LA-610 vs. Avalon 737-SM

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LA-610 vs. Avalon 737-SM

Post by ryangeller » Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:49 am

hey, I'm looking to pick up a chanelstrip mostly for vox, but also for overdubbing bass, some acoustic guitar, and possibly the output of my Palmer ADIG unit. I've used the Avalon for a while, and have tracked once w/ a 6176, but never the LA610. I really liked the 6176, but can't afford it, so it's between the other two. I am also interested in using the unit as an outboard compressor (maybe some eq) from my PT and Logic rig, so that needs to be factored in as well. I never fell in love w/ the Avalon unit, although it did work well for vocals and bass and tended to be fairly transparent. The 6176 was less steril, but i'm not sure how the compressor section of the la610 would factor in. So which should I get? Avalon or UA?

thanks -- ryan

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Post by dokushoka » Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:32 am

The 610 isn't really a good all around pre, IMO. The 737... well, the pre is ok, the compressor pooh and the eq ok at best...

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Post by ryangeller » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:45 am

well for around the $1400-$1700 range, what can you suggest for a pre,comp,eq combo that accepts line and mic level and is great on vocals and good all around for everything else? I was planning on picking up an RNC or RNLA in the near future to compliment the 610 pre when tracking or processing sources other than vox. any thoughts? ryan

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Post by Theron D » Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:38 pm

i use an Avalon M5 along with an Art Pro VLA compressor, great results on vox and acoustic guitar. Have you considered this combo? No EQ but IMO a great combination....

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Post by ryangeller » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:05 pm

well the M5 is only slightly less than the 737sm unit, so is that to say that the compressor section on the 737 is worse than the pro vla? also, would you suggest that that M5 is better sounding and more versatile than the 610 pre? obviously i'd like to spend less than more. thanks -- ryan

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Post by weatherbox » Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:19 pm

Langevin DVC. Good, pretty clean (but not boring) 2-channel preamp that works well on many sources - voice, clean electric guitars, acoustic guitar, and bass being my favorites - along with a limiter that complements vocals very well and a simple but tasteful EQ that's great for adding/subtracting a little at tracking time. Fits in that same price range. Never tried the Avalon stuff, owned a 2-610 for a while and the DVC is definitely a more all-around useful unit that the 610.

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Post by MikeCzech » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:02 pm

I wouldn't buy the avalon, but I wouldn't buy the LA-610 either.. The avalon might be more versatile, but I wouldn't spend that kind of money for something that doesn't offer that magic sparkle that other gear in that price range does.

I had my eyes on the LA610 for some time. I did a lot of research on the, unfortunately I wasn't able to use it myself (I live in Utah!), but from what I was able to conclude, the LA-610 is nothing like an LA2A and a 610. The 610 part is fine and dandy, but the compressor is merely a generic optical compressor, which I'm sure sounds very nice, but doesn't even play in the same ballpark as an LA2A.

I settled for the pre's I already have (a good selection, IMHO) and a 2-1176, and I never looked back. I've got 2 channels of great compression, and I don't feel obligated to use them with any particular pre.

I know the LA-610 allows you to use it as 2 seperate entities, but being in the same chasis I think most people would keep themselves confined to using it as a channel strip.

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Post by kayagum » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:43 am

I use a RNP/RNC combo for a lot of my sound design work, and it works great for that. Maybe it's not the most massive sounding setup, but this kind of application favors a "slightly better than neutral" balance. I've almost never needed to EQ (at least for the sound design and foley stuff).

If you want a "better than real" setup, consider the usual suspects named around here: EH 12ay7, Hamptone JFet, ART Pro VLA, etc. Pretty much any search on "preamp" or "compressor" will give you plenty of suggestions.

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Post by kdownes » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:12 am

I know the LA-610 allows you to use it as 2 seperate entities, but being in the same chasis I think most people would keep themselves confined to using it as a channel strip.
actually the la610 cant be used as 2 seperate units, though the
6176 can.

having used both the la610 and the avalon, i am alot more
fond of the la610. its definately not my go to channel, as it
imparts tons of color on the track, but when it works, it really

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Post by ryangeller » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:25 pm

thanks guys. so the avalon is out of the picture. i'll probably check out the ART Pro VLA since i've been reading some good things about it (although a rosetta 200 will most likely be a priority).

the langevin looks solid, but possibly boring? although i've had great experiences with manley gear, and the price for two channels is pretty awesome. I did enjoy the 610 pre for the short amount of time i used it, but i understand that the LA portion of the combo unit may be worthless. does anyone see any alternatives to the langevin unit?

line inputs would really be nice, as a bunch of my gear is line level out (of course this would only be needed if i were using the eq or comp sections of the combo unit)

i suppose i'll open up the options to dedicated units as well as combo units.

to prioritize, my uses would be:

tracking vocals
acoustic guitar
outboard compression and EQ for various instruments
Bass DI (via a summit td100)
E gtr (via palmer adig unit)

$1,650 upper limit.

thanks again guys, ryan

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Post by MikeCzech » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:08 pm

What about a Sytek (4 channels) and a summit TLA-50?

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