Keen to hear your feedback.

mixes from purgatory
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Re: Keen to hear your feedback.

Post by Rigsby » Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:44 am

Thanks guys.
SlabOLab wrote:congrats!

I've been listening to this tiny piece for days now and its not getting the least bit old. Its lovely, and I'd love to hear more of your stuff
(I dug the Sun King cover, too).
Wow, i'm really touched, that's so nice to hear.

My full length record's on it's way to being somewhere, i made a demo version and put it all together a few weeks ago and right from first listen i wasn't happy with it so i've gone back in and i'm re-working it, more space, less notes, that sort of thing. If i come up with anything i'm not going to put on there before it's done i'll be sure to post.

Wow, what a nice thing to hear. Thanks for your 3/4 percussion part by the way, i'm still waiting for some more parts for that piece, but i'll definately be using what you sent me, really nice.

Anyone else fancy contributing by the way, i'm currently after 100bpm improvisations on acoustic instruments in E minor. PM me.
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