My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

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My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by djdrake13 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:28 am

I think...

she found out that she's living in an illegal apartment. He hides it from the building inspectors/IRS.etc...
So when she gets mail it goes to his door. And the electric bill is in his name. But its extremely high. 145 dollars for last month. She lives in a 2 room apartment. I wonder if he's tryin to get her to pay for the whole house. there is 3 meters out front, but couldn't they all go to one bill. why would he get 3 bills if they dont' think he has apartments.

also.. he calls last night at 10 o'clock saying that he got a disconnect notice and that he'll pay it, but she has to pay him back. well he made the mistake of showing her the bill from this month about 2 weeks ago, and the due date is Feb. 28th. So why would they be threatening to turn it off before the bill is even due!!

I'm so furious with this guy, this isn't the first thing he's done that's sketchy, but I want to know what people think/would do about this situation before I go and have a lil talking to with him.
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Rigsby » Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:42 am

If i was her i'd let him know he'd been rumbled about the bill etc but in a gentle way, like saying 'i don't understand why they'd send a disconnection notice through if the bills not due to the end of the month, maybe it's a screw up, have you called them to check?', be friendly, like she's on his side, not doubting him. Sometimes showing you're a little more clued up than they took you for goes further than taking issue and having a row, especially if she's otherwise happy living there.

If the electricity bills high then i'd check it out with him, again in a fairly casual manner without ruffling feathers, y'know like 'wow, $145, that's more than i've ever paid for electricity before, maybe the readings wrong', again, making it seem like she doesn't doubt him but doubts the company instead. If none of this gets any messages through then best to move out, it's his place, causing a row isn't going to achieve anything as he can just evict her, best that she keeps schtum and looks for somewhere else in her own time rather than him getting all worked up and kicking her out, leaving her a very short space of time to find somewhere else.

...and if i were you, i really wouldn't get all shirty with him as that's not going to help her have a better quality of life, he'll just get pissed off and get her out of there.

Just my 2pence, hope things turn out well.
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by djdrake13 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:56 am

Thanks Rigsby.

I am so pissed off by this guy, that I just want to bitch smack him. Thats why I posted this to get some other ideas from people who aren't involved and fired up. I offered her the advice and I'll keep ya posted as to what happens with it. Thanks man!!
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Rigsby » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:01 am

No worries, any one would want to beat him to a pulp but at least this way he gets to have all the concern and worries not your girlfriend and not you, if someone's trying to pull a fast one this is generally how i try to deal with it, just give all the worry back to them. Keep us posted, good luck.
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by djdrake13 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:41 am

Well I forwarded her this link, and she said that she has already said that it was expensive to her.. that she also said that it's weird that they are sending her a disconnect notice cause she sent a payment 2 weeks ago. so now I'm even more confused as to what she should do, cause he just seems to be ignoring her.

I think I'm gonna report him for having an illegal apartment. Who would I contact?? the IRS, the police?? doesn't seem like they'll give a shit enough to do anything about it.
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by EasyGo » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:15 am

djdrake13 wrote:I think I'm gonna report him for having an illegal apartment.
How bout using that dirt on him to get him to negotiate/do the right thing? Don't give up the only leverage she has before getting things resolved, if there's any hope of that.

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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by ToroRojo » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:16 am

The city you live in should have some sort of housing authority or department of housing. That is who you should contact about reporting the 'landlord'. If the city you live in has a website, that is a good starting point for more information.

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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Isolation » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:32 am

i own some apartments and usually having more than one meter means more than one bill, you can't get just one bill for multiple meters...that in itself didn't make sense to me...does he make her pay the electricity usually as part of her rent? some landlords will pay for certain utilities, i pay for gas and water on mine...

toro is right, go to the local courthouse and get in touch with the tax office, see about getting some building inspectors to go out there...if this guy is as sketchy as you say he is than he's probably in violation of a lot of things to boot...this will bring a heap of trouble on him, that's the best way to get to'll fuck his pocketbook all up...

and yeah, in the meantime your girlfriend really should look elsewhere to live...either way she doesn't have long at this place...
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by kenl666 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:48 pm

I'd suggest keeping REAL quiet about it if your GF goes to the housing authority, the guy sounds like a real dick and if he finds out he'll probably lock her out and/or toss her stuff out on the street (probably right after she leaves for the day).

Have her look for another place, maybe do a good inventory of all her possessions (does the landlord have a master key to her apt?) and don't let him see her bringing in empty boxes for packing...

good luck.

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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by maz » Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:13 pm

don't forget your powers of invisibility. they'll come in handy for such a time as this.

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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by andrew embassy » Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:26 pm

"We'll need plenty of grass. Acupolco shirts. Cassete player for special music. Get the hell out of LA for at least 48 hours. And we'll need to be armed. To the teeth. As your lawyer natrually I'll have to come with you. Blows my weekend-"
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by rolandk » Tue Feb 15, 2005 6:30 pm

My friend got kicked out of his apartment and he pooped in the dishwasher right before he left.
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Mr. Dipity » Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:53 pm

rolandk wrote:My friend got kicked out of his apartment and he pooped in the dishwasher right before he left.
At my old job, we had a small one of those odwalla fridges you see at the grocery store, filled with juice once or twice a week. People were downing them like there was no tomorrow.

However, a few of the more delicate of my co-workers decided that an entire 2,600 calories of in an odwalla juice was no good for their girlish figures, and so they started drinking half a bottle and putting it back, and just drinking a sliming 1,300.

Soon enough, the entire bottom of the fridge was full of half drunk bottles of the stuff. They would drink half, put it back, and then when they came to get it later in the day, there would be so many others there like it, that they couldn't tell which one was theirs, so they would open another, drink half, and put it back. This went on for quite a while.

It did not, however, go on forever. And the day it came to a grinding halt, it was because a chain reaction of small, festering bottles coated the inside of the fridge with rotting fruit juice and knocked the door open so that it could ooze itself all over the carpet of the rec-room.

Every since, I've fantisized of leaving unsealed but closed bottles of odwalla in places that no-one will discover them, until too late....

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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Isolation » Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:08 am

that reminds me of the time when odwalla was making people sick...anyone else remember that?
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Re: My girlfriends landlord is trying to rip her off

Post by Rigsby » Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:10 am

Her reporting him sounds like a good idea, but i'd only do it after she's found somewhere to live. As for the bills, she should call the power company with him present, get him to give her rights to talk to them (otherwise they won't) and check out what exactly she's paying for. She really does need to get out of there though, as much as she may otherwise like living there.
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