the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:32 pm

Got the 1.8 micron today and did some experimenting. I read that a a narrower gap between the magnets should significantly increase the output, so I set it up with a narrower gap than before, just under 1/8" where before it was just under 1/4". I tried the new gap with both the 1.8 and the 2.5. There wasn't much, if any, difference in output level between those and the wider gap, 2.5 original. The 1.8 had more top end, and less boominess in the bass. The difference in tone is significant.

I think the reason there wasn't much of an increase in output with a narrower gap is because the magnets are strong enough to achieve magnetic saturation through the wider gap, so narrowing it doesn't matter. Tomorrow I'll go back to the original gap width and try the 1.8 there, and see what that does. It's definitely more fragile, which makes it really difficult to work with.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Tue Jul 02, 2019 4:41 pm

Tried the 1.8 in a motor with essentially the same gap width as the original set, and compared it directly with one of the originals, which has the 2.5 in it. No difference in output. Very different in tone. Speaking in the mics, then listening back, it sounds almost like hearing two different people. Much more bass with the 2.5, more highs and clarity with the 1.8. For spoken word, I'd choose the 2.5... it gives me that sexy baritone radio voice. :)
Which one is more accurate, tone-wise? I'm not entirely sure. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Is one better than the other? I think that would vary depending on the source and what you were going for. The 2.5 has more of the traditional ribbon sound. My personal preference, at this point, would be a pair composed of one of each.
The 1.8 is really gnarly to deal with... it likes to break. So on that score, I prefer the 2.5. I think I'll have to charge a little more for ones with 1.8 because of that, maybe 60 instead of 50. I'm nervous about trying to ship it, it's so fragile.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by I'm Painting Again » Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:09 am


try a long 1.8 with a Cinemag CM-9888U that's the RCA style setup

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:29 am

Well, sure, a $100 transformer for a mic I'm selling for $50/$60. I'll make it up on volume. :)
People are welcome to mod these how they like, of course. And if anyone wants to donate a Cinemag or two, I'm happy to give them a try!
It's a good idea, just not a practical one. I already have a box of these transformers left from the last time around, that I had custom made, and a whole bunch of the 1" magnets from another project, so I'm sticking with what I've got, at least until they're gone.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by Snarl 12/8 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:19 am

You're including a custom transformer for the $50 price? That's amazing. When you said motor, I thought you just meant the ribbon suspended in the magnet. I'll go 2.5 micron for $50 (x2).

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:51 am

Thanks Carl. I'm just waiting on one more part to arrive, should be any day now... then I'll make a batch. Probably around 10 mics to start. Yes, these are full mics, with custom transformers.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:56 am

And just for fun, I'm thinking of making a couple tiny ribbons to put in the binaural head I made years ago, to replace the "tape op omnis" I had inside that eventually died. I know binaural heads typically have omni mics, not figure 8, but just out of curiosity I'd like to see what this does.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:05 am

So... I've made a couple more with the thinner ribbon, and I'm not sure what I'm doing differently, but the output is significantly stronger than the ones I made with the thicker stuff. I made one for the guy I originally made these for and this is what he said: "Save that recipe...this one was much better! An improved high-end and better gain." So it's worth a little extra to get the thinner ribbons, IMO. That's what I plan to use myself for recording.

I have everything I need now, so I'm starting to make a few. I guess that's all I'll do, since there doesn't seem to be much interest this time around.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by Snarl 12/8 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:39 pm

I'm still down for two if you're sharing. If not, I more than understand. I'll go for whatever design you think is best. My primary uses will probably be drum overheads and percussion (but for fairly quiet, low pitched, sources). I've never had a ribbon mic, ever, so I have no idea what's best.
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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:00 am

Yeah, it's not too late. I'm making around 10 now; I've got enough parts to make 20. There are a few people from off of TOMB who want some. I can get some more parts if need be. The only thing I'd need to get more of are the threaded nuts to hold the mics to the mic stands. I'm not sure how many of the transformers I have... at least 50. Once those are gone, these are done.

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by penelec » Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:52 am

Hey ubertar, if they aren' all already spoken for, I'll sign on for one. :worthy: Thanks!

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Re: the return of the ubertar ribbon mic

Post by ubertar » Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:13 am

Hey... just want to let people know these are still coming. When I started on them, my pickup business was in a lull, so I had time to work on them, but since then, business has, well, "picked up", if you'll pardon the pun. I stained the wooden coffins yesterday and I've made a bunch of the motors but haven't cut, corrugated and installed the ribbons yet.

I'm behind with my pickup orders for now too, so work on the mics will be little by little for a while. I've been playing Javanese and Balinese gamelan at UMBC and that's been taking up a lot of my time and energy. I've been making electric versions of several of the gamelan instruments (in addition to the electric saron I've made several versions of, starting in the early '90s) and composed a piece for the group to perform.

I had a feeling things might go this way, which is why I didn't want to take anyone's money until the mics were actually made. I'm glad I didn't.

It turns out I have fewer of the wood coffins than I thought... only 20, but that should be enough that anyone who expressed interest can get one or two. I have enough of the other parts, including transformers that I can make 40 mics, but I'll have to find some other enclosure after the 20 coffins are gone.

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