Your Motivation

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Your Motivation

Post by Devlars » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:27 am

Id like to ask a simple question to everyone who uses or browses these pages and that question is:

Why do you do what you do? What motivates you to write, perform, record, produce, learn etc. What drives you towards music the way it does?

For me I have to write, perform, record,'s a God given gift that would be an unnatural thing to suppress and not do. I love writing songs, having that joy and satisfaction from knowing that I just made something that is 100% new and my own. The creative process itself is a wonder to me and one of the most thrilling things I can engage in with my friends. To add to the art form that affects everybody young, old, of all sorts, shapes, locations and understandings. I just :hearts: it all.
Last edited by Devlars on Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by cgarges » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:34 am

I do it because I have to. It's not that I COULDN'T do anything else, I just couldn't do anything else, you know? I've set up a path in life that sort of makes me do it. I didn't go to school and get a degree in "something to fall back on." I've gone through periods of accruing debt and no income because I knew that if I held out, something cool would come along that I wouldn't have been able to take advantage of if I had taken another job. It's a tough road, but I take great pride in telling people that I'm a professional musician. Being a freelancer makes that even more rewarding--in an emotional sense, if not a financial one.

Chris Garges
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by Stephen » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:42 am

Very simple: When I was eight I figured out music and art are where it's at. Also Rock n' Roll is the most, daddy-O
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by dynomike » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:57 am

I always feel like I'm just screwing around and wasting time when I'm not producing something.. and I love music, so thats probably why I write music! I play music partially for expression, but also just because I like to improve my skills all the time.

Makes me wonder why I'm in school though. Or in Ottawa at all. Sigh.

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by bigtoe » Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:03 am

i don't know but i've trying killing won't die...sometimes i wish i was a rabid birdwatcher!


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Re: Your Motivation

Post by superluminalmagus » Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:23 am

I got into recording because I got into playing. I wanted to make sure I could remember all the songs (I've written about 340 song over 8 years, some good, some not.)

I'm not sure why I got into music. Just one day I got it into my head that I should play guitar. So I did. I learned everything else (bass, vocals, drums, keys) out of necessity to complement my guitar playing because I have a lot of problems finding people who are interested in playing my material for some reason. Maybe the songs really suck or maybe I'm just a real asshole. Search me, eh. :?
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by bobbydj » Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:25 am

I'm a bit of bird watcher. I mean, only a little bit. I don't really know much at all. But out of the window quite regularly I watch this buzzard high over the pine tress just the other side of the river here. I've always loved buzzards from the first time I saw one on holiday in Wales when I was little. But until a few years ago you never saw them across the boarder here in England. Now, though, there's one here - and fucking hell. What ace birds they are. All they do is soar around all afternoon - never flapping their wings once. It's actually a pisser because for some unknown reason these rooks keep trying to hassle the buzzard - flying up to it and I dunno, trying to buffet it. But it does NOT give a shit. It doesn't even look at them - it just twitches one wing - not even trying to be cool - and suddenly it's half a mile away. Effortless.


Back on topic. Answer - dunno. :)
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by Devlars » Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:46 am

BobbyDJ, the answer to why you are into music is right in front of you...that cool picture of Matrix Man playing the Super Marios Bros theme (he must be) on the Casio! That's your answer!!

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by bobbydj » Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:53 am

Bobby D. Jones
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by inhumentor » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:18 pm

Yer mom! ZING! Boom... er yeah. I guess because I have to. It makes me feel worth something. Makes my life valid or something. And it's fun! Alot of the time anyway.
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by KennyLusk » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:51 pm

If I didn't play the music that's in my head it would accumulate until my head exploded. And I owe it to society to be as sane as possible when I'm out in public, so I play my music, get it out (the music, that is) and I feel better. Everyone's happier that way.

I Record my music because it's fun, it's a huge challenge (HUGE!!!), it affords me an outlet where it's acceptable to be "anal" and a perfectionist without having to listen to the criticism that comes with being "anal" and a perfectionist. The end-result pleases people because they get to hear the most beautiful music they've ever heard before and that makes the world a better place to be in.

So I think, basically, I do this because it keeps people off my back and makes the world a nicer place to live. Yeah, that's it. Wow, I feel better now.

Oh, and there's also that whole vibrational connection to the Universe thing that happens when you're grooving on your guitar and singing like the angels. Vibrational medicine puts into practice the stuff people read about in quantum mechanics textbooks. Why just read about it when you can live it?

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by joelpatterson » Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:25 pm

To get something just right on a CD--so that when someone listens, they're right there, the band is right there, it's alive... it's a powerful thing. That's one aspect,the power-monger aspect.

Then there's the life-on-the-edge aspect, creating my own career as it happens. I wake up in the morning when I want, where I want, free to set the agenda I want.

And that's it basically, the freedom and the power, and thank God I never took a cold hard look and instead just did it, blindly, faithfully.

And Lord, while we're at it, keep the speakers I'm buying from Chris Garges safe and sound on their passage up the East Coast. I promise to do amazing things with them. Amen.
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Re: Your Motivation

Post by cgarges » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:11 pm

joelpatterson wrote:And Lord, while we're at it, keep the speakers I'm buying from Chris Garges safe and sound on their passage up the East Coast. I promise to do amazing things with them. Amen.
Well, he just did a great job with the speakers I got from Soma.

I'm so excited, I'm about to piss in my pants, although that's really probably got more to do with all that Dr. Pepper.

Chris Garges
Charlotte, NC

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by Knights Who Say Neve » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:01 pm

To alter perceptions and consciousness. My own, and hopefully others's, but mine first and foremost.

Hmm I guess that sounds rather hippie but it's accurate.

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Re: Your Motivation

Post by Mr PC » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:40 pm

I've been drawn to music since the moms in my neighborhood noticed my intense interest in pianos, so my family got one.

I'm a bit guilty of taking the music for granted sometimes, as it is just a fact of life. I realize that it is somewhat romantic to some. To me, it is just a fact of life, and life is good. Actually, a day doesn't go by when I don't thank God for my musical inclinations.

I'm lucky enough to be a partner with a guy who is a great songwriter. I've never felt the urge to write, for whatever reason. Maybe I had too happy a childhood. But I love the game, the act of making songs come to life. Pop music is a great thing. (pop music as defined broadly, including Elvis, Hank Williams, James Brown, Public Enemy etc...)



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