Akai/Roberts Pre sample tracks

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Akai/Roberts Pre sample tracks

Post by RodC » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:10 pm

OK I modded these for Mudcloth Jones, a fellow TapOp'er. These were done using the same mods Ubertar did to his. He sent me this PM and emailed me an MP3. This guy needs to get a Myspace or something. This track sounds pretty good considering he was only using 1 type of pre and just trying it out!

MudCloth's PM:

Okay. They sound great! I did a recording yesterday and used the pre's for everything.
Here's what I did:
SM 58 kick,snare, electric
AT 4031 hi hat,tamborine,cowbell
AT 4050 vocals,bass,acoustic

First of all,I only have the pre's in my Motu 828MKII to compare these with. All I can say is everything just sounds better and is easier to mix. Everything sounds more real. More depth,more high end, and more smooth sounding. They're also amazingly quiet, especially compared to themselve pre-mod. I did ten tracks with the M8's and it all stacked nicely. The sound field was a big cushion and moving things around was easy. It's more fun recording with these pre's.
I tried using the 1'4 inch in's as a direct for my bass but even at a low input volume the bass sounded distorted. The units pre-mod sounded better going direct. I think the tone control really helped with that. That being said, I still greatly prefer them post mod. If I find another one of these units I would like you to fix them up as an xlr in with the tone control.


http://www.beyondsanityproductions.com/ ... eWoman.mp3

BTW if you want a tone control you can add one using one of the blank spots on the right of the preamp.
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Post by Mudcloth » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:53 pm

I have to say a few things. First of all, Ron [just kidding,Rod] is above and beyond helpful and cool. If anyone out there finds a Roberts 770x or an Akai m8 for sale they'd be an idiot for not using these as mic pre's. Rod has his mod schematics posted on his website for anyone wanting to do this. I for one, know enough about electronics to know I'd fuck it up, so I asked him if would he mod them for me if I shipped them to him.Unbelievably, he said yes even though he's a busy guy. This is why TOMB rules. I did a search on M8's and found posts by Rod and Ubetar and from there found a solution.
I've never reviewed anything before but I've read plenty of reviews to know to try not to use "punchy","warm",and "I wish I didn't have to send these back. When I can afford them, I'm buying ten of these [see ad next to this review].".
That being said, I have to reiterate that these pre's are fun to use. They make me want to record even more. I did these tracks the day my "Recording the Beatles" book arrived. To choose to record instead of burying my head in that book says just how much I like these pre's. I don't think I could put it any better than that.

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Post by Derrick » Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:48 pm

Oh man... I found mine for $5 in mint shape with BOTH modular pres in tact. I can't wait to mod and use mine, but first I have to convert my tapes over to CD with it and then find some transformers. I know the M67 transformers, but I don't know the Jenson and Lundel (or whatever the sp. is) so I don't want to experiment at those prices. Anybody have any lines on 1 or 2 transformers? Used is tottalu fine as I've been spending too much lately on gear.
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Post by snatchman » Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:01 pm

Yep. The mic pre sounds good..Plus, it don't hurt to have talent to send in it!... :D Good job!...... 8)

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Post by RodC » Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:12 pm

I like to leave the 12ax7 channel pretty hot. You can tweek the gain or change the tubes to a lower gain version. Check out this chart:


I also want to try the 12dw7. They are in a lot of Ampeg amps. They are a dual triode and have the same pinout as the 12ax7 but the first stage only has a gain of about 20. They are built unbalanced.
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Post by Mudcloth » Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:26 am

I've been out of town for a few days so I haven't seen this thread in awhile.

Derrick, PM me about the m67 transformers. I have two extra from Rod's Mod's.

Snatchman, thank you for the compliment. For me, there's nothing much more fun than geeking out on multi-tracking.

Rod, I'm going to try some of those tubes you mentioned. I'll keep a 12ax7 on one unit and try the 12dw7 on the other. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Post by Derrick » Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:38 am

Great, PM sent!!
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