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Feedback on the current issue, ideas for articles, questions about Tape Op

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Bro Shark
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What it is

Post by Bro Shark » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 pm

My experience reading Tape Op is different from other periodicals. For me the magazine is about the sheer joy of hitting record, and it's about creating a community where people encourage each other to do so - especially considering the infinite other possibilities for what one could do with one's time - most of it not all that productive. We're like a team. We all have different jobs, roles, goals, backgrounds, skills, abilities, talents, hopes, dreams and realities. But we all "get off" on hitting record and committing sound to recorded media. It brings is together and gives us a sense of purpose. It brings meaning and fosters real human relationships.

I know it's been said hundreds of times before, but when Tape Op comes in the mail, I'm fucking giddy. My girlfriend jokes about it: "look! Your Tape Op came!" I read it cover to cover, usually at least three or four times. I read reviews of gear I've got lust for over and over. I study interviews for hidden gems of wisdom. I consider new ideas and approaches. The proverbial lightbulb goes on.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to Tape Op: the writers and editors, the reviewers, the artists who do interviews, the web people, the readers, the advertisers (who keep it fucking free for us all), and the people who post here. You keep me inspired to get off my ass, hit the fucking record button and go for it.

What's Tape Op about to you?

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what it is

Post by happylurker » Sun May 29, 2011 5:56 pm

Nice post--just had to register to offer some appreciation as well.

As one of the legion of basement hacks, I'm happy to just lurk here, as I have nothing to contribute, in general. But this magazine and its forum have been invaluable to me since I first picked up an issue many years ago.

Case in point: a little detail in the recent Dungen article regarding a mic'ing* technique resulted in the best drum sounds I've gotten so far. Like a million times better. The mag is full of stuff like that: articles that, even if you have no interest in the subject, likely contain some nugget of enormous benefit.

All of the little complaints about innocent typos, wonky layout, typefaces, and type of paper used are just insane to me, completely baffling. This magazine is obviously a time-consuming labor of love for a busy crew. I'd be grateful if it was published on bar napkins.

Thanks Larry, and thanks Tape Op staff.

*Note abbreviation in accordance with Tape Op in-house style manual.

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Post by fossiltooth » Mon May 30, 2011 9:47 am

I like this thread, and I like Tape Op. Lots. I credit it as the magazine that gave me the courage to record, mix and write about music for a living. I also love the fact that Tape Op doesn't see "making a living at it" the only purpose or goal of being passionate about music. Music is written into all of our DNA, not just that of a few ivory tower professionals. The more people understand and participate in music, the more we all benefit.

This magazine recognizes that fact without pretension or artifice. It never talks down to or exlcudes hobbyists, amateurs, students, or neophytes, and welcomes their perspectives and contributions along with those of old-timers, new-recruits, seasoned pros and working musicians. It's cosmopolitan and metropolitan, rootsy and enlightened, down-home and looking to the horizon. It's about human beings and technology making sense of eachother, and brings more recording wisdom to our doorstep every-other month than our past counterparts might have gleaned over years of relative isolation.

All in all, good stuff, and one of my favorite print magazines around today.

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Post by jkelly222 » Mon May 30, 2011 5:08 pm

I absolutely agree with all of this! Well put guys!

I also love how when you meet someone in the real world and they know about Tape Op it's like an instant friendship. If they're in with Tape Op then the odds are very high that we will have some interesting things to talk about!


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Post by agauchede » Tue May 31, 2011 12:21 pm

I literally squeal with delight when TapeOp arrives in the mail. Yes . . . literally. It worries my wife.

Thanks, TapeOp!

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Post by masteroftracks » Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:21 am

When the new issue goes up on the website I obsessively check the mailbox till it arrives, like 4 or 5 times a day even after the mail comes. I think I need help. Are there any good OCD counselors on here?
I think I might be able to help with the whole Pan-Pam dilemma.......

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Post by markjazzbassist » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:54 pm

cheers to a great magazine. i really appreciate the great insights and thoughts that people write about and also how different approaches and concepts are okay. it's cool to see a tube and tape article followed by a modern digital article. we can all exist and make music together.

the forums have been invaluable to me because everyone is so friendly and helpful. on other sites like gearslutz people are more about superiority and ego, here they are helpful and courteous and just wonderful.

thank you tape op

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