Need ProTools room in NYC. Recommendations?

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Need ProTools room in NYC. Recommendations?

Post by MitoPro » Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:31 am

I'm looking for a ProTools room to cut hip-hop vocals. Client likes to work late night- 9 or 10 pm until 2 or 3 am. Ideally, I'd like to find a pro studio that is willing to book after-hours at a discount rate, but I am open to home/semi-pro situations as long as the rig is decent (good options for vocal chain, external converters if using LE, etc.) and the owner is cool with the hours. I'm the engineer and I will not need an assistant.

The pluses: client is signed to a major label (SRC/Universal) and this could turn into regular work for the studio (2 sessions at 8-12 hours a week).

The minus: yes, it is label work, but the budget is limited (things aren't what they used to be). That is why I'm looking for after-hours (studio can make money when it might usually be dark) and working without an assistant (less overhead for the studio).

PM me if you have or know of anything that might work. Thanks, Matt


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