I have too much stuff

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I have too much stuff

Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:12 pm

So I'm about to move again (5th time in the last 10 years). Each time, I just move all this crap, and get more crap, and then I have to move it all, worry about it getting stolen/insurance, not being able to leave without one of my good buddies driving by and taking it. Instead of figuring out which gadget I need next, I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of what I have. Really, we're all just a metaphor of what's going on in America -- people just getting more and more crap they don't need, buying it on credit, and going into debt, and looking for a bigger house so they get more shit. I don't know.

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Post by joeysimms » Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:21 pm

George Carlin 'A place for my stuff' comes to mind..
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Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:53 pm

Yeah -- you got me. I plagiarized Carlin. But he expressed what I've been thinking for the last 10 years, and it get's pretty fucking deep in alot of ways. Everywhere you look the "thingliness" of life just attacks you. My last place, I lived in a condo, surrounded by strip malls, with three freeways and a half million cars going by every day. My piece of shit neighbors were these little rat people who never looked at you or said "hi" - they were too busy accumulating more crap and complaining about you to the homeowner's association for some stupid reason. It's like everything is a "thing," even their little curiosity dogs. I've been alot happier out here on the farm, but even this place is getting filled up full of more people. I kind of wish there was a different way to live without being a bum.
joeysimms wrote:George Carlin 'A place for my stuff' comes to mind..

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Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:33 pm

Anyway, getting back on topic. I've never sold anything on e-bay, and I don't really feel like selling my stuff for pennies on the dollar at Scum Center. I wonder what I should do with the stuff I don't want -- maybe donate it at a local school? I've got this DAW workstation desk that I'm not going to have room for, a bunch of computers/audio interfaces that work okay but are kind of dated -- would probably be pretty cool for a beginners' rig. Maybe I should just give the stuff to some acquantainces I've met up here, because i really don't feel like selling anything.

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Post by snatchman » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:38 pm

Hey hammertime. What else you have you are giving away? I'll take some..!.... :D

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Post by percussion boy » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:48 pm

hammertime wrote:Anyway, getting back on topic. I've never sold anything on e-bay, and I don't really feel like selling my stuff for pennies on the dollar at Scum Center. I wonder what I should do with the stuff I don't want -- maybe donate it at a local school? I've got this DAW workstation desk that I'm not going to have room for, a bunch of computers/audio interfaces that work okay but are kind of dated -- would probably be pretty cool for a beginners' rig. Maybe I should just give the stuff to some acquantainces I've met up here, because i really don't feel like selling anything.
When I upgrade something, I usually end up giving the old rig to a younger, broker musician pal -- beats feeling robbed when the store offers you 20% of what they're gonna sell something for.
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Post by syrupcore » Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:14 pm

craigslist? tape op? Offer it up cheap and now that you're making some one's day. ebay is a pain in the ass.

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Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:30 pm

Let's see what i have. I have an mbox that I never use with Pro Tools Le 6.4. It was actually pretty cool for what it was. Works fine. A DAW workstation desk that I got at Guitar Center on one of those once-in-a-lifetime deals. I think I paid 150 for it or something, and it's nicer than one's that cost about 10 times as much. A layla 20 interface that works fine, but you could get a much better sounding interface today for a hundred bucks (I'll probably give that to my buddy). Come to think of it, I'm not really using the Layla 24 anymore. Some apogee rosetta 44.1 converters from around the year 2000. A Mackie CR 1604 that I don't really use anymore, although I could see potentially using it down the road. About a billion music books/recording books/books and a wall full of philosophy books by Nietzsche/Heidegger/Bataille/Dostoyevsky that drive everyone out of the room when you start talking about them. A bunch of furniture and mementos from about a hundred years (literally) of middle class living. Just alot of stuff. Old computers -- and by old P 3 1 Ghz, P3 866, P4 2.4 ghz (I'm thinking of just giving these away).
syrupcore wrote:craigslist? tape op? Offer it up cheap and now that you're making some one's day. ebay is a pain in the ass.

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Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:39 pm

I read in the paper about a local nonprofit school that has a recording program. Maybe I'll start there. I talked to the lady at the library and they said they're always taking books. Actually my gear isn't really taking up that much space. Aside from that desk, I can rack up most of the stuff I own. I don't really want to sell any of this stuff. I did that before about 15 years ago, and dealt with alot of wierd people and b.s., and it wasn't worth it (supposedly that's how the massmurders Ng and Lake met some of their victims, buying video equipment through the classifieds). I think I'm going to give the mbox to my cousin who has a kid who's playing bass. I'm going to see if that school wants the desk.
hammertime wrote:Let's see what i have. I have an mbox that I never use with Pro Tools Le 6.4. It was actually pretty cool for what it was. Works fine. A DAW workstation desk that I got at Guitar Center on one of those once-in-a-lifetime deals. I think I paid 150 for it or something, and it's nicer than one's that cost about 10 times as much. A layla 20 interface that works fine, but you could get a much better sounding interface today for a hundred bucks (I'll probably give that to my buddy). Come to think of it, I'm not really using the Layla 24 anymore. Some apogee rosetta 44.1 converters from around the year 2000. A Mackie CR 1604 that I don't really use anymore, although I could see potentially using it down the road. About a billion music books/recording books/books and a wall full of philosophy books by Nietzsche/Heidegger/Bataille/Dostoyevsky that drive everyone out of the room when you start talking about them. A bunch of furniture and mementos from about a hundred years (literally) of middle class living. Just alot of stuff. Old computers -- and by old P 3 1 Ghz, P3 866, P4 2.4 ghz (I'm thinking of just giving these away).
syrupcore wrote:craigslist? tape op? Offer it up cheap and now that you're making some one's day. ebay is a pain in the ass.

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Post by Jeremy Garber » Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:42 pm

Hey, speak for yourself! My only debt is my house note, and compared to what the prices of homes here are now, it is a very small one. You kind of sound like my wife telling me to get rid of all the spare computer parts around here. I even have two boxes full of broken electronic stuff that for some reason I think one day I will turn into a monster robot or something. I've been in the slow process of figuring out what I really want to hold on to. Our house just isn't big enough for it all. I'm throwing plywood down in the attic for more floor space to hold more crap that's only going to melt in the billion degree summers here.

But speaking about collecting more stuff, I'm interested in hearing more about that DAW desk. Is it like a control surface? Sounds cool. :) There's always room for Jell-O.

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Post by syrupcore » Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:40 pm

That school would be great. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of youth oriented non-profits that would be able to start one if you can offer them a setup and a little time. If you have less time, just throwing the drivers and audacity on CD would help get it used sooner. If you're in portland, I'll help.

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Post by Slider » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:01 pm

I know what you mean.
I have a full rack of gear sitting here that hasn't even been powered on in years.
A few amps that haven't been powered up in ages.
Not to mention a couple guitars with 5 year old strings on them.
Too much unused stuff!!

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Post by wedge » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:25 pm

My mother recently sold the family house that I grew up in, and me and my brothers had to clear all of our shite out, since it'd become mostly a giant storage space for our unwanted but wanted crap, and we had to do it at a rapid rate, and make quick, harsh decisions...

I probably got rid at least 50% of my earthly possessions. Half of them are now in storage, and the other are in my apartment. My point is, I totally agree, hammer... As a family, we'd accumulated so much CRAP through the years, and the lot of it ultimately mean't nothing to us, but when we finally got rid of most of it, it felt great. It's a very freeing feeling, and if you do let go of a lot of your stuff, I think you won't regret it, and will in fact be quite glad that you did it... However, YMMV

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Post by kayagum » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:33 pm

hammertime wrote:Let's see what i have....About a billion music books/recording books/books and a wall full of philosophy books by Nietzsche/Heidegger/Bataille/Dostoyevsky that drive everyone out of the room when you start talking about them...
That's probably why you occasionally get antagonistic and drive everyone out of a TapeOp thread.... at least you didn't slit your wrists :D


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Post by hammertime » Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:20 pm

Yeah, I'm sorry I'm not the pollyanna I should be. I should probably agree with everybody when they say how much they like some worthless garbage like Bruce Springsteen or Paul McCartney's latest bullshit album. I'd probably be happier. Fuck, if I liked flopping down on the couch and listening to the Grateful Dead, I'd probably be happier in Chico. Dude. Really. I'm restless. I'm unhappy. I'm pissed off. There's no other way to be. Because there's just too many fucking people. And I have too much stuff. Yeah, yeah. Too much stuff. Whoooooo! I ... Havee.... too much (isn't that Dave Mathewss?)
kayagum wrote:
hammertime wrote:Let's see what i have....About a billion music books/recording books/books and a wall full of philosophy books by Nietzsche/Heidegger/Bataille/Dostoyevsky that drive everyone out of the room when you start talking about them...
That's probably why you occasionally get antagonistic and drive everyone out of a TapeOp thread.... at least you didn't slit your wrists :D


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