Recommend a non-"phrase" sampler?

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Recommend a non-"phrase" sampler?

Post by top_ape » Mon May 30, 2011 8:27 pm

Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to recommend a small, portable MIDI-controllable sampler that does more than just "phrase" sampling.

I bought a Boss SP 202 based on its small size and reputation as being easy to work with and reliable, but unless I'm missing something, it's designed just for triggering loops and one-shot samples... which is just this side of useless for what I'm after.

I want to be able to use it for synths, organs, etc. Basically as a tone module. Not even sure if there's a word for what I'm trying to describe - which of course makes it that much harder to search for it!

Back in the day, this was what samplers WERE designed for (looped drums and stuff like that was a new use of the already-existing technology) and though I'm familiar with the gear from back then I'd really like something modern, smaller, higher-memory, and not rackmounted.

Anybody have any suggestions? The cheaper then better.

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Post by kslight » Mon May 30, 2011 8:35 pm

There isn't much out there that's still made, that's cheap. Korg Microsampler though, or perhaps the Korg Electribe sampler can do non-phrase sampling.

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Post by apropos of nothing » Tue May 31, 2011 6:40 am

Not sure how likely you are to find something to your specs. That market has largely "graduated" to plug-ins, and when stuff was in production it was all about rackmount.

You might look at the Akai Z series. I've had good recs towards them.

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Post by top_ape » Tue May 31, 2011 4:15 pm

Thanks for the suggestions.

Korg microsampler was definitely one of the ones I had come across, though I have some reservations - the keyboard for one, and I heard somewhere (this board possibly) that when triggering other than the original speed/pitch it sounds as if there's some processing happening, rather than straight change in playback speed - which would be BAD to me.

I don't believe the Electribe series (at least the older ones I'd be interested in shelling out for) do more than phrases.

The Akai Z series... ah yes, I do remember lusting after these when they came out. At the time I had an S6000 - which was a monster itself! I'm really hoping I'll find something small, sequencer sized, simple. Lots of memory isn't even super important.

I remember having a Roland MS-1 too, which I could have sworn did more than phrases but I cannot seem to confirm that looking online.

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Post by Dr Rubberfunk » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:48 am

Maybe have a hunt for the EMU ESi series samplers - the ESi 32 might be a little underpowered, but the memory etc is upgradable. Make sure you find one with the 3.02 OS chip installed. The ESi-2000 and 4000 were the tricked out versions of the 32, with internal zip option, extra memory, separate outs etc, so they're probably the best bet.

2u rackmount, so not exactly as small as you had in mind maybe, but amazing sounds from the Emulator EIIIX library are out there - basically the EMU Classic Keys / Vintage Keys sounds, and all very tweakable via midi ....

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Post by apropos of nothing » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:44 am

Does it have to be a sampler? How about a small tone module/rompler, plus your SP? Yamaha QY-70s are pretty teeny. You can use a MIDI thru to transmit to both of them and then just turn up the one you desire. A thought.

My solution to this impasse was a TS-12 and a V-Synth. Admittedly, I'm not gigging much these days. :)

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Post by top_ape » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:27 am

Yeah, I think it does have to be a sampler. Not only do I want to use it for pitched tones (actually this one of my oldest and most favorite creative tools - to create patches by sampling, and then playing those. The strangest stuff often ends up making the coolest sounds when played back melodically, even a lot of stuff that doesn't seem to have much of a discernible pitch, if you find the right range for it -slowed way up or down sometimes- can sound incredible.)

...but I'd also like to have the capability to trigger the occasional one-shot sounds in a situation where a DAW might just bog down the creative process.

Maybe balancing cost vs performance an older rack-mount unit might be the thing I'll end up going for, and simply just deal with the cumbersome nature of it as a price of admission. The aforementioned ESI 32 is cool and can be had cheaply, as can something like an S760 or even some of the later Akai samplers. One nice thing about the Z series if I remember correctly is that they are smaller and lighter and tougher than the previous stuff, which all sorta felt more like computer equipment in a way, more than road-hearty rack gear.

By the way, in case it helps anyone else finding this thread, the Roland MS-1 that I mentioned before is, in fact, only a phrase sampler.

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