philly pro tools help

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creeping justin
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philly pro tools help

Post by creeping justin » Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:11 am

hey there, i'm in a bit of bind and i'm hoping someone can help me out. A friend of mine is coming to philly in two weeks to track vox for his band's new album. The band recorded the all of the foundation tracks at a studio in Boston. I asked my friend to get files from the studio for me. I got them a few days ago and they were exported as pro tools sessions and not consolidated wavs. therefore, all tracks start at zero and i have no idea what takes should be active.

I use REAPER, so I have no way of opening the session files. My limited experience with PT to REAPER is if the files are exported as consolidated wavs, they'll line up correctly when I import them. Of course, I won't have any plugin info, pans, levels, etc.

So, is there anyone out there who has pro tools and can load the sessions and then export them correctly for me. Of course, I'm happy to pay for your services, but I don't have a ton of money.

If you're interested (or if I'm thinking about this all wrong), please let me know. I'd really appreciate it.



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Post by gradwellhouse » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:53 am

PM sent.

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