Trailer Studio Build...

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george martin
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Post by DrummerMan » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:58 pm

RefD wrote:congrats on getting a house!

you're bringing the trailer, right?
Thanks! I'm pretty psyched about it. Yup, definitely bringing the trailer. There is a sweet spot for it tucked behind the garage but still kind of grassy and surrounded by trees and stuff for the nice inspirations. Also good because A) you can't see it from the street, so it gives me a better security feeling. and B) it's about as far away from any of the other neighbors' residences as could be possible on that lot, so the chance of pissing people off is even somewhat more diminished.

We're actually closing in, like 2 weeks, though we probably won't be moving/sleeping there for another month or two, depending on what we decide about construction timetables and shit...
Geoff Mann
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Post by DrummerMan » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:04 pm

Judas Jetski wrote: Ouch! Glad you're OK!
I've been seriously/directly shocked from outlets, and one arc welder, more than a few times in my life, which is a bit disturbing, but also reassuring to know that I've survived them all with little more than a small freak-out to speak for it. This one wasn't so bad. I don't think that between the distance and the varying materials between the actual wire and me that I was receiving the full strength juice. I actually took about 3 times for me to realize that, in fact, no, I wasn't being stung over and over again by some small yet potent unseen insect who was jumping around to the different small areas of exposed skin showing through the holes in my gloves. :)
Geoff Mann
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Post by DrummerMan » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:17 pm

And on another note.

It's actually been a fun, yet totally crazy day. So, yesterday, I finally turned everything on in the trailer (computer, console, racks, etc.) to make sure things were basically functioning. There's still shit all over the place in the CR area, and the drum booth has now become the "work" zone, where all the tools and left over wood and insulation scraps are being stored for now, and where I'm doing the rest of that type of work. Needless to say, I'm just barely functioning, but all of a sudden, clients I haven't heard from in months are sending requests for soundtrack submissions, and another project I've been waiting to get started on forever (and was beginning to think wasn't going to happen) all of a sudden has to get started NOW, with everybody scrambling to schedule a spotting session. Like, THE DAY that I turn things on in there and I'm swamped!! Definitely not complaining, but it would be nice if this happened 2 weeks from now when I felt more prepared... though the universe never seems to work that way, does it.

So I spent the first half of the day trying to get the fridge iso cabinet functioning, because I knew that I'd need some dirty electric on these jobs and I really can't stand the way Logic's amp simulator sounds on a direct guitar (at least I haven't figured out how to make it sound good yet). Anyway, got it working. Definitely some kinks to work out, but all my soldering seems to have been done right and I'm able to record using the Senn 421 I shoved in there. I'll take some pics when I've got some time and maybe record some clips. Right now, I've got to eat some dinner, then get back to work, probably late into the night cause I've got 4 tunes that I found out about last night due first thing tomorrow morning. Man, when it fucking rains....
Geoff Mann
composer | drummer | Los Angeles, CA

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Post by losthighway » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:04 am

Man, having the calendar fill up has to be one of the best feelings when you're not the brass in this game. Congratulations, you're entering a new era, your Trailer Era has begun.

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Post by JWL » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:44 pm

Def.... congrats man.

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Post by willowhaus » Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:37 am

Bump for an update? 8) Now that you've been at it for a few months, how's the trailer working out?

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Post by DrummerMan » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:32 pm


not a whole lot has happened in the direction of progress in the last few months.

I pretty much stopped working ON it at the last point I posted about it however many months ago, and just started working IN it, to the extent that I could, without having finished the iso room. Things worked pretty well, but since I kind of had to throw everything up quickly all of a sudden to start dealing with the work that came in, I didn't necessarily go about the ergonomics as methodically and efficiently as I would have, given more time. Wasn't too bad, but there were more cables and general shit dangling in my way than I'd like to eventually get it. The sound was pretty good, but it still needs a little more sound treatment in the listening area. I'm usually pretty good at compensating for my tinitus and general lack of high freqs in my left ear, but the first set of pieces I turned in for a project were WAAAYYY too left-heavy, a little embarrassing. Luckily, I was able to fix it pretty easily, but this new space will need some more adjustment, or I'll need some time to adjust to IT.

It also started to get hot as fuck in there as the East Side weather increased, and as I hadn't gotten the AC working yet. That might have been partly what led to the downfall of 2 FW drives in one week. Fuckin' A. Anyways....

Then, I had to move. We bought a house (yay!) and I spent all my time in April and May getting the house ready for moving in. Painting, removing Paint, random other shit. Then, we moved. THEN, I moved the trailer :shock: :shock: :shock: . That was an experience! Mostly went off well. I took pretty much everything, equipment-wise, out of it as I was worried about how much weight I'd added in sheetrock, and wanted to minimize my chances of the thing just falling apart or breaking an axle somewhere on Venice Blvd. Luckiily, thart didn't happen, and after a long day I parked it in my new driveway. Casualties included a front window, which broke on the back edge of the pickup truck as I made the sharp turn to get out of my old driveway. I also pissed off some of my new neighbors since we had the whole street blocked for, like, an hour as we tried to back it in through a small gate opening. The shit just wouldn't fit, so I ended up having to dismantle part of my fence (which was cemented into the ground at the corner). Luckily one of my nice neighbors is a contractor and he was able to pull out the big tools to take care of some of this shit. Whew!

I still need to pour a concrete slab behind the garage, where the trailer will make it's final home, and I haven't wanted to fill the trailer back up with everything before I have to move that beast more, since from here on in, it has to be moved by hand (lots of hands). For the mean time, I've got my setup in the garage, which has been fine enough, but I've been itching to get back to business.

Was planning on dealing with that a couple weeks ago, but a death in the family fucked all my shit up and now I'm up in San Francisco dealing with a logistical estate nightmare. Looking forward to coming through the other side of this and finishing what I started.

so, that's the story.
Geoff Mann
composer | drummer | Los Angeles, CA

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Post by Judas Jetski » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:39 am

Wow. :shock: Sounds like some pretty chaotic times. Sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there!

Keep us posted when you get the chance.
New Judas Jetski EP up!

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Post by DrummerMan » Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:55 pm

The new name of the game is QUICK AND DIRTY. I really love doing things the right/best way, but sometimes, if I wait for that to happen, nothing ever moves forward. I've been putting off finishing up the drum booth because I felt like I needed to finish the windows before doing anything else (weakest link, right??). That hit an extra snag when, as I may have mentioned, one of the outside windows busted on the move from our old apartment to our new house a few months back. So now, on top of getting custom glass for the "inside" (the prospect of which gives me huge anxiety for some reason), I also have to replace a oddly shaped piece for the front little window of the trailer, which may involve removing the window frame that I've possibly sealed in there really tight when I was doing my initial soundproofing/sealing up of things.

Long story short, I decided that I really can't put off being able to recording drums in my own space. Despite the fact that I had a very pleasurable and positive time tracking at noeqplease's spot recently, there's really no reason why I can't do it myself, sooooo...... quick and dirty.

I decided to make window plugs. I knew they wouldn't have the same effect as a properly sealed up and hefty double window setup, but I figure, even once the windows are good, I'll still probably want the window plugs to help out if I need to rock out later in the day/evening. I was thinking about picking up some rigid fiberglass, but along the QnD route, I said "fuck it", I've got an entire bag + leftover of Ultratouch. Sure, it's not going to look as clean and pretty as 703, but it's here now, AND I've already paid for it. I framed out some MDF with 1x3 strips, sealing everything as I went with silicone. Then I lined the inside of that frame with a piece of 5/8" sheetrock. The outside got the ultratouch, covered in some red burlap I was saving for the Control Room area, but again, QnD. Slapped some handles on so I could lift these damn things, and.... voila! window plugs.



and then up in the windows in the drum booth. You'll also notice the very rough absorber panels I put up to combat some of the flutter echo on the non-wondow side of the room. Again, they were supposed to be prettier, and I was (and still am) planning on throwing up some of those homemade 3D QRD diffusors, but I needed something NOW.


I forgot to mention the motivation behind this big push, besides just needing it done in general. I've been putting off recording drums for a song project I was working on with a friend of mine out here, nothing pro, mostly for fun. My personal situation earlier in the summer made it so he wasn't bugging me about finishing it up, but he (and his other friend who sang) were starting to get antsy, so I figured if I just scheduled the drum session, I'd HAVE to get things ready enough at least to get through it, so I did... and I did. I was still putting things together in there a half hour before he showed up (which was yesterday), but I made it.

The first thing I noticed was how good the drums actually sounded in the room. I had been expecting to be dissapointed to some degree, but everything was really full sounding and not overly dull. I also didn't hear any "ping"-y flutter, though I was still getting just a bit when I clapped my hands. My mic setup was as follows:

-Spaced pair Front-Of-Kit - Elation KM201 (similar to Oktava SDC's)

-414TLII as a "Room" mic up and behind my head, facing the wall and squashed a bit with a Summit TLA-50. I usually use an Oktava 319 for this, but I've been having grounding issues with mine since I modded them :roll: .

-421 just inside the Kick hole. I was going to use my Audio-Technica ATM25 but I couldn't find it. It's somewhere around, I just don't remember where everything went in the move. whoops.

-AKG D190E on snare. Again, I was going to use my Senn 441, but forgot that the clip broke recently and I haven't gotten a new one. This was actually a blessing because I had forgotten how much I loved the AKG on snare, which now frees up the 441 for bigger and better things.

-EV 635A as a heart/crotch mic. I ran it through an old presonus BlueTube with a bit of overdrive to give it some bite. Worked well. Noisy as fuck, though. I think somethings wrong with the mic, maybe I'll send it in to EV when I finally send them my RE20. I ended up eq-ing a lot of the hiss out on the board.

Pre's on everything else were all through the Toft ATB. I ran the kick and snare also through a DBX project1 comp before going to Logic. Used a little EQ on the Kick and snare as well, but not much. I felt very happy with how the Toft EQ's applied themselves to stuff. Very quick to find the right spot.

I was playing the drums as well, so there was a bit of back and forth to get sounds. My friend was hitting stuff for me, but he really doesn't play the drums at all. In an ideal situation, I'll get to spend a bit more time with mic placement, but all in all, I was happy enough with the result.

Here's a close up of the snare and crotch mics:

and HERE's a snippet of the drums as I quickly mixed them this morning. I've obviously applied some verb and delay to them, but that's all so far.

It's nice to get some momentum again :D
Geoff Mann
composer | drummer | Los Angeles, CA

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Post by Judas Jetski » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:42 pm

(one word post:)


(sounds good, too!)
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Post by DrummerMan » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:49 am


I forgot to mention. I didn't get a chance to hear how much sound was leaking outside, but my wife said that while she could hear the drums, it wasn't really that loud, and on the other side of the house from where the trailer's parked, she couldn't hear it at all, which means that I probably won't be bothering THAT neighbor. I'll have to get another drummer in there at some point to really see what's going on. I'm curious about how much of the leakage is low end and how much is high end, as what I have left to do, isolation-wise, will probably do alot for the higher freqs and not a whole lot down low.

And I haven't heard anything from my other neighbor. After I'd been first just hitting the drums and tuning them up for about 20 minutes, I saw him and asked if it was bothering him. He said he hadn't noticed. Good sign.
Geoff Mann
composer | drummer | Los Angeles, CA

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Post by Dr Rubberfunk » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:16 am

Sounds great, looks great! 14" FT FTW!! ;)

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Post by Judas Jetski » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:14 pm

Hey... and those are mid-60's roundbadge Gretsch, aren't they.
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Post by DrummerMan » Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:50 pm

Judas Jetski wrote:Hey... and those are mid-60's roundbadge Gretsch, aren't they.
Actually, only the snare is Gretsch. The rest are late 50's transition badge Ludwigs, once supposedly hand picked out, in the 70's, by old man Ludwig for a then-somewhat-well-known-but-now-kind-of-obscure jazz drummer as part of his endorsement deal. That drummer promptly brought them directly to the pawn shop. Luckily, one of HIS friends found out about it and went right to the pawn shop and grabbed them, then many years later sold them to me. It's an awesome kit. It also has an 18" BD converted from a floor tom which is a total powerhouse. The snare that "goes" with it is from the 70's, though. Nice drum, but this old Gretsch just does every single thing I want it to do, so I left the ludwig snare on the East coast for when I've got gigs out there.
Geoff Mann
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Post by JWL » Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:30 pm

Nice job, DM....

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