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stylus flanger
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Post by stylus flanger » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:03 am

i discovered this recently when i opened the mic for the first time since buying it. the red loktite on the mounting screws is broken off. it's a different brass capsule!

the time elapsed is irrelevant (it was more like 20 years, after doing the math,) the property isn't all that important (although i dare anyone to tell randy bachman that his guitar isn't important,) and i'm happier with a stranger's approval than when i am told that a major superstar actually digs one of my songs.

don't make excuses for a**h***s. it's like the douche bag of the band sleeping with your girlfriend, and excusing himself because you're not married.

the moral of the story, i suppose, is that assholes do not deserve a second chance, ever.

re: mindfulness therapy- this is exactly the kind of advice i was asking for. thanks, snarl.

oh, and it's MR. FLANGER to you! :oneeye:

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Snarl 12/8
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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:45 am


If it's the first time ever you've opened the mic, you don't know that you didn't buy it that way. I submit that you'd be better off hating this guy for his known douchery than by leaving the reality-based community to possibly make shit up about him. You're allowed to hate whoever you want for any reason you desire, but I think people are better off when they base their decisions on provable facts.


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stylus flanger
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Post by stylus flanger » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:53 am

sorry. i DID open it when i bought it. i should have been more clear about that. even if not personally responsible, it's a fruit from a rotten tomato plant scenario, and that's the only clue i'm giving.

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Post by Gentleman Jim » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:09 am

stylus flanger wrote: don't make excuses for a**h***s. it's like the douche bag of the band sleeping with your girlfriend, and excusing himself because you're not married.

the moral of the story, i suppose, is that assholes do not deserve a second chance, ever.

re: mindfulness therapy- this is exactly the kind of advice i was asking for. thanks, snarl.
1. Perhaps you should be angry at your girlfriend when she and the band member sleep together. She DOES have free will and agency, right? I think women got both of those with the passage of the 19th Amendment. Or, perhaps you should consider why it is that you're with someone who would do such a thing. Or in a band with someone you can't trust. After all, we know it isn't the burning need for fame that keeps you with this guy.

2. Healthy attitude about second chances. Enjoy the ever-decreasing pool of people in your life, and prepare to die alone.

3. Get on that mindfulness therapy as soon as you think you're ready for it. Unfortunately, I don't think you're there yet. You seriously should consider getting into some kind of talk therapy first. It has helped me tremendously on a few occasions in the past.

stylus flanger
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Post by stylus flanger » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:49 pm


a) i've never had a bandmate sleep with a girlfriend to the best of my knowledge. for those WHO CAN'T READ, this was not the point. the example addresses the behavior of such a bandmate, not the one who's 'agency' has been exploited.

b) for those WHO CAN'T READ, the 19th amendment prohibits the restrictions on government participation based on gender, and is in no way intended as an endorsement or mitigation of sexual behavior. government documents only distinguish between that which is sanctioned, and what is not.

c) assuming i am a victim of 'burning need' or any other napoleon hill styled b.s., it would still be anathema to the cause of fame per se, or any other cause, come to think of it.


a) we all will die alone. any person will have been lucky to have had as many as a handful of true friends before this happens. to this i consider myself extraordinarily lucky.

b) happily, a**h***s ARE ever-decreasing from my life. those who would have to be compelled to refer to sheer volume of acquaintances may want to re-evaluate this parasite/host attitude towards the world at large... besides, i can always create an entire 'septic tank' of new screen-names/imaginary friends, myself, who will unfailingly defend me under the guise of chivalry.


talk therapy has failed on at least one occasion. the subject continues to 'project' his own feelings of inadequacy with prognostications towards another's ability to benefit from mindfulness therapy.

*lights a monte cristo*


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Post by chris harris » Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:18 pm

God damn. Turn the fucking page already.
It's been 20 years.

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Post by Gentleman Jim » Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:26 pm

1a. I sincerely apologize. In the future I'll be sure to note that any girlfriends you have are obviously hypothetical and/or imaginary.

1b.-3. Whatever. Enjoy your Monte Cristo. Although why you're lighting your sandwich on fire is a mystery to me. I'll hang out a decade or two, then come back here to see what grudge you still hold against me. I hope Snarl's kids are here to try to steer you in the direction of serenity and peace of mind.


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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:24 pm

That's funny, because my daughter took one look at mindfulness therapy and said "fuck that shit." Seriously. I still hope she'll try it someday. Soon. Although we're finding out that talk therapy isn't necessarily the way to go for her.

Which reminds me, Stylus, you might want to try a punching bag. Again, I'm serious. It works on three levels.

1) Working the heavy bag is amazing exercise, pure and simple endorphins to mellow you out.
2) It really is a great way to get aggression out of your body. Picture douchebag's face on the bag and away you go.
3) Most [all?] anger comes from fear. Learning to throw a solid punch and dance around a little bit (pick up Bruce Lee's training books for some pointers) can go a long way towards making you feel less vulnerable to all the douchebags that are out to get you.

A heavy bag and some wraps and gloves (do wrap your wrists, at least at first) will set you back the cost on one therapy sesh.

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Post by ubertar » Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:37 pm

It's gotta be frustrating as hell to open up a mic, find that it's been monkeyed with, realize what must happened, but for it to be too late to really do anything about it. So you go on the internet to post about it, basically to vent and so people can say, "Man, that sucks. Not much you can do now, but whoever did that was an ass" but instead people give you shit b/c you're complaining about something that happened a long time ago... so it's doubly frustrating-- you got fucked over, and instead of sympathizing, people are giving YOU shit.

So let me be the one to say: Man, that sucks. There's really nothing you can do about it now, so let it go. If this guy really did what you think he did, that was shitty of him. Maybe he'll see this thread and try to make it up to you somehow, and if he does, you should let him do it discreetly and let him stay anonymous. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen, either. Let it go and forget about the guy.

Is it possible you're mistaken and it's not a different capsule? Are you 100% sure it's been swapped out?

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Post by vvv » Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:17 am

I say we get a posse together and ride!

Actually, I agree with everyone here, like I always do; it sucks, and it happened long ago.

I hope the "bad guy" reformed, and that you can find peace now that you vented.

Otherwise, I say we get a posse together and ride!

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Post by joelpatterson » Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:35 am

Make sure we all wear white hats....
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Post by Gregg Juke » Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:12 am

Seriously, Ubertar is on to something. Sorry if I came off as part of any "OP Beatdown;" it does suck, but it was a long time ago. Don't let it get you. If your story is accurate, one thing you do have is your integrity. Keep it intact!


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Post by top_ape » Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:18 am

not looking to join or boycott any beatdowns per se, but:

what did you really expect?

If you haven't HEARD the difference in 20 years, then it must not amount to a whole lot - aside of principle - and I'm with you in that respect. But in that case, you already know the guy's an asshole, or A**H*** if you like, so what can you expect?

Short of the obvious "confront the guy about it" what else are people gonna say?

A. confront him
B. regardless of the result of A, get over it.
C. cling desperately to it, and become a little more like the mystery asshole yourself

stylus flanger
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Post by stylus flanger » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:06 pm

i'm going to take the best advice and assume that something 'else' did happen, maybe an attempt to fix an honest mistake, whatever. on top of that if something nefarious did happen, that a specific individual can not be pinned down. on top of that, to forgive the transgression, and all others. i do not believe in religion whatsoever, but i won't pretend the golden rule is without merit. i guess i'll be the last to say i over reacted.


to the other point, there IS a ground hum problem since that i've always been able to fix by twisting the mic on the basket housing axis (i know, not recommended,) and also a strange overload characteristic. never having been tech savvy nor aware how much the brass has been coveted, i never suspected what might have been the case until reading forums.

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Post by digitaldrummer » Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:49 pm

stylus flanger wrote:to the other point, there IS a ground hum problem since that i've always been able to fix by twisting the mic on the basket housing axis (i know, not recommended,) and also a strange overload characteristic. never having been tech savvy nor aware how much the brass has been coveted, i never suspected what might have been the case until reading forums.
umm... sounds like somebody dropped the mic? that might explain the broken loctite too...
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