What Did You Work On Today 6-9-06

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Post by jayro_rockola » Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:38 pm

JUST finished up a pretty long session tracking everything from dual banjos to scream vocals through my awesome little Columbia shit mic. Overdub city can be a pretty cool place to live sometimes. Now I'm double checking some final mixes for a particularly finicky client. He SWORE he heard a pop during the 3rd chorus of the last song.
(he's usually right)

Now for the weekend!

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Post by brian beattie » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:10 pm

I caulked

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Post by E-cue » Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:19 am

Finally got my computer back from Melrose Mac after a 3 week, downtime, dead in the water, suicidal-feeling-everytime-a-client-called-to-ask-if-I-finish-their-project-I-hadn't-even-started=yet, crapfest. This time it appears to be working. The replacement computer I ordered a couple days into the downtime that UPS lost (seriously) is still missing.

So, I mastered a record and mixed 2 songs.

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Post by JdJ » Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:32 am

I spent the day tweaking drum mics/ bass rig for tracking on Monday. Determined my drip/homebrew LA2A rocks on P-Bass and the Omni-over-the-shoulder drum mic thing is gonna work swell on this one...

Oh yeah- and more importantly- determined my tracking room hasn't flooded yet (like last month) not that the monsoon-outta-nowhere weather is helping...


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Post by ulriggribbons » Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:42 pm

Moved >40 cartons of microphones.

Built and shipped a dozen custom mics.

Matched a couple pairs of mics.

redid website to reflect new mic pictures.

got AES booth straightened out

ordered parts

rewired bass(fixed hum problem), tracked some, mmm good.

fixed pegged meter in console

did a little dance, made a little love, got down tonight! :D

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Post by JWL » Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:36 pm

Recorded some acoustic guitar tracks for my band's debut album, using my Wechter guitars and Shinybox and Rode mics. It will need some cleanup edits, but I got some good tracks I think.

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Post by Rigsby » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:01 pm

I was in Lake Garda, Italy, recording found sounds, got some great stuff. Shame to be home really.
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Post by Old-Draftsman » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:13 am

djimbe wrote:I'm in AutoCAD hell, trying to design something I've never seen (other than old blueprints) prior to attempting to make it work (later this year). Learning this AutoCAD stuff is harder than learning ProTools, and I'm an ace board draftsman, so it's not like the concepts are new to me.

Tomorrow I get to use my new console though. Can't wait for that...
Autocad SUCKS!!! (and is harder to figure than chinese arithmetic) :wink: I'd rather be using a pencil, but...

Hang in there, you'll get it... eventually. My experience spans from T-square and triangles in 1962 to Autocad 2006 today and I STILL wish I could go back to the "drawing board".

Slim said that

... oh yeah, and I worked on drawings today..
I'm old, tired, busted, impatient and my feet hurt that's why I sit all the time. Deal with it and hand me that remote while you're close.

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Post by xonlocust » Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:17 pm

last night of tour!! i played kansas city and it was a pretty good show. bittersweet to be done - but now i get to spend some time focusing back on my studio and recording again.

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Post by workshed » Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:02 am

Got my new/used RE-20 and it sounds fantastic. Didn't do much else exciting, other than working a lot.

However, to include more recording content, I did track some basics for a song I'm working on, late Saturday night. Used my Hamptone JFET and partially modded TOMB Ribbon. I like my TOMB ribbons so much better now that I have a nice, high-gain preamp. Sounded nice and full about 1' out from the 12th fret on my cheapish Epi acoustic.

Now if I can just figure out how to fix the intermittent static that my 828 mkII keeps getting while tracking. A reboot of the unit helps, but it seems to come back at random intervals. Seems to be well-documented on Unicornnation, but annoying nonetheless. I just hope it stays away for the VO session I am doing here tomorrow.

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Post by snuffinthepunk » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:13 pm

the only thing I "worked" on was getting my hair cut. I've spent time thinking about how the studio I intern at is wired though...especially the cue/talkback systems. if i remember correctly (for the talkbacks), the last input on the wall panels in each room are all connected to the same place, then fed back out to a small mixer in the tracking areas, which then go back into the control room and into the boards on one fader to keep things "simple." I'm just tryin to figure out how that'd be done =) I don't get paid, but it's sure as hell fun!
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Post by NewAndImprov » Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:58 pm

ostensibly had a day off. First thing in the morning, I get a call from the singer-songwriter I had been recording the day before, the rough mixes I gave her when she left had no lead vocals, just echo and reverb returns. We'd been tracking lead vox the day before, and I had all the backing tracks assigned to one set of outputs for her to monitor, and the lead vox to a different set. So when I did the quick bounce at the end of the day, I forgot to re-assign. D'oh. Fixed that and delivered new mixes tp her.

Went to the local music stores to find some sort of an analog/fake analog delay to replace the memory man I had blown up on tour. I'd plugged it in while setting up, and got a huge spark that arced to the keyboard it was sitting on, left a really big mark too. I though it was a goner. After shopping around and not finding anything I liked, I decided to try to fix my memory man. The insulation on the power cord had worn through right where it passes through the case. It had also melted the plastic insulator that was supposed to protect the cord from the case. After hacksawing the insulator off, I unsoldered the cord and replaced it with an old 2-prong extension cord. Made a new insulator from a rubber grommet and some duct tape. Felt like McGyver, but now I have sweet analog delays again.

Played a gig in Eugene that night with a band we'd met on the road in Idaho last year. It turns out that they have been on the road continuosly for exactly a year Friday night, travelling all over the west and the rockies, with no home base. I was pretty impressed, they sounded really tight (especially for a band that is ostensibly a jamband). And they still seem to like each other.

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Post by Karlos the Jackal » Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:34 am

Brought home a big-ass Cecil B. DeMille-style megaphone and messed around recording vocals with it.

Sonic considerations aside, it makes a good deal of psychological difference. Fun.


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Post by ChrisCo » Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:27 pm

So get this: I touched base with a band I'm trying to recruit to record. I go out to the venue (one of the classic "Sunset Strip" places); they're the first band that night. They've got about 20 people in the crowd. They're alright... but at the last song, they do that classic finale ending where each instrumentalist plays all they've got... suddenly the rhythm guitarist takes his "axe" and slams it into the ground all rockstar style.


So I had been clapping cuz they finished, but when he started doing that, my jaw dropped. He was destroying that $200 ibanez with such fury and grandeur that the place should go wild... right?

THERE WERE 20 people there!!! WTF?!?! When is this EVER ok?

So it gets better. Outside the venue, they unload their stuff at the car... the soundguy walks out, hands the guitarist a broken SM57 and asks if the guitarist has $80. Apparently the mic on his guitar cab got caught when we lifted the guitar above his head, so he ended up breaking off the front end of it. They ran a credit card transaction for the purchase of an SM57.

So I guess I'll be working with them. I think I'm going to post a blog/journal... because that's going to be in-ter-es-ting...


Hopefully he doesn't do that in my "studio" (bedroom) :oops:
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Post by soundguy » Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:24 am

ChrisCo wrote:When is this EVER ok?
when you have a $200 ibanez guitar?

one hundred percent discrete transistor recording with style and care.

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