Midi Loop sequencer from Old IBM

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Midi Loop sequencer from Old IBM

Post by flite » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:02 am

There was a site a while back called fsbachmachines that showed how to

"Build a MIDI loop sequencer out of practically any old IBM PC." The site is down now but iwant to do this.. anybody have any info or resources??


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Post by nestor » Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:36 am

Well, there's tons of free tracker/sequencer software out there, and most older computers have at least ethernet (especially if they came from an office) to download stuff. MIDI is almost as old as the personal computer, so interfaces exist for any computer you can name, and are relatively cheap. That's all you need to get the machine running as a sequencer. It doesn;t even have to be an 'IBM', apple IIes and commodore 64s work just as well as today's blazing buss speed monsters for midi stuff!

Hope this helps,
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Post by Knights Who Say Neve » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:37 pm

Ataris (the ones with the built-in midi ports) actually worked better for midi stuff than today's USB midi interfaces. So did the Roland ISA midi interface in my long-departed 486.
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Post by flite » Sun May 20, 2007 7:16 pm

Umm that isn't really building one, which was mostly the point.....

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