Occupy Wall Street

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Post by Brian » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:00 pm

TV Lenny wrote:To each their own Brian. This is why I usually/never discuss politics on the tomb. But watch out for those black helicopters.

BTW - U87's over 414's for capturing the helicopters.
You don't have to worry about black helicopters, it's white drones you have to worry about, and because they ALL have a virus backdoor hacked into them, right wingers have a lot more to worry about that they thought when there weren't any problems with them.

You have a right to your own opinion, but, you don't have a right to make up your own facts.
The ultimate reality of what has transpired and who has created the mess we are all living in will NEVER be forgotten. I see no reason it should be either.

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Post by chris harris » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:19 pm

Recommended reading for those without the intellectual curiosity to go down to their own city's occupation and ask the protestors what they stand for:

http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/bl ... g-20111025

The only place I see this whole "unemployed hippies" fallacy is right-wing media. If you want to believe that, and seek out "news" that reinforces your beliefs, that's all fine and good. But, don't be surprised when someone notices the smell and, rightly, calls it out as bullshit.

If you want to read up on this movement, from someone who's done some of the finest investigative journalism in decades, on the very subject of the real causes of the economic crisis, then I highly recommend reading as much of Matt Taibbi's blog posts as you've got time to read. You may not agree with him. But, at least you'll have a real life human, who's quite knowledgeable on the subject, to disagree with, rather than "unemployed hippies", "welfare queens", and "unicorns".

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Post by Jitters » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:27 pm

After eight long years of Bush everyone was hopped up on 'hope and change' that ended up being more of the same, so folks are taking it to the street. It's all well and good, if ultimately futile.

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Post by Brian » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:15 pm

Anyone who thinks it's futile or not amounting to anything should go here:
If you think it has somethong to do with the democratic "party", read this:
What's up in NYC?:
or here:
or here:
and there are sites, webpages, and facebook pages for all 50 states, foreign countries, etc. It's HUGE and POWERFUL and it's already shaping POLICY, and at some point there will probably be an overthrow. Once enough people wake up, it's bound to happen.

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Post by Brett Siler » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:10 pm

When I first heard about it I kinda scoffed it off at first. Hold signs and yelling about something, really doesn't change a thing. I am actually glad people are sticking to the Occupy movement more than just a weekend. It at least has people still talking about it. I also read that over half a million people have changed from banks to credit unions. Thats great! That is the kind of direct action stuff that needs to happen.

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Post by roygbiv » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:28 pm

I'm with Brett

I'm usually for sticking it to the man to see if he's done, but with the Occupy moment, I was at first a little scoffish, 'cause they had not (to me) formulated some kind of reasonable action plan, and seemed to be simply protesting to protest.

Or at least that was my initial take.

However, I now have come to appreciate the Zen-like aspect of this movement - the most valuable thing about it is that it IS - even if they are disorganized, not clear in their demands, etc., all people (well, at least 99.9% of them) should appreciate that this movement exists.


Because, finally, there is some discussion/awareness of the tremendous wealth disparities that have arisen during the last 30 years or so. And how those wealth inequalities have arisen, and how they will continue to perpetuate unless something changes.

The current status quo is crazy. And nobody, nobody in the main-street media used to talk about, or why it exists.

And now they do.

That has to be worth something, no matter what your political perspective.
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Post by top_ape » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:39 pm

Brian wrote: Right now the government is reporting 29% "real" unemployment (supposedly the number still getting a check PLUS those who's benefits have already run out) but, it's more like 50%.
wait, so, are you saying unemployment is "like 50%"?


Not even arguing, I'm just trying to understand the statement.

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Post by top_ape » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:58 pm

And anyone who thinks the people making their voice(s) heard is futile:
it took a while but it did end our involvement in Vietnam.

The problem in America is not that the people HAVE no voice, it's that up until recently (maybe? hopefully...?) they've been doped up enough on cheap prices and endless junk to consume that most of them haven't been able to see past the haze surrounding them to even raise their voices... to even consider raising them for that matter.

We DO own this country. We CAN make it what we want it to be, as long as we quit being content being bought off with the table scraps of the few people who have managed to grab the reins.

All that being said, I do feel like threads like this somewhat dilute the rest of the forum.

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Post by Nick Sevilla » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:03 pm

top_ape wrote:And anyone who thinks the people making their voice(s) heard is futile:
it took a while but it did end our involvement in Vietnam.

The problem in America is not that the people HAVE no voice, it's that up until recently (maybe? hopefully...?) they've been doped up enough on cheap prices and endless junk to consume that most of them haven't been able to see past the haze surrounding them to even raise their voices... to even consider raising them for that matter.

We DO own this country. We CAN make it what we want it to be, as long as we quit being content being bought off with the table scraps of the few people who have managed to grab the reins.

All that being said, I do feel like threads like this somewhat dilute the rest of the forum.
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Post by Jitters » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:40 pm

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the movement. But my expectations are more along a few token reforms and regulations and a little lip service from the politicians. I doubt it?s going to reverse the 30 something year trend of economic rape, much less the ?overthrow? someone alluded to. I?m just being realistic. I would love to be proven wrong though. We?ll see what actually results from all of this.

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Post by roygbiv » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:59 pm

I agree, this OWS stuff may be for naught.

However, restructuring will never happen if people don't press for it.

So, at least this might represent a necessary first-step on the path to actual change.

Perhaps the beginning of the beginning (to paraphrase Churchill, he opined pretentiously)
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Post by alex matson » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:26 pm

For me, watching the doc Inside Job made the reason behind the protests crystal clear.
Here's a trailer:

I think it boils down to people wondering who they can trust.

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Post by Brian » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:23 am

I am absolutely saying that the real unemployment figure for the majority of this country is at 50%. Some cities are doing better than others and some are FAR WORSE than 50% unemployment.
Memphis, Detroit, and tones of rural and ex industrial cities are a in far worse shape than that.

Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, a man who sat next two Sadat when he was assassinated without flinching, didn't think an overthrow was possible. Egypt was the most stable government in the region. Same with Libya. Syria and Iran are similarly fooled, so is Saudi.
The entire world is broken, built on a bubble, and the bubble is popped, and now there is a grab for resources.
guess what.
The military is on the side of OWS, they know first hand what BS they were sent for and they aren't happy about it. When you have the support of the people and the military, you're already 7/8 to either a coup or an overthrow.
What OWS has shown CLEARLY is hat it's not JUST he federal government, it goes down to mayors in cities and their carved out fiefdoms using the police to enforce fascism.
The whole thing has rotted out. The whole thing has to go.

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Post by Gregg Juke » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:51 am

Wow. OK. Brian...

I think we get that you are behind OWS. I think we get that you are pretty hyped on the radical political tip. I think we get it.

I wasn't trying to get your goat with my earlier forays into jesterism on the topic (in other threads), just excercising my natural proclivity towards dry, and sometimes incomprehensible humor. I was intentionally avoiding this thread. Too late now, though.

I think we get that you would like to see a 60's-style revolution; things burning, world governments and economies overturned, power to the people, yadda-yadda-yadda-yadda.

Not gonna happen. How do you feel about RECORDING????????????????


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Post by cgarges » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:59 am

I think we're finally done here.

Back to recording and music.

Chris Garges
Charlotte, NC


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