bore into music

audio school
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Joined: Tue May 11, 2004 3:45 pm

bore into music

Post by bigskydrinkwine » Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:41 pm

New to cleveland area

Wanting to see if anyone is bored with all sorts of crap music on the radio, bored with posers in their amped up shit cars, bored with gossip in reatil jobs.....etc.

looking to hang out and listen to albums, go to shows, swap records, practice, learn from you on playing this and that, influence one another with our favorites, and keep a close knit gang mentality around us.

I'm 26 and looking for anyone remotely close in age, guys OR girls. I live in Twinsburg with my girlfriend and am looking to build some friendships, being that I just moved here from DC.

buenos dias,



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