Day Jobs (or what else you do apart from engineering)

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Post by Scodiddly » Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:08 pm

Technically I'm a live sound guy, but I work for a company that does some live sound but mostly sales and rentals to other companies. The bulk of my paycheck comes from repairs and being the IT guy.

That being said, it's a pretty high-end company where we do a lot of wireless, we carry Meyer and Danley speakers, etc. So at least I'm not doing bar/festival sound, though it would be cool to do more shows.

On the side, these days mostly for fun, I build microphones.

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Post by NewAndImprov » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:04 pm

Work 2 days a week at possibly the last used record store on the west coast. Do a lot of spoken word/audio book work at my home studio, and gig with 4 different bands. Somehow I almost manage to pay my bills every month. Just started a part time work-at-home gig for a contractor working for Google, am not yet sure if this is a scam or not, will give it a few weeks to see.

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Post by megajoe » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:24 pm

I got a B.M., then started interning at a studio. The owner asked me a simple question that changed my whole perspective.

"If you had a million dollars; in other words, you didn't have to worry about money, what would you do?"
"Well, I don't have a million dollars, so that doesn't matter."

I brewed on the thought after I got home. Later it made me realize that I just need to do whatever I want and the money finds a way of getting to me.

As has been a theme of this thread, diversification is the key. I've made rap music, mixed & recorded bands, multitracked concert stages, post-production for a music TV network, audio-for-video, nude figure model, painted interior walls of a house, played in all sorts of bands, landing performances as a composer in academic environments, session musician, wholesale marijuana distribution (that was a disaster. not recommended), decluttering people's homes, ebay hustlin... there's too many things I can do for money that I enjoy to tie myself to one place.

I've learned to live frugally, with few possessions besides music gear, and I like it that way. I just barely break into five figures every year. I don't need more than that to be comfortable.

My last job was four years ago. Full time as a cog at a garage door factory. did it out of desperation and health insurance. I was suffering from a case of Ulcerate Colitis that was out of control. Four weeks was all I lasted.

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Post by Gregg Juke » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:13 pm

How is it now, megajoe? (the colitis)


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