Your recent recordings and gear used.

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by heylow » Thu Mar 04, 2004 3:03 pm

twitchmonitor wrote: Congrats on a dope album! So you guys went to TT to mixdown, huh? How was that? Was it worth it? What did the tracks sound like before....I'd love to know.
Thanks, man....

Yeah...I think it was worth it. I had to fly half way across the US but there are worse things to do with your time than go mix a record in a strange city for a week, right?

John is cool and his rates are actually stupid low. It's a strange place to be....if you look our site, there is a photo slideshow of Tiny including the outside of it as well. It's in a small industrial park directly across from a place where they build flame sputtering robots and hovercrafts and all kinds of scary shit. It's a cool vibe and good peeps though.

The tracks....honestly....not that different. Luckily there was no "surgery" or anything tricky that needed to be done. We didn't use any effects except compression and a splash of tape delay in one or two songs. Imagine the record with less compression and you have a pretty good picture. We worked hard on tracking it and the guy who headed up the mixing (Jay Pellicci) has a good ear for balancing things well.


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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by dale116dot7 » Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:15 pm

I just do quick demo recording for people, so all of these were done really quickly.

The first three were my recordings. Two passes - guitar first, then vox, two takes. No punches. Used the whole second take. Total time, about half an hour.

Vocals: TLM103 -> homebuilt mic pre, similar to Neve 1073
Guitar: Stereo pair, AKG C451B, board pre
Tascam DM24
Alesis HD24
Tascam CDRW5000
Lexicon PCM91

This is probably my second recording using the Tascam DM24 board but it's got more instruments, and a quick demo. No cool sounding mic pres, though. Three passes, one for guitar and bass, two vocal takes, one sax take. Should have redone a few phrases of the sax. Total time, about an hour.

Lead vocal - TLM103
Harmony vocal 1 - homebuilt LDC, C12VR capsule
Harmony vocal 2 - AT4050
Guitar - C451B
Sax - I think this was a C451B or an MD451
Upright bass - C451B

Tascam DM24
Tascam DA88(2)
Tascam CDRW5000
Lexicon PCM91


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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by dale116dot7 » Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:17 pm

I meant MD421. I don't remember which I used on the sax. I've got it written down somewhere.

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by twitchmonitor » Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:26 pm

heylow wrote:
twitchmonitor wrote: Congrats on a dope album! So you guys went to TT to mixdown, huh? How was that? Was it worth it? What did the tracks sound like before....I'd love to know.
Thanks, man....

Yeah...I think it was worth it. I had to fly half way across the US but there are worse things to do with your time than go mix a record in a strange city for a week, right?

John is cool and his rates are actually stupid low. It's a strange place to be....if you look our site, there is a photo slideshow of Tiny including the outside of it as well. It's in a small industrial park directly across from a place where they build flame sputtering robots and hovercrafts and all kinds of scary shit. It's a cool vibe and good peeps though.

The tracks....honestly....not that different. Luckily there was no "surgery" or anything tricky that needed to be done. We didn't use any effects except compression and a splash of tape delay in one or two songs. Imagine the record with less compression and you have a pretty good picture. We worked hard on tracking it and the guy who headed up the mixing (Jay Pellicci) has a good ear for balancing things well.

Good to know. I consider John a friend and i've been trying to get in TT to do some work, but for one reason or another, it just hasn't happened yet. I do a lot of work at a studio not too for from TT (I live in SF) called Take Root (formerly Found Sound) and I love the arc-welding vibe of the neighborhood too. John's rate's are very reasonable, but for my money, I'm going to be recording my next album (drums and guitars) at Take Root,tracking to Pro Tools and then bring the files to my home studio where I'll do overdubs and mix. The whole endeavor will cost me $200 for the day of tracking and that's it. Well, until mastering, printing, packaging,etc....I can only hope that my end result is half as cool sounding as yours!

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by slamonson » Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:36 pm

heres the most recent band stuff i did...

i recorded these guys at WMUC studio in "lovely" college park md.- last summer (nasty here in DC area).
the rooms are less than isolated (the building is a giant bass swamp). drums and guitar in a large, umparallel room , bass in a seperate adjacent room, vocalist in hallway next to control room.

tracked into a Soundcraft ghost (no outboard pres--the ghost pres are pretty decent so i'm happy)
going to mackiehd/24 , using a 1/4 inch machine as a tape distortion for the drum group and vocals. used LA-4 on bass going to disk, altec tube compressors (green ones- don't no the num..) for vocals- ithinks and dbx 160a on kick .

the drummer has a great kit and the dude is an excellent kickin drummer, so i used 1 or 2 SD sineheissers (dude i am BAD with mic names its really shamefull :cry: ) 57 in the snare shell/across head, D112 right at the front of the kick (3 or 4 mics total ).

vocals into SM-7 (great for a screamer, BTW)

the guitarist had a massive 6X10 or 12 SUNN rig and i used 2 57s-- one of axis behind the cab, one straight at the cone about 6" off the grill (nice slashing/spitty punk rock sounds w/ that setup).
bassist w/ a DI split w/ 4X10 with an LA-4 compressor
mixed to two tracks .(bass missing some low mids, the mp3 quality doesn't help the sound)
recorded in two eves/day, back to mix 2 weeks later (1 day) through the ghost.. directly to alesis final eq/no mastering on this one.

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by tyson » Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:20 pm

Here's a couple of recordings I played bass and synth on: ... tled02.mp3 ... titled.mp3

The drums, bass and rhythm guitar were recorded before we decided to make an actual demo out of it - it was originally recorded just to allow our new drummer to learn the new songs faster. As a result, not much care was put into the recording of them, and it shows, particularly on the drums, which were miced with two room mics (MK-319s) and an SM58 on the kick. Our old drummer stole our crash cymbal and stand, so all we had for the recording was a ride and hi-hats. In addition, the drum heads are about 5 years old.

Everything was tracked onto AudioDesk through a MOTU896. Guitars (Les Paul Classics through Fender Deville) and bass (Stingray through Sunn 300T) were recorded with an MK319. Vocals sounded like shit, so on the last day of recording we went out and bought an RNC. Let me know if you think the vocals sound over-compressed. The synth at the end of untitled02 is a Juno60 using the sound that magically appeared when I turned it on. Unfortunately, time constraints (we had to get the demos to some labels) didn't allow me to do any other synth work on the demo.

We are amateurs, but this is by far the best "full rock band" recording we've ever done (we've done lots of cool electro-acoustic Pinback-type stuff). Please post tips and opinions.
home of Magical, Beautiful / I Hear A New World Tapes & CDR's / I Hear A New World Recording Studio

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by summernightufo » Fri Mar 05, 2004 3:20 pm

Summer Night UFO - four track mind

this is my second LP that was recorded during random sessions within the last year at my home studio (nine-eighteen). the bulk of it was recorded on my tascam porta02 because of the raw 'rock and roll' sound that i wanted, minus the cassette hiss. every song (expect for 'this bird is red', done in one take) were recorded track by track, dumped onto the computer using 'sound forge 6.0' and then multi-tracking was done using 'multiquence 2.0' (old school, freeware at it's best).

when i was recording these songs, i wanted them to have a spontaneous feel to it to keep it fresh for future listens. i hope that aspect comes through. on a side note. i wished that i took more time to record the vocals, which was done in one day, using a AKG C3000B mic. i wasn't happy with some of my vocals takes because of the rush status. someday i hope to re-record new vocal tracks for some of those songs.

no compression was used during the whole process. i wanted this album to be more personal sounding, like if i was in the same room with you, instead of in your face with a shitload of compression.

finally it was mixed down using sony headphones. then eq'd and mastered in Sound Forge 6.0.

btw... this album was made for your headphones. enjoy.

music equipment:
- stargazer acoustic guitar (with a SM57 mic)
- epiphone SG electric guitar (a SM57 mic'd peavy amp). (side note: before i smashed it. long story.)
- ibanez eletric bass (direct input from ampeg BA115 Amp output)
- tama rockstar drumset (with 4 Audio-technica pro 2ax mics through a no-name 6 channel pa mixer)

recording equipment:
- tascam porta 02 MKII
- tascam portastudio 424mkIII
- Zoom RFX-300
- CPU with Creative Live soundcard input
- AKG C3000B (vocal mic)


- Multiquence 2.0
- Sound Forge 6.0

long time TapeOp reader, first time messageboard user. let me know what you guys think.

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Re: Your recent recordings and gear used.

Post by thenumber » Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:22 pm ... 20mix).mp3

yea so we just mixed this last night, for fun. no vocals recorded yet. oh well

recorded in Nuendo 2.1, on a 400$ pc, with a Delta1010lt sound card. Used the Delta preamps (all two of them!) and 2 Behringer UB1622 mixers. Waves plugins

Drum mics:
Kick - Audix D6
Snare - SM57 top, SM58 bottom
Toms - Audix Fusion series, F10's on the 2 racks, F12 on the floor
Overheards - Oktava MC012s in xy over the drummers head, about 3' from the cymbals
Room - Oktava ML52, it sounded awesome, but theres so much shit going on in the song that it only cluttered things up more. didnt use it

Bass: - Road Bass 440 head, home made cabinet 2x10 1x15, Peavy T-40
Direct line out from the head, which we didnt use
Audix D6 on the 15, right on the grill
Oktava MK012 on the 10s, about 11 inches away (checked for phase)

Guitar: - '78 Gibson Les Paul - Tons of effects (metal zone a lot on this, Line6 delay @ ending) - Sunn Sonaro head, sonic 4x12 cab
SM57, on the grill
Audix F10 on the grill

Synths: - Novation K-station, Nord Lead 2, Casio VZ-1 (the gross bass detune thing w/ twinklies @ ending).
Some direct, some through the guitar or bass amps, with the mics already set up on them. During the really heavy part, the main sound on the rad synth lead is an Oktava ML52 inside of an open washing machine about 15 feet away from the amps.

Acoustic guitar: - really nice old guild.
MXL 603, a foot off the bridge, aimed at the 20th fret or so. we just kinda wanted the idea of the guitar there, as its not the main thing deserving attention at the part of the song where this is used. worked out fine

Piano: - Alesis NanoPiano, direct L/R

Right now, the mix doesnt have any toms in it, cause we didnt feel like automating them at the time. They will be used in the final mix, cause they sound damn good.

so uhh yea. cant think of anything else to say. if you have any questions, ask away, i just dont wanna ramble for pages if no one is gonna be interested. IMO it sounds damn good. I cant wait to get rid of these shit behringers (for a GHOST!). Thats going to rule.

tell me whatcha think


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