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tape op messageboard - fastest mods in america!

Post by joeysimms » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:43 am

I'd like to publicly thank the moderators of this board for being so quick to remove any posts they deem to be offen$ive. They're so quick it's sick! Awesome job!
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Post by jca83 » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:58 am

dude you have SOLD OUT. i bet they're paying you to say that.
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Post by RefD » Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:23 pm

jca83 wrote:dude you have SOLD OUT. i bet they're paying you to say that.
yah, and don't even get me started on that ad for Bee Wear Apparel in his sig.

what a shill!
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Post by joeysimms » Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:00 pm

RefD wrote:
jca83 wrote:dude you have SOLD OUT. i bet they're paying you to say that.
yah, and don't even get me started on that ad for Bee Wear Apparel in his sig.

what a shill!
Hey, just because I have a sweet endorsement deal w/ Bee Wear Apparel doesn't mean I don't think it's really sick stuff, ya dig??? Have you seen their fall line? SICK, esp. when you like, want to get a bit of hair around your legs, stand out a little. Aggressive sick.

So, please clarify 'shill' to 'shill WITH EXCELLENT TASTE', thankyou.
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Post by RefD » Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:10 pm

joeysimms wrote:
RefD wrote:
jca83 wrote:dude you have SOLD OUT. i bet they're paying you to say that.
yah, and don't even get me started on that ad for Bee Wear Apparel in his sig.

what a shill!
Hey, just because I have a sweet endorsement deal w/ Bee Wear Apparel doesn't mean I don't think it's really sick stuff, ya dig??? Have you seen their fall line? SICK, esp. when you like, want to get a bit of hair around your legs, stand out a little. Aggressive sick.

So, please clarify 'shill' to 'shill WITH EXCELLENT TASTE', thankyou.

you totally have their pollen all down your chin, you sellout!

*points to the advert showing joeysimms wearing Bee Wear Apparel on the subway*
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Post by coniferouspine » Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:28 am

Yeah Simms, I saw that you were listed on the Bee Wear Apparel "Featured Artist" page, and then you were here on TOMB with a review raving about how great their new Bee Wear fall line was going to be...I couldn't tell if you were raving about it because they are giving the stuff to you for free or at a discount, or if you were raving about it because you knew that production was backed up and no one else else on TOMB would be able to get a hold of any for six months...just FYI, in the future that kind of disclosure on a TOMB review would really help my purchasing decisions. It's important to let readers know WHICH KIND of overblown hype it is that you are peddling.
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Post by joeysimms » Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:14 am

This is EXACTLY the kind of scandalous post the mods here will remove soo fricken fast it'll make your innernet tale $PIN! Moderators, do your duty, do not fail me now in my time of need.

And FYI - every piece of clothing I have reviewed for Bee Ware Apparel is currently available to all.

Edit: oops, strike that, the Sick Slicker Sickee Jeansuit (cat.no.SSSJ01) will NOT be available til Jan'08, but, I am assured that TOMBers wishing to preorder may do so and if you mention me, Joey Simms, you'll receive a 10% discount off of shipping and handling fees! It's the best jeansuit you'll ever wear, it destroys your thighs in a very elegant manner.
coniferouspine wrote:Yeah Simms, I saw that you were listed on the Bee Wear Apparel "Featured Artist" page, and then you were here on TOMB with a review raving about how great their new Bee Wear fall line was going to be...I couldn't tell if you were raving about it because they are giving the stuff to you for free or at a discount, or if you were raving about it because you knew that production was backed up and no one else else on TOMB would be able to get a hold of any for six months...just FYI, in the future that kind of disclosure on a TOMB review would really help my purchasing decisions. It's important to let readers know WHICH KIND of overblown hype it is that you are peddling.
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Post by chris harris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:48 am

There are obviously only a small handful of you guys who really think this childish behavior is funny.

If you've got a legitimate complaint with a TapeOp review, or with a Joel Hamilton post, then fucking say it already. If there is something specific in one of the reviews or posts that you think is an outright lie, bought-and-paid-for by a manufacturer, then fucking say it.

Otherwise, you're just a bunch of failed comedians with no real point. Please don't spoil a friendly and helpful messageboard with this childish bullshit. Do you really expect FULL DISCLOSURE everytime someone recommends a piece of gear?!?! Come on... It's the gawd damn internet for crying out loud.

Do you expect MORE disclosure from Joel or other professionals/moderators than you do from the guy who claims that his C1000 is the best mic for everything without mentioning that the C1000 is the most "high-end" mic he owns?

There's often smart-ass humor on this forum. But, unlike this time, it's usually something that is considered funny by more than 3 or 4 members. You guys seem intent on making this message board just as childish and idiotic as any other board out there.

If you have a problem with the integrity of the editorial staff of either the mag or the board, I'd suggest you address your concerns to them specifically, rather than try to prove how cute your jokes are in a public forum. In addition, you're obviously free to STOP READING BOTH THE MAG AND THE FORUM. I appreciate humor (when it's actually funny) and a certain amount of OT shenanigans. But, most members around here DON'T appreciate people taking jabs at the people who go out of their way to provide us with massive amounts of free information.

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Post by joeysimms » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:14 am

Dear Uptight in OK:

When a post criticizes the moderator and/or the monetary incentive behind an enthusiastic post that basically amounts to a free ad, it is deleted.

That's the silliest, most childish behavior on this board.

p.s. thanks for the (subatomic) cd Chris, I enjoyed it.

p.p.s - You don't need to read this message.

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Post by mjau » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:31 am

Ok boys, outta the way, a Mod is coming through.

Yes, mjau is a Mod. Has mjau gone the way of Lando / Billy Dee Williams and struck a deal with the Dark Side, you ask? No, mjau patently rejects this assertion. Does mjau have an odd romantic fetish for all things authoritarian and fascist? Possibly, but this will be addressed in the "People Skills" forum at a later date. If he may (NOTE: he may, he's a Mod after all), mjau would like to address the good people of TOMB-land for a moment with a Rodney King-esque plea.

TOMB is much like your 5th grade lunchroom, except that our population is not made up of 11 year olds, it is made up of doughy audio geeks who don't get enough sun. Just like the cafeteria of days yore, there is a "cool" table, a "geek" table, a "girls" table, a teacher's table (NOTE: mjau's), and various other tables for people we don't care much about and won't remember in ten years. It is mjau's belief that the "cool" table has heard the clarion calls for freedom and justice and is taking on the perceived misdeeds of the teacher's table. It is also mjau's belief that the "cool" table is possibly bored and likes gunning for the easy target. Who knows, could mjau be next, he wonders to himself? Then he laughs confidently while sniffing up a line off the console, and thinks to himself how the world would be a better place if everyone had a sweet console.

Good people of TOMB: chill. This place could easily turn into Yankee Stadium on a hot, itchy day when the dried urine on the seats begins to ferment and the people start salivating over the first taste of blood on their pointy canines. Mjau does not like the yankees one bit.

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Post by joeysimms » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:33 am

*snorts a phat line off Mjau's tanned belly*
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Post by chris harris » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:40 am

so, you don't think that Behringer or Mackie would break their neck to give Joel a bunch of free shit if they thought it would earn them some respect in the TapeOp community?

If you know that Joel or Larry (or any other reviewers around here) have LIED about a piece of gear, or talked up a piece of gear that they don't even like, then point out those lies.

It's easy to get people riled up about a conspiracy. If Joel or anyone else involved in TapeOp had a provable history of spouting bullshit about gear just so that they could get free stuff, that would be one thing.

If you can say that "Joel said such-and-such about this piece of gear. I've used that gear and I'm calling bullshit. He only said that because he receives free gear from them", that would be something completely different.

Honestly, I'd rather see a review from a guy working professionally, who happens to get good discounts from manufacturers, than see a review from a guy who's just spent two months' pay on a microphone. Even if that mic sucks, you're more likely to get a skewed review from him because he's gotta justify that investment. I just haven't seen any posts from Joel that would lead me to believe that he's being anything less than honest about how he views the gear he uses.
When a post criticizes the moderator and/or the monetary incentive behind an enthusiastic post that basically amounts to a free ad, it is deleted.
I think that's total bullshit. Larry has defended his editorial practices on many occasions. Usually to the satisfaction of the MAJORITY of free subscribers. I have no doubt that if you wanted to engage Joel in an intelligent discussion about the same, he'd probably be happy to oblige as well.

But, that's not what was happening in the Culture Vulture thread. There was no "discussion"... Just silly, juvenile jokes at Joel's expense. I'd have deleted that childish, bush-league comedy nonsense, too.

Glad you like the record!

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Post by mikeyc » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:45 am

I wonder what table I'm sitting at. You always think your table is the cool table. Then the cool kids tell you otherwise. Maybe I'll just sit at the Beard and Glasses Table. They look nice...

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Post by mjau » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:47 am

You may come join us at the teacher's table. We always opt for the limp steamed vegetables over the waffle fries.

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Post by joeysimms » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:54 am

mikeyc wrote:I wonder what table I'm sitting at. You always think your table is the cool table. Then the cool kids tell you otherwise. Maybe I'll just sit at the Beard and Glasses Table. They look nice...
You're sitting at the table that thinks cool songs have -zero- to do with stupidly expensive gear with silly names. The table that believes Tom Waits records in his bathroom on a 4 track because he likes the way it sounds. The table that thinks it's an insult to beginning recordists everywhere to overemphasize the importance of quality gear over quality of songs (recording is important). The table that thinks accepting $$$ in exchange for free ads is lame-o. The table that thinks if you can't take a joke or a poke, then you're busted and broke in the skull.
beware bee wear

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