
david faulk
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Post by david faulk » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:03 am

I just stoped by to see if things had moved on to - umm.. what is it you are all supposed to be talking about on here? Your illustrious careers? Your wonderful music?
You guys are STILL saying the saying crap over and over about my post / advertisement. Is anyone interested in giving it a break?
I'm man enough to say here and now that I posted inappropriately, ok? Is that good enough or what? Does that mean anything at all or not? Do u want blood?
I'm actually a nice guy if anyone would take the time to talk with me on a decent level. So what if I posted in a way some of you don't approve of. It's over, guys. Let it go.
1. "Name dropping" was a way for me to show that I've worked with some serious people in the business and thought it would have people show more of an interest in what I've done and want to work with me. I still see other studios listing their clientelle all the time so I really didn't see anything wrong about that.
2. I posted in BOLD TYPE. It was my first post. I don't know why it's such a big deal. I thought it would draw more attention to my posting. Man, was that a bad choice.
3. I listed a patch bay and a dual-cassette deck in my studio equipment list. I was merely just trying to cover all the bases. I didn't think it was an absolute "no-no" in equipment listings.
4. I have a 32 channel StudioMaster mixing console which I forgot to list. I never said I was an incredible bulletin board posting kind of guy. I left out a bunch of things, come to think of it.
Anyway, I know I'll probably get a ton of more insults and crap about even posting this but c'mon - cut a guy some slack. I said I wouldn't post here anymore if that would make things better for all the horrible things I've done (i.e. promoting my studio and not knowing which board to use or how to write it). It's been about 4 or 5 days now - I think - and I was just checking in to see what other things might be being discusses here but it's still all about me. Does anyone have ANYthing else to say concerning music stuff (aside from insulting me)? I don't want to have any more of this internet verbal warfare with people who have nothing better to do than continue this endless banter about my stupidy in posting for the first time around here.
Suddenly, I'm attacked and I really don't want to argue with anyone, honestly. I'd really like to discuss music stuff with some of you but if that's not an option, then I'll just let you guys go on your merry way of day-after-day discussing me - which, in itself - is not any more productive than my post trying to promote my studio. Does a "sorry" work?
If I was THAT horrible in trying to promote my studio and then returning fire on those who went balistic on me, fine. I said I won't post here any more but just talk about music for christssake - anything else. I really wanted to know more about some of what everyone else is doing musically and things but I don't know.
It's 2:45 a.m. and I just finished a session a little while ago and decided to surf the net a bit and find that there have been relentless attacks on me here. I don't know what those few of you want. I have had about 3 or 4 good responses to my posting here and one person wishes to come see the studio and possibly record here so that's a good thing so some good things have come from my original post.
Anyway - I won't waste anymore of anyone's time. I just think a lot of you could chill out a bit and realize that an ignorant posting doesn't mean that someone is a bad person. Either way - I'll check this board in a couple of days and see what the result is. I don't NEED to post here. I just wanted to post here and, in getting some feedback, make some connections and stuff. Over the internet, it's not like any of us can kick anyone else's ass so everyone has such fun in posting mean-spirited things because they can sit on their computers in their underwear at night and just "go off" on people and be so very tough and cruel - but it's all pointless if anyone has half a brain and can see the point I'm making here.
I type fast so I might spell a word wrong or two. Does that mean I have to be insulted for ONE time typing "sttudio" instead of studio? This is rediculous. I really want to hear more about the TapeOp and what everyone is doing and - yes, I listed a lot of the people I work (and have worked) with. I see that on almost every studio website I've ever been to.
Don't judge me on these childish things because there is a lot I can offer and hopefully a lot I can learn. Can we agree that we disagreed and end all these insults? Of course, I can just unsubscribe (or whatever you call it) to this board and leave in peace but I really don't think I'm the only person who has been a jerk. Some people here have really gone off the deep end and it's not that important.
Anyway, I'll check back in a few days. If it's still a bulletin board that features every single post about me then, yeah - I'll just say screw it and unsubscribe or whatever you call it. I'm sure this post will produce a ton of insults and people disecting my every word but I'm just a New Orleans producer who has done some very good quality work and own a studio. I thought it would be a good place to promote it. That's all I was trying to do.
David Faulk
Peace. :?:
David "D. Funk" Faulk
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wing » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:15 am

david faulk wrote:4. I have a 32 channel StudioMaster mixing console which I forgot to list. I never said I was an incredible bulletin board posting kind of guy. I left out a bunch of things, come to think of it.
whew! man, i was just worried for you there. it just seemed odd.

anyway, sorry the msg board has caused you so much heartbreak and emotional disaster... not to sound mean or anything, but posting things like this will only get people to say more crap. just ignore them, or whatever. i'm not on either side of the fence, frankly i don't really care either way... but i do have to agree bold type is a little hard to read, and posting ads to your studio everywhere is kinda unprofessional; but hey, i'm not going to bother or yell at you or call you stupid over it, cause i guess now you know what and what not to do? it's the internet, and most definitely not worth taking seriously a lot of the time, especially stuff from dorks like us. well anyway, i hope you don't hate tapeop, and best of luck to you. :D

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by dougo » Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:04 am


Thanks for the reply to all. I agree with wing on many points. May I suggest is just forget all the negative s*!t and continue to record. Personally everyone here at the TapeOp messageboard has been incredibly supportive and helpful in my bungling attempt to record my own music. For this I am eternally grateful.

Now the good news. Being that you are in New Orleans I would strongly advise going to TapeOpCon. Man, I'm stuck out in CA currently out of work and runnin' low on cash. You are there! It will be the best thing goin' since sliced cheese in a plastic wrapper(which I truly love growing up as a army brat). At least you will be there and meeting new people from 4 trackers to the heaviest of heavies in recording.

Have a Pabst, kick back and enjoy!

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by dubold » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:41 am

yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with dougo. Go and check out TapeopCon. Maybe you'll get a different perspective on this loose definition of a community. I think there's a lot of valuable information to be had here, and a lot of good humor. It's really a shame that you didn't see that side of it at first. For the record, I think that your original post wasn't appropriate, but since I'm not the webmistress, I just let it go. The post certainly didn't deserve as much abuse/discussion as it recieved.

I hear New Orleans is a great town. Good luck with the studio.


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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:15 pm

Hey I thought you said you weren't coming back here because we were a bunch of pricks? What gives???

I just read your whole post and you just don't get it. Let me just give you some free, unsolicited advice: calling yourself the "hottest" anything is not only shameless, unsubstantiated self-promotion, but it is also really hard to believe when you demonstrate such a limited understanding of the basic tools of the trade, ie: your 22-channel patchbay. It would be like going to the doctor and having her say, "well, you've got a problem with one of those heart thingies."

If you came here and said "hey everyone, I've got this modest studio setup here in Louisiana and I just wanted to let some folks know what I'm up to," I think you would've had a very different reception. But when you start off by telling everyone how "hot" you are and then present this totally amateur website that clearly reveals your ignorance of the basic tools of this craft, it's kind of hard to take you seriously. Like Chuck D. said, "Don't Believe the Hype." I'm half expecting you to tell me you recorded that.

Last edited by wayne kerr on Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by trashy » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:23 pm

You know, you probably didn't read this in any of the other threads about you (that must be weird - having multiple threads about you) but I posted that I hoped you would continue posting here and become a regular member of our community. Of course, I said a lot of other stupid stuff (some at your expence) before and after that. So, please accept my apology - while I don't take kindly to spamming inside this community, I forgot that you were a real person for a bit. I'm sorry. Please post here more; you'll learn alot, and we'll learn from you, I'm sure!

Just to let you know, as far as equipment is concerned, my "studio" sucks compared to yours. I do have a dual cassette deck, but one side is busted... so I can't even brag about that. SO, I guess I should've kept my mouth shut there, too.

Anyway, I suck. While I'm sure that in some ways you suck, too, I don't know you from jack, so I shouldn't be talkin' none (as my neighbors would say.)

One mo thing: Don't pass up the oportunity to go to TapeOpCon. You'll not be sorry. And keep posting here!

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:54 pm

Trashy wrote:Just to let you know, as far as equipment is concerned, my "studio" sucks compared to yours.
I don't ever recall you glossing yourself as the "Hottest Producer in Red Bluff" Trashy!

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:56 pm

DFunk wrote:realize that an ignorant posting doesn't mean that someone is a bad person.
I don't think anyone has called you a bad person on this board.

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by junokane » Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:04 pm


I was on vacation while this whole thing went down, and I still haven't read all the shit-slinging, and I won't, because frankly, it's boring.

I'm not surprised that you took heat for it for two reasons -- 1) you called a ton of attention to yourself -- all of which has been beaten to death already, so I won't add to it. 2) There are, on this board and all boards, a minority of smartasses who get off on picking apart stuff like that.

A bit of good-natured crap-throwing is cool with me, but the reason I'm posting a reply to this here post is because I, for one, think that you got blitzed beyond the realm of anything I've ever seen around here. Granted, it wasn't entirely without reason, but this type of communication makes it easy for folks with pseudonyms to throw a blanket party on somebody and never have to own up to it. Then, it's mob mentality, and you find yourself at the bottom of the pile.

It's entirely possible, very likely even, that you are a decent fella, and I'd bet that you will, if you choose to be, much more of an asset to this community than at least a few of those who shat on you. That, David, will be your best revenge.

To any and everybody else who happens to read this post and knows what is going on, I think it would be awfully human of all of us to allow David to post a helpful hint about mic placement sometime without bringing up his introduction to this forum. I'd rather he forget about it, especially since I'm sure he knows a ton more about recording than I do, and maybe sometime he'll help me out.

I sure as hell know that there are plenty of folks here who won't, because there are people here who only post (sometimes amusing) off-topic crap that I like at times, but it doesn't help me get my Mac working again. I wonder sometimes if some of them have ever recorded so much as an answering machine message.

Anyway, not to toot my own horn (I'm an unashamed novice), but I've been reading TO and following the board since issue #1 and wrote some stuff early on for Larry (non-tech-related, which is why I don't any more, I don't know enough stuff to report in the 'zine now), and even made it into the TO book. I say this because I would hate to see something I've grown to love turn into the kind of flamefests I've seen on other boards and such.

In closing, I really admire you for posting again, and I hope it's not the last time. And go to Tape-Op Con. I wish I could.

respectfully --

Bob Toevs
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:50 pm

Oh yeah, I can't wait for more of this...
david faulk wrote:Gimme' a freakin' break. This is my first time posting here. I don't know all the rules yet. And do you honestly think that ANYONE who owns a recording studio works for free and the simple LOVE of working? Of COURSE I want to make more money. That's why I'm advertising on this site. Grow up and do something other than just critiqing other people's posts and they "way" they said something. I'm trying to push my studio. If I should do it on Studio Listings, fine. Calm down, chill out, take a valium. It's not THAT big of a deal. Relax. ...And I'll type in bold whenever I feel like it. If someone get ANNOYED seeing text in bold, they probably have some other issues to deal with. Help! I'm seeing bold writing!! I have to say it's pretty sad that you have nothing better to do than list 3 examples of why my post sucked.
Yeah, you're right Junokane, the flaming was totally unjustified.

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by trashy » Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:13 pm

sissy_hankshaw wrote:
Trashy wrote:Just to let you know, as far as equipment is concerned, my "studio" sucks compared to yours.
I don't ever recall you glossing yourself as the "Hottest Producer in Red Bluff" Trashy!

Actually, the sad part is that I probably do have the hottest studio in Red Bluff... Jeez, I must have had at least two bands in here last year. I was swamped!

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:16 pm

Trashy wrote:Actually, the sad part is that I probably do have the hottest studio in Red Bluff... Jeez, I must have had at least two bands in here last year. I was swamped!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And I suppose you have a 22-channel patchbay too!

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by junokane » Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:30 am

sissy_hankshaw wrote:Oh yeah, I can't wait for more of this...
david faulk wrote:Gimme' a freakin' break. This is my first time posting here. I don't know all the rules yet. And do you honestly think that ANYONE who owns a recording studio works for free and the simple LOVE of working? Of COURSE I want to make more money. That's why I'm advertising on this site. Grow up and do something other than just critiqing other people's posts and they "way" they said something. I'm trying to push my studio. If I should do it on Studio Listings, fine. Calm down, chill out, take a valium. It's not THAT big of a deal. Relax. ...And I'll type in bold whenever I feel like it. If someone get ANNOYED seeing text in bold, they probably have some other issues to deal with. Help! I'm seeing bold writing!! I have to say it's pretty sad that you have nothing better to do than list 3 examples of why my post sucked.
Yeah, you're right Junokane, the flaming was totally unjustified.

1) Take a look at some of your posts, S_H. Not exactly the kind of thing I look forward to, either, some of them. And since when is the TO board only about you? If David goes away and smears TO to others, does that do anybody any good? What if he actually has something to contribute?

2) I thought I made it clear that I wasn't surprised that David was opening himself up for crap. That includes his first reactions to his initial posts.

3) You imply that I said that "the flaming was totally unjustified". I never said anything of the sort.

I wanted David to know that there are plenty of folks on this board who could very likely benefit from his participation, assuming that his history and experience isn't absolute fiction. I also wanted to assure him that, in general, lots of people love this space and would hate to see someone driven away by a few people who obviously love flogging a very, very dead horse.

Finally (and this is the last I'll be reading of any posts on this topic, so flame away on me if you must, I really don't care), I gotta make one more point:

I can see perhaps throwing a couple of well-placed jabs at someone who ignores rules or comes across as blatantly self-promoting in multiple forums. However, I can't figure out why anyone would expend so much time and energy repeatedly attacking any poster. What purpose does it serve, to you or to the board in general? Haven't you made your point, ad nauseum, already? The TO board should be inclusive, I believe, not some little boys' treehouse with a "No ____s Allowed" sign nailed at the entrance, fill in the blank.

Further, I think folks deserve a second chance. Our subject, David, obviously has a real interest in getting involved here. Otherwise, he wouldn't have posted yet another thread. To attack him yet again, or to attack those who are more forgiving than you, not only does no good, it does harm, because lots of people don't like wasting their time reading this shit. They'd rather discuss recording and music. And they might do it somewhere else. That would be a shame, at least to me.

I now include myself in the ranks of folks who don't like wasting their time reading this shit. So I won't.

Hillary, you should probably move this thread to off-topic. It sure as hell ain't about a studio listing.
Juno Kane
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by trashy » Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:33 am

Hell-A, do me a favor, and don't respond here, man. Just pm junokane. He should have pm'd you instead of posting his last, but that's niether here nor there.

This is silly.

So, Dave F., what do you think?

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by wayne kerr » Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:58 am

I don't know who Hell-A is, but I'm done with this thread. :roll:

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
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