery papers, and he is about as reliable as they get. And reported on the 5th that Bush and Cheney have both retained private counsel. This is pretty unusual, I think.

I suspect they'll go for Rove and Libby when the indictments come down, rather than right for the top--indeed, I don't believe you can indict a sitting president without articles of impeachment. But I really do believe they're coming down--the fact that, years after the fact, the Plame affair is still hot in Washington is rather telling.

Whether this will lead to Bush's demise is worth being skeptical about, of course--but this is not going to be a happy summer for him.

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by Electricide » Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:03 pm

BUSH is the Greatest President ever, you commie scum bag faggots.


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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by ubertar » Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:37 am

I emailed the link to that article to a friend, who had this reply:
I think the guy is too tightly wrapped around his
own agenda to see what's
really going on. This little sentence of his says
it all for me:

"But the neocons have stalled at the ugly stage:
killing hundreds of
thousands of people; destroying Iraq's industrial
and cultural
infrastructure as their own bombs and other
people's RPGs blow everything
up; getting caught running torture camps; and
making the whole world
intensely dislike America."

Killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people? No. Try
maybe ten or twenty
thousand. Hundreds of thousands was what Saddam
killed. Hundreds of
thousands is the rough number killed in Sudan so
far this year. This guy, to
some degree, is hysterical -- and I don't mean a
laugh-riot. Likewise, his
giving ominous portent to the fact that Tenet
resigned in the evening --
pronouncements like that make him sound like an
astrologer -- maybe he gets
his info from the bereaved Nancy Reagan.
Destroying Iraq's industrial and
cultural infrastructure. No, I think Saddam beat
them to that one, unless
you count ethnic cleansing as a cultural
infrastructure that shouldn't be
destroyed. In that case, he may have a point.
Finally, as far as Bush making
the whole world dislike America goes, I'd say
that's kind of silly -- Death
to America is a 25 year old phrase in the middle
east. The French have
always hated us, even as we rescued them in WWII.
And the rest of the world
hates Bush, but not necessarily America -- most
of them would move here,
given the chance. They envy life here, they
resent our power and wealth and
freedom. They want these things for themselves,
but with their own
respective cultures at the core. If Kerry is
elected, the French and the
middle east will still hate America. We don't
want to do what we'd have to
do for them to love us -- implode.

Also, as far as the article goes, the man tries
to make too much from too
little with respect to Ms. Plame. To hear him
tell it, Plame was the key US
intelligence source with the Saudis. Without her,
we have no clue what's
going on there. This sounds goofy to me. First,
he doesn't have any idea
what intact intelligence sources we have there,
Plame or no. Second, from
the way he and other people have been tying the
Bushes to the Saudi royals,
one would think they're really all one big family
-- in which case the
Bushes themselves would be the ultimate
intelligence source re Saudi oil.
Finally, he seems to think that he's breaking
news by telling us that ARAMCO
has lots of power wielded by lots of
well-connected greedy people -- well,
no shit. I hope people weren't thinking that
world capital and resources
were controlled by their kids' den mothers.

Bottom line -- the guy seems blinded by his own
politics into making way too
many specific inferences from the political tea
leaves he's gathered. If he
had information worth taking seriously, he
wouldn't have to bother with
using reports of presidential "mood swings" to
bolster his argument -- not
to mention the sensationalism in describing his
many factlets as a "coup
detat." Yeah right. And then Bush will go into
Cheney's bunker and surface
years later in Brazil with an army of millions of
little Bush clones.

It goes without saying that, like the writer,
Bush is also a fool. We all
know his slimy family has been well connected to
money and oil for many
generations now. They dodged Iran-contra rather
effectively ten years ago --
and that case looked like a slam dunk compared to
this. Also, just because
someone at the CIA testifies that he told Bush
that there was no evidence of
Nigerian yellowcake doesn't mean Bush can't turn
around and say, yeah, but
this other intelligence officer told me that
there was, and I found him/her
to be more credible, or whatever. I see lots of
power with lots of wiggle
room, when it comes to Bush. Don't forget that
Nixon only got busted because
he thought he could keep the tapes to himself.
Clinton only got caught lying
because of the blue dress. These guys know better
now. And the people of
this country don't care about any of this stuff
-- they forgot who Plame was
before they ever knew, and they couldn't tell you
Tenet's name yesterday or
today, either. Those who hope for Bush's
impeachment on the basis of what
this article says should remember what happened
to Oliver North --
nothing -- except he became a Republican
politician (and John Poindexter
became a highly paid government intelligence
consultant). And then just
recently you would have thought Mr. "I don't
recall" Reagan was the friggin'
messiah with the funeral he received. So, yeah,
if Bush is squirming a bit,
to the point where he's hired a criminal defense
lawyer, cool, but the
election is only five months away and the only
way Bush is leaving office is
if people show up at the polls. We'll see.
I don't agree with everything he says, but it's worth considering.

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by ubertar » Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:37 am

Here's another article by the same guy: ... caine.html

Sounds pretty far-fetched to me.
It's too bad. I would love to see Bush impeached.

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Re: Is Bush About To Be Impeached?

Post by thunderboy » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:11 pm

Impeached, or removed from office? Not necessarily the same thing...

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