Stevenson Interface Electronics Series 100

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Post by twiitala » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:18 pm

do you have any photos you could post of your mixer? or a link to photos?

I'm pretty sure I've seen links for the 100 series mixers schematics online before. I'll have to see if I can find the links I'm thinking about....

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Post by twiitala » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:25 pm

actually the links I was thinking about are at the beginning of this thread.....haha

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Post by n0ukf » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:16 pm

Yeah, I got those already and will be doing some cleanup of the messy schematic images. They don't appear to include any 100A or 100C diagrams though, only the 100B and 100D.





I notice that while that first one has 2 phone jacks per channel, mine has one and a switch, which seems to correspond more closely with the schematic on the 15th page.

Oops, after further checking, mine does have holes for the end feet. I guess I was just blind when looking for them yesterday.
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Post by digitaldrummer » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:39 pm

nice - I'd not seen these with compressors in them before!
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Post by n0ukf » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:30 am

Even if not online, does anyone have better and more complete schematics (more pages) of the 100 series? As stated, I'm looking for the 100A and 100C. Though maybe the 100B and 100D are close enough I can trace out the differences and draw my own for them.

With just the 100A, I'm getting a pegged meter on OUT1 no matter what. Perhaps a bad op-amp on the mother board.
When I have the 100C plugged in, nothing (but the pilot) works (not even the pegged meter), without (either of) them, I can use the 100A. I haven't yet checked the power supply levels to see if they're just bogging it down.

EDIT: I found the meter problem, a leaking (shorted) cap from the output op-amp to the meter. I also found that one of the 100C modules is actually good, so I'm mostly up to 7x4 operability now, just no meter on OUT1 until I find a replacement cap.
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Post by twiitala » Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:53 am

congrats on getting most of your mixer working.

if I run across any of the schematics you're looking for I'll let you know.

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Post by n0ukf » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:13 pm

One more problem identified but not yet fixed (just moved). Monitor op-amp was shot. Does anyone know of a good source of MC1437 to replace it (and have spares)? Is there a direct drop-in replacement for it? Digikey couldn't find either.

Until I find the problem in the one 100C module shorting out the power supply (down to 5v from 33v), I can borrow one of its op-amps.

And now I see I can borrow one from the unused (but included) Reverb amps right next door to the monitor.

One schematic page (OUTPUT CKTS) redrawn, cleaned up a bit. I may work on a couple more in coming weeks.
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HELP: Schematics for an Interface Electronics 300 mixer

Post by scotthamptone » Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:31 am


I am looking for schematics to an Interface Electronics 300 series mixer, with the 312L channel strip, and the 312MS master section. I recently bought a 32x12 board that is set up for a live monitor board, and I plan on mod'ing it to use for tracking. I've figured most of the channel strip out by looking at it (its pretty simple), but documentation would help a great deal.

Any help out there would be greatly appreciated!

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Interface Electronics Board

Post by chuckp58 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:31 am

Hi, I'm new to Tomb. I was intrigued by all the posts about Stevenson's Interface Electronics Boards. I own a 24X8 Stevenson's and would like to share photos and info, but I can't seem to figure out how to post pictures. Can anyone enlighten me. Thanks
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Post by n0ukf » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:41 am

You need to host your pictures somewhere online (flikr,. photobucket, etc) then put the URL of the image between the Image tags. Otherwise just link to the page(s) where the image is hosted.

I've seen people try to link directly to the image path on their hard drive (C:\Documents and Settings\...) but there is no way for the internet to point to your specific machine's C:\ drive in that way. You'd have to set up a server on it and keep it running 24/7 and still give a URL to it like on any other hosting site.
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Post by anticpunk » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:56 pm

I'm amazed that the Stevenson threads still hold interest for a few. I still use my 200's all the time and modded my 100 16x4 with transformer balanced outs on every channel. Opted for balanced outs instead of the original reverb tank and return PCB setup that I bought (I believe from the o/p).

My 100 came with the original manual including schematics for alot of the different modules. If somebody needs specific info, PM me and I'll scan it for you.

I still have a whole pile of loose Stevenson channels out of various boards that I've collected from all over the country. Projects........

You gotta love the tone of these boards though, especially for engineers like myself who cannot even think about the dollar figures associated with big name consoles.


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Looking for Pinout Schematics 100q

Post by soundlabz » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 am

I have 2 Stevenson Interface Electronics 100q's. They are missing the joystick and related circuit so I was thinking of just racking up these as some preamps disabling the 4 quad cues. Does anyone have any pinout info. I saw in photos earlier in this thread mentioning 33.5vdc power and the line/ xlr in's. Any more info or a schematic would be appreciated. Not to double post I also am looking for schematics for the Microtran S105-S transformers on these cards.
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Post by anticpunk » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:02 am

I have schematics for the 100B and 100D only however my manual indicates that the pinout for the edge card is the same. That being said, look at pin 12 on the IC and trace it to the 47mfd-isg electrolytic cap. The other side of this cap is the output to the busses and panning scheme. Replace that cap with a larger one, like a 470mfd or so and you should be good to go. There is a 470ohm resistor on the B and the D that feeds the direct out on pin 12. I usually run these into 600ohm 1:1 iron and have had no problems.

These channels run on anything from 24 to 33VDC but the schematic calls for 33vdc single supply. The last pair I did were 100Bs and the sing at 31.5vdc.

If you want to see the schematics, send me a PM with your email address. I have the 100B and 100D plus the bussing, output and powersupply schematics. Let me know what you need to see.


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100D, 100B, and 110AP/Q

Post by mcmatt » Thu May 24, 2012 12:31 am

Hello all...thanks for all of this long-running dialogue about SIE...

I've just purchased a couple channel strips, they're a bit scrappy but they all pass signal and I'm attempting to re-rack.

The previous owner of the units I bought had attempted to use them as pre's. I quickly modified his edge connector/snake to take hot output from pin 12 to avoid the bus assignment network and the panning. I'm looking forward to taking anticpunk's cue about a new cap at the output as well as the suggested transformer spec.

I can't make heads or tails of the 110AP/Q unit. It seems to have a different pinout and I'm not heavily experienced. Does anyone have a schematic? Also, was there ever a formal suggestion about linear fader replacement? There seem to be intermittent spots along the throw of all of the faders I have...

Thanks again for all the help!

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Post by anticpunk » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:30 pm

I have some 108K's but I've never seen anything in the 110 series.

What chips did Stevenson put in them? Do they have the Microtran or the Beyer transformers? Mute relays or no?

I've got monitor modules that run 4558's, but most of the rest run those pesky no longer available chips.

What are the faders? I may have spares if they are the standard Stevenson joints. When I re-rack channels I usually replace the fader with a pot and ditch the face plate and bussing stuff. I have a bin of just parts and leftovers.

I would bet that the supply is in the normal configuration, Single supply around 33VDC.


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