earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by DeafinONEear » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:19 am

SpaceCadet wrote:I was selling a guitar to a customer at the time. I felt a little tickle in my ear and when I went to scratch it the ball rolled out. It really freaked me out, but I had to act like nothing happened so I wouldn't freak out the customer. So I held it balled up in my hand for about 20 minutes. After that it was the highlight of the day among store employees.
I am *so* going to guitar center now! I bet every employee has a ball of wax chillin in thier hands!

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by trash180 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:28 am

Yeah...I had the doctor ear-igation thingy done. The ball of wax that came out was the shape of an ear plug. He only did the plugged ear though, so I felt a little lopsided after.

It was sweet hearing everything again. It was like getting glasses for the first time, but for your ears...word.

Anybody that uses closed ear headphones will frequently get the wax plug. While in the headphones, all the wax melts from the heat and turns into a plug eventually.

Great question. I've been wondering what I can do at home. I'm gonna have to try that murine thing...maybe tonight.


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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by wing » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:48 am

see i don't get why everyone, even nurses and stuff, talk down on q-tips... when they are created by so many major companies (with no warning label about NOT using it), and suggested as the common use item to cleanse your ear. what i'm trying to say, is if q-tips were truly so bad for our ears, why the heck would we all be using them?

ok, i guess that's a stupid question, because we're not very healthy anyway, and we all do a lot of stupid things. but it seems as if q-tips were really that bad, that people wouldn't be using them and rather use something else, or q-tips would be regulated with warning labels and junk.

in any event, they've helped me all along...

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by DeafinONEear » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:59 am

taken directly from my box of qtips in my medicine cabinet:

"If used to clean ears, stroke swab gently around the outer surface of the ear, without entering the ear canal.
WARNING: Use only as directed. Entering ear canal could cause injury. Keep out of reach of children."

from the horses, q-tip brand, lips.

if the man says it's wrong, it's gots to be bad!

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by wing » Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:22 pm

DeafinONEear wrote:taken directly from my box of qtips in my medicine cabinet:

"If used to clean ears, stroke swab gently around the outer surface of the ear, without entering the ear canal.
WARNING: Use only as directed. Entering ear canal could cause injury. Keep out of reach of children."

from the horses, q-tip brand, lips.

the warning message on your box seems to say just "oh, don't be a dumbass with a q-tip and stab yourself with it"... but the way everyone talks, they don't just say don't be dumb with a q-tip and push too hard-- they say DON'T USE Q-TIPS, AT ALL! so what is it? if we shouldn't use them at all, why not warning messages like "WARNING: DO NOT USE." or "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Q-TIPS SUCK AND YOU'RE A JERK IF YOU USE ONE"... you know, like that. yea.

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by djimbe » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:27 pm

the mighty Q-Tip (where's that key for the trademark thing anyway. "Q-Tip" has gotta be approaching the "xerox" level...) is extremely handy for cleaning the wrinkly outer ear area, especially for those that work in dirty environments while wearing ear protection. Jobs like highway construction, or steel mill work (what I do) can result in TONS of dirt getting lodged in and around the ears; dirt that will eventually make it's way into your ear canal if you don't get rid of it. That's really what they're made for and they excell at it. Good for the occasional bit of navel lint for those with Innies as well....
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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by trodden » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:51 pm

and cleaning heads on your tape machine.

its all about common sense, yeah there are many who don't have it i guess. If you put this really far in your ear, it will hurt and damage your ear, DUH. like people sueing McDonalds cause their kids are fat now after feeding them that crud everyday and then putting them in front of the TV for a baby sitter... got common sense?

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by moogplayer » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:47 pm

Recently my right ear was clogging up on me periodically - mostly at night. I thought it was kinda cool becuase I could sleep on one side and not hear anything (and I live in a party town). Then the other ear clogged up. Having two ears closed was the worst. I was going absolutely insane. Got my ears cleaned out professionally for the first time since 1987 (day of an Iron Maiden concert!!!), which means I went my entire recording studio existence without any real ear maintainance. Needless to say, huge amounts of wax came out of both ears, and the result was a new sense of SUPER HEARING. I remember walking out thinking "what's that loud sandpaper noise?" It was my pants rubbing against my skin while walking. Got out my keys and they sounded like someone raised the 15K frequency by 20db!!!

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by housepig » Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:47 pm

trodden -

if you think they work, try this...

burn one in an ashtray without it getting anywhere near your ear.

you'll find that all the gross shit that you think came from your ear actually is ear-candle residue.

- housepig

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by KingOlaf » Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:05 pm

Don't waste your money on ear candles. As noted above, they deposit residue in your ear when they burn, they don't suck anything out.

Warm water mixed with hydrogen peroxide will do the trick if you have some sort of syringe. This is what my doctor used to use on me after an ear infection.
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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by greenmeansjoe » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:14 am

How long should you let those peroxide-ish drops stay in your ear? Both of my ears are blocked up good. I've got some of that stuff, but it doesn't quite seem to be doing the trick.

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by F7sound » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:33 am

thekingandcaroline wrote:How long should you let those peroxide-ish drops stay in your ear? Both of my ears are blocked up good. I've got some of that stuff, but it doesn't quite seem to be doing the trick.
The Murine box says about 15 minutes or so (if I remember correctly). If you've tried that and it's not working, it could be time to visit a doctor.
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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by trodden » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:13 am

housepig wrote:trodden -

if you think they work, try this...

burn one in an ashtray without it getting anywhere near your ear.

you'll find that all the gross shit that you think came from your ear actually is ear-candle residue.

- housepig
no way. how come when the first time i did it, i didn't have the candle in far enough and there was no "gross shit" in the end???

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by DeafinONEear » Thu Jun 05, 2003 10:47 am

I want to know how many of you q-tip naysayers use ear plugs.

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Re: earwax candles and other witchcraft!!!

Post by F7sound » Thu Jun 05, 2003 11:20 am

DeafinONEear wrote:I want to know how many of you q-tip naysayers use ear plugs.
I have. And I love 'em!

Michael Oster
F7 Sound and Vision


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