Reach exceeds grasp...

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sad iron
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Reach exceeds grasp...

Post by sad iron » Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:49 pm


So I just got this great new A&H system 8 2416 board and a Berhrry ADA8000 to link to my 828mkII for 22 channels of output. Very exciting.

But I get everything set up and go to break out all of the tracks that I have summed in Logic Audio to discover that I can only bring out 12 channels w/ Logic Audio. Never been an issue before so I never bothered to check it out.

So now what? The AudioDesk thing that came with the 828 lets me use the optical tracks, but I have found that program to be a little clippy and CPU hoggy. It has just never run right consistently for me and I don;t want to fight it.

There's Traktion too for cheap, but I don't know much about it. Seems different than a lot of the programs out there and I don't want to have to relearn the world.

I am tempted to sell the computer and get an HD24 or something, but that might be extreme.

I am not going to Protools, simply because I can't afford to buy the hardware right now.

So I have outgrown my tiny britches here and not really sure what to do. I have loved logic, but I am not going to pay a grand to upgrade. I'm not making $$ with my set up. I just want to bring 24 tracks out to my board and not lose all the work I've done in the past 2 years. What big boy pants should I put on?

PS: Maybe this should be in ^&%&*%* Computer, but it's dealing w/ gear too, so....sorry.
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Re: Reach exceeds grasp...

Post by spankenstein » Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:22 am

There's a demo of Traktion. I still haven't played with it but that's a shot and it's pretty cheap anyway. I REALLY hate software that imposes artificial limits like on 12 tracks out :roll:

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Re: Reach exceeds grasp...

Post by sad iron » Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:27 pm

spankenstein wrote:There's a demo of Traktion. I still haven't played with it but that's a shot and it's pretty cheap anyway. I REALLY hate software that imposes artificial limits like on 12 tracks out :roll:
I had downloaded a demo of Traktion a while back and fireed it up this morning. I had good sounding tracks up and running in less than an hour. Once you figure out how this thing wants to work, it's a no brainer. And it's tiny. AudioDesk is almost a 30meg app and Traktion is something like 7 megs. Super fast.

I tried to import tracks and get a mix going in both apps and gave up on audiodesk quickly. Slow and just plain clunky. ANd much harder to sync things up.

I'm doing my stuff on an iBook and, while it's gagged with RAM and pretty speedy, things like switching windows and toggling buttons was a pain in the ass.. Tracktion fits right in the window and everything's right on the same page but it doesn't suffer from diminished features. So far, thumbs up. But let's see how long I can take the hissing copy protection before I get it all the way through its paces.
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Re: Reach exceeds grasp...

Post by Auxillary » Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:43 pm

download the new demo. It doesnt hiss until day 30 of the demo.

get the new demo!
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Re: Reach exceeds grasp...

Post by sad iron » Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:53 pm

Auxillary wrote:download the new demo. It doesnt hiss until day 30 of the demo.

get the new demo!
YES! Now I don't have to figure out how to get the $80 before I have a session next week. I spent all of my money on all the other gear, only to find that I needed a new DAW to use it all. :cry:

The upside: With the addition of the System 8, a shiny silver CAD M9 (made by the mic's designer for his personal collection), new monitors, lexicon LXP-1, ProVLA, and the ADA8000, I feel like I can do ANYTHING! ANYTHING!
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