Adding other i/o with an mbox

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Adding other i/o with an mbox

Post by choke3d » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:07 am

So, for my lil' home setup I have a blue and white G3 with an mbox for the computer end of things. I'd love to be able to mix "out of the box" but with 2 outputs, I'm pretty short on options. What can I add? Will a Digi 01 work in tandem with the mbox for more outs? Should I just ditch the mbox and get an 001? I'd like to stay with OS 9, as I have some plugs that I don't want to upgrade or lose as this is really for my meandering "home" tracks and I can't justify springing for a new computer/002 set-up. Anybody doing this?
There's also a Presonus Firebox that has 6 outs, I could mix stems if this would work with PT/mbox...
Am I making sense?

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Re: Adding other i/o with an mbox

Post by Al_Huero » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:10 am

Yes, and you're out of luck as far as getting more outputs from the Mbox. Your best bet is to upgrade to a Digi001. It has Adat in/out, so you can get up to 16-channels each way. The bane of the Mbox is that USB connection; and Digidesign doesn't play nice with other interface units.


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