$121 Waves Plugin Upgrade

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$121 Waves Plugin Upgrade

Post by wallace » Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:27 pm

So I bought the Waves Factory Bundle (eq, flanger, etc.) with Pro Tools (001) several years ago, and now that I'm thinking about upgrading to Pro Tools 6.4, I find that the cost of upgrading my Waves plugins will be $121 (US). What a horrible plugin company! I knew that the upgrade would cost something but I wasn't sure of the price. I could see something line $35... that would be reasonable.

I can't see putting giving these people money, considering that in another year they will be unusabe again. I will continue to invest my money in outboard gear. Not only does it have more dimension and a better sound, but it also has a resale value.

Has anybody paid the fees to upgrade?

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Re: $121 Waves Plugin Upgrade

Post by kcrusher » Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:54 pm

Yup, several times.

Waves plug-ins, to me, are indespensable and worth every penny. While I may not like their pricing policies at times, you have to remember that they are a business - and need to make money to STAY in business. A couple hundred bucks every year to keep my plug-ins up to date is quite reasonable, IMHO.
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Re: $121 Waves Plugin Upgrade

Post by AnalogElectric » Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:51 pm

I haven't had the Waves woes but (and this is just being a "bitch" on my behalf).

I bought Nuendo 2 in July and now Nuendo 3 just came out. Okay, that's fine and the Nuendo 2 updates were free (as they should be).

This next statement isn't a cry-on-your shoulder statement but more of "I gotta get the money in a hurry, OMG where am I gonna scape it up from?", statement.

Nuendo 3 is offered to people that own previous versions of Nuendo for $299 upgrade offer... until Feb 28th, 2005 that is. After that date it jumps to $499 for the upgrade. Crud, now I need to re-budget within the next month just to get the upgrade at $200 below the regular upgrade cost. Just kinda a bummer to have such a small window in order to "get a deal". Yet again $299 is a helluva lot better than $499. I would venture to guess that if piracy wasn't an issue with any software there wouldn't be such a strangle-hold on upgrades. But yet again, again, if there were no piracy they could put almost any price on anything... hmmm, it's a conundrum!

Crud, I remember when one plug-in used to cost as much as buying the outboard rack mount itself. I suppose it's better than buying the bundle all over again but they do know people are going to pay it anyway especially if they use it. Remember the days when people accused companies of releasing software before it was fully ready and then sticking it to the consumer on upgrade costs? Oh wait, um...that still happens, heh.

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Re: $121 Waves Plugin Upgrade

Post by wallace » Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:09 am

this is actually something I'd be interested in getting from Waves:


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