Toft ATC-2

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federal donut
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Toft ATC-2

Post by federal donut » Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:18 pm

I searched the board and didn't find too much. How do the pre's in this thing sound? I have a sytek and a Vintech 1272 and want to get a few more channels. the price is right and i've heard good things about the eq and compressors. Tony Visiconti's review was pretty damn good. Just curious on some other opinions.

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by 62junior » Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:50 pm

I love mine and use on every session basically. I also have a Vintech 1272 and I think it a perfect companion in the pre department, much less colored and clean. If I'm using the Vintech pre I run it through the Toft for the e.q. and compression.
I don't think there's a better box out there that packs that much punch at that price point.

peace, K.S.

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Harmony Head
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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by Harmony Head » Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:50 am

I've tried 2 of these units lately to see what they're like. First of all, i love them. I think the eq is as great as they say it is, the compressor is VERY efficient and useable (ie: subtle when necessary, and agressive when called upon). The mic pres are more than fine.. not as detailed as others in my rack, but today i used the Toft on lead vocals and bass and it was great.

A few things though..

*why no phase switches? they've goty switches for everything else!!
*the first unit's phantom power didn't work at all
*the 1st channel input of both units was out of phase with the second channel!! On both units!! Alarming...

I made up a little xlr-xlr phase switch patch cable which fixed my phase issue, but i'd be curious to see if anyone's unit is the same. seeing as how i wanted this unit mostly for a stereo pair of room mics, it's a pain in the butt.

Still good bang for the buck though..

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by federal donut » Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:56 am

anybody compare one with a sytek? I've heard the toft pre's described as more on the transparent side (as well as stale and boring). The sytek is a similar flavor (in regards to "transparency") and sort of in the same price per channel range. thanks.

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by 62junior » Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:02 am

Stale and boring, I guess you're probably referring to Fletcher's review of the unit. A bit mis-leading on the pre's I think but he did later re-iterate that they were at least on the par with the Grace stuff. I haven't heard the Sytek's but from what I gather they're clean and uncolored, that's probably how I'd describe the Toft pres, very serviceable and you do already have the Vintech for plenty of coloration.

Harmony head, the omission of the phase switch hasn't been as issue really and I think Toft's philosophy on this is that they went with the most important features at that price point and phase issues could be dealt with at the source. I've found Toft's tech help to be superb so any issues could be addressed to them and they will answer your questions. I was one of the first to buy my unit and I actually got a phone call from Alan (owner) and he was very interested in my feedback.

As I said before, you get ALOT of bang for buck with this unit.

peace, K.S.

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Harmony Head
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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by Harmony Head » Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:56 pm


Nice to hear customer service is alive and well. I just went and filled in the contact form at the Toft site. Be keen to see what they have to say.

I have the Sytecs also, and the Sytecs do have a little more 'character', especially when pushed beyond their limits. The Toft got a little too sizzly for me when the preamps were pushed. But that's ok.. it's good to know how far you can push them. The compressor is really quite good though... i was pleasantly surprised how much i could compress when doing bass the other day, and how effective the fast attack is... didn't seem to distort the bottom end like an 1176 might, but stayed really musical even in extreme ratios. And again, i can't tell you how good this eq is.. certainly only a little goes a long way..

As for a phase switch.... well... apart from the aforementioned phase wiring problem, which has really mystified me.. i guess i just expect a phase switch on any 'pro' sort of gear. Regardless of whether it can be 'fixed at the source' or not, there's a reason why there's phase switches on most quality preamps. I certainly would have preferred a phase switch to a switchable hi end shelf for example. And obviously Mr Toft felt a phase switch was important enough to put on his single channel unit.

Sure.. a minor quibble, but in the day to day workings of my studio, a simple little phase switch would have made a great unit a little more appealing.

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by ELCUBO » Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:03 pm

it?s funny i?ve been asking the same thing in other forum and one guy told me that the eq section and compresor rocks, but the pre is even worst than the Focusrite platinum range...what can u tell me? this was my original question in the other forum:
I?ve been looking the Toft Audio Designs ATC-2 for a while, reading, researching...but the only info i found was the Fletcher?s rewiew on Mercenary...i?m interested onto hear a comentary or rewiew (Kurt???) of this device...looks like its a good deal...what about the EQ? compresor? better than the RNC? and the pre? i have an ISA and been toyn around with a Manley so i have a little idea bout a nice sounding pre...what can you tell me???

PD: please, dont tell me: borrow one or ask Fletcher to sent an unit...i dont live in the USA

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by 62junior » Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:43 pm

I think the whole myth of the pre's not being good came out of Fletcher's review unfortunately, and I don't think he meant to slam them but it's more his manner than anything else. On the ProRec site he later stated that the pre's were as good as if not better than the Focusrite and Grace stuff and that he's just not a fan of those pre's either. I think the word he used was boring at one point. In Tony Visconti's rave review I seem to remember him liking everything about the unit, even the pres. I find the pres a perfect compliment to my Vintech, which are very colored. Did the person claiming they were "even worse" than the Focusrite go into any detail about what he didn't like about them. All of this is so subjective it's hard to get two people that'll agree 100% on anything so it's best to just weed through and pick out what you think makes sense and would work for you.

That being said, if you're looking only for pres then maybe it's not for you as you could spend a few more bucks and get something else, but if you're looking for a box with killer e.q., compression, and good pres then I don't think you could wrong. The e.q. alone IS worth the price alone but don't let that fool you into thinking the compression and pres suffer as a result.

peace, K.S.

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by ELCUBO » Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:14 pm

thanx bro,,,maybe thats what i?m looking for...a good box with some killer recurses...people, you dont know how lookie you are for being in the have acces to actually "hear" and make a judgment by yourselves... :roll:

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by mjau » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:47 am

Figure I'll throw in my two cents on this...

Just got the Toft about a week ago, and have used it so far on direct bass, as a comp and eq on a drum buss, eq'ing an already recorded keyboard piano track, and mic'ing up an acoustic guitar.

To be brief...clean and clear for direct bass, with no low-end fuzziness or mud. Incredible as an eq on a drum buss, and the comp is pretty damned good too. The preamps seemed fine to me, and the acoustic guitar track I recorded through them had some depth I don't find in cheaper pre's I've used.
I suppose I'll just echo what's already been said about the Toft...great EQ, and very good compression, especially when used lightly (though it can pump and still sound good to me).

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Re: Toft ATC-2

Post by junior » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:21 pm

i thought the pres sounded really nice with a lot of clarity. i'll join the crowd on the eq and compressor - they're killer. ;)

my only question is whether to buy the atc-2 or two ec-1's (single-channel version). the ec-1 has a phase switch and pre/post eq. does anyone know if they're linkable for stereo use?
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