Data stick to stereo player?

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chris harris
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Post by chris harris » Sun May 20, 2012 6:13 pm

rhythm ranch wrote:
Jerry Pbury wrote:This used to be a great place with a lot of great people on here.
Yeah, man.... remember when you could come on here and pretend to be asking a legitimate question, but then blow off the legitimate answers because all you really wanted to do is bitch and moan about how shitty everything is now compared to the golden years?!?! and, back then, when this was a "great place" with "great people", everyone would just agree and reminisce about the old days... Remember that???

Yeah, me neither.

Sorry to even follow this tangent, but this whole idea that the board use has declined because of harsh, honest talk or biting sarcasm is just grade A nonsense. Absolute malarkey. Use of this board has declined because the future happened. The people who are living in it have mostly moved on to Facebook. I'm friends with, and currently in contact with, many previous forum members on Facebook. They didn't leave here, only to continue our discourse on a more modern forum, because they dislike my posts.

This forum is being left behind. And, it's got nothing to do with any person posting here or any other bullshit. It's just the realities of the time.

It's funny that this would come up in a discussion where so many have expressed such a dislike/distrust of the future.


My television has a USB input. I can connect a USB drive to my television and play audio files (.WAV, .AIFF, .MP3, etc) through my television, which is connected to my stereo system.

I imagine that there are many other similar devices that perform similar functions.

But, you still have to connect it to a computer and drag your music to it. Speaking of that, where are you storing your digital audio files? And, for the technophobic, how the hell do you organize them and enjoy them on your computer without some sort of "player" app, like iTunes or the non-Apple competitors?

If you're EVER listening to digital audio files for enjoyment, and have more than a couple of album's worth of files, then you should be using something to manage those files. iTunes is a dead simple interface for using and organizing your digital files. I have no doubt that there are several alternatives to iTunes that do the same things. What you guys need to do, if you really want a solution to what you're asking for, is choke down your pride and learn to use one of these programs to organize and play your music. Then, pick up whatever portable player is compatible with your player/management application and USE THAT!!

You're yearning for something that will never really exist because BETTER, MORE CONVENIENT, AND MORE FLEXIBLE AND FULLY FEATURED ALTERNATIVES already exist and have been adopted as the STANDARD WAY TO ORGANIZE AND CONSUME DIGITAL AUDIO by the majority of people in the world.

I don't really know of any audio technology companies investing R&D resources to target the aging and disappearing market of those who fear technology.

I know that none of you want to hear it.... but, the best bet is to get yourself accustomed to using one of the super convenient and flexible alternatives that already exist for what you want to do. If you don't, things aren't going to get better. This whole computer/iTunes/iPod thing is definitely not a fad. It's the future. You don't have to go there. But, you won't long have many other options. Hell, lots of places have drastically scaled back their inventory of blank CD-Rs already. And, it's only going to get worse.

If you're computer literate enough to log on to this forum, create an account, and post a topic, then you shouldn't be too intimidated to go find a player application and whatever portable device it supports, and get busy doing what you're wishing you could do here.

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Post by ubertar » Sun May 20, 2012 6:56 pm

Anyone who thinks they know for sure what the future is is full of shit. Personally I don't think Facebook will be around in ten years, at least not any more than Myspace is today; in other words, if it still exists, it will be irrelevant. But that's just my opinion. I'm not an Apple fan either. Both those companies are the champions of today's conformism. It won't last forever. Facebook's IPO is the beginning of the end for it... now it has to turn a profit. How's it going to do that without alienating its users?
Again, just my opinion. I wouldn't claim to know that for certain.

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Post by chris harris » Sun May 20, 2012 7:05 pm

I agree. I didn't say that Facebook was the future. Facebook is the NOW. And, whatever the future is that replaces it, it will benefit those of us who were part of Facebook because the replacement will likely be some sort of progression from the trail that FB blazed.... just like FB is a progression from Myspace, which was a progression from Friendster, which was a progression from (yes) messageboard communities...

I'm not trying to predict the future. I'm acknowledging that being averse to the NOW, because you yearn for the days gone by, is putting you at a distinct disadvantage when the future inevitably rolls around.

If you're intimidated now by a software based audio player that makes it simple to organize your music and put it on a device that fits in your pocket, I don't think it's actually a bold prediction to suggest that you might be at a disadvantage going forward.

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Post by ubertar » Sun May 20, 2012 7:16 pm

Facebook is your now. I don't want any part of it. Ditto for Apple.
I'm quite happy without either of them.

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Post by chris harris » Sun May 20, 2012 7:38 pm

Well, you're not the one posting on the board about how much you wish someone would invent the iPod... Or, Zune, or whatever tech doesn't offend you.

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Post by chris harris » Sun May 20, 2012 7:47 pm

X-ian wrote:I know it would need to browse folders and files. I don't think it would pick the song I want to hear off the drive by magic. Just think of all the programs and devices that have become obsolete. My I-phone will end up in the landfill along with my last four cell phones. It's obsolescence is built into its design. It tries to be everything. I wouldn't buy a pair of studio monitors with a screens on them so I can check Facebook. I also don't want a converter with crapy noisy preamps slapped on the front. I can buy my own crappy noisy preamps and upgrade over time without it screwing up the converters. An 1176 is still awsome. It is just a compressor. It does one thing. Home stereo components are the same. You don't need megga bass hip hop and classical settings on your turn table or cd player but every mp3 player has those settings and the good ones have bad reverbs and fake surround sound but they still sound like shit. Good stereo components are single function items Preamp, amp, turntable, cd player, eq. No one throws a Mcintosh amp in the landfill. There is a reason my boombox is in the garage not my living room. And what's with the kids today and their auto tune and looping and funny hair. Back in my day you actually needed to be able to play and sing. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I need a nap now.
Haha! Man, I can take this in the fun spirit that you seem to intend... but, the truth is, nobody makes a hand-wired, tube powered, .wav player with Lavry converters and a USB output. It's an interesting idea... but, the reality is, for now, your iPhone is your best bet for doing pretty much what you want to do. Yes, you'll have to import your music library into iTunes. If you don't like Apple for whatever reason, you should just grab another portable player and learn it's interface. The Apple interface will probably get you a little more longevity than other brands. But, if you're put off by them, then just go with something else. It's not the end of the world to have your digital music collection organized in an interface that makes it easy to manage and easy to send to a portable device so you can go listen anywhere.

Good luck. There are lots of options out there. Probably none of them will be EXACTLY what you want. Hopefully one will allow you to forget about the technology and just enjoy the music. That's the NOW that I'm living in.

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Post by X-ian » Sun May 20, 2012 8:14 pm

Ok I give in I will just use the damn I-gadget. Also I am not a technophobe or an apple hater. I also own an I-pad and run V-control pro on it and I think it's just the bee's knees. I was just imagining a player with the storage seperate from the player. If it makes it more marketable, fine, put a bunch of other crap on it too. I just want it to do two things 1. Be stand alone ( no TV ) 2. Let me use my own storage device instead of charging high prices for models with more storage. Have you seen the prices on hard drives and data sticks lately? They are cheap.
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Post by jhharvest » Sun May 20, 2012 9:08 pm

It doesn't have a USB slot but otherwise I've found you the perfect player:
The Altmann Tera-Player

Have a look on Head-fi for more options. :)

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Post by vvv » Sun May 20, 2012 10:01 pm

chris harris wrote:Well, you're not the one posting on the board about how much you wish someone would invent the iPod... Or, Zune, or whatever tech doesn't offend you.
Yer kinda fighting a battle here what doesn't exist.

I don't like the iPud, and altho' the Zune is better (I checked out a buddy's a few years ago), neither of 'em does what I want. Oh, and my TV has the USB thing, and my DVD and CD players play MP3's and they all have various other ins like optical, etc., and yadda-yadda.

And I'm not offended by tech or even your suggestion that I am, altho' yer tone seems a bit trollish ...

But really, I think the OP's ideal product a good idear. I already bought the iPud and similar crap and don't use it (for the above-stated reasons); I think I would use what he seeks.

Re the Tera: ?840! And it seems like it might require i-Choons anyway? Otherwise, that's getting warmer!
Last edited by vvv on Sun May 20, 2012 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by X-ian » Sun May 20, 2012 10:11 pm

Hey now we are getting close. I would opt for the non furry player. I gotta say I appreciate the creative responses. Like, get a long cord and try an FM transmitter and stop whining and learn how to use the gear you got. These responses live up to the whole creative recording thing. Good stuff. I can't help it if I'm just a dreamer.
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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Sun May 20, 2012 11:34 pm

Just for the record, I'm not technophobic or tech-ignorant. Most of my friends and family refer to me as a computer guru (a term I despise). I can go to a store, buy all the parts, assemble the computer, install the OS (win or a couple flavors of linux) harden and tweak the system, set it up as a workstation or server, if server, then I can build an entire database driven, php web site for it to serve. I keep two servers going in my basement. One serves up, via a web interface, all my mp3's to every network enabled device in the house. (there are quite a few) I also use my servers to record tv, via Mythtv, that I can similarly watch from any computer in the house. I've even helped a few folks on this forum with some computer issues. If I did audio recording of other people for my day gig (and I could afford whatever) I'm sure there'd be a protools system involved. (I used to use it back in the day, at work.)

I just want my personal creativity tools to be more creatively fine-tuned for the way that I'm creative than that.

But this is pointless...
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Post by X-ian » Mon May 21, 2012 6:07 am

Snarl 12/8 I completely understand. Does anyone remember what it was like to program a Yamaha DX-7. I can do it I just don't want to. When that thing came out I'm sure I would have been shot for suggesting there was something wrong with it. I don't see many people using the keyboard that defined the sound of that era. It was and is a pain in the ass. It saps your creativity and time.
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Post by llmonty » Mon May 21, 2012 10:29 am

I can understand some of the frustration. I take the iphone approach, but it isn't without some hassle. Upload to the cloud or use a thumb drive to get to my puter with the itunes account that matches my phone. Place into itunes, then place onto phone. Not a big deal and i like how things are organized, and i like the fact i am using a device that 75% of people who listen to music these days would listen on. And I can take the same file and listen in my car, my home, etc. All good, but more steps and workarounds and I have to say that itunes at least on my PC is a beast and prone to lock up and crash.

Other options would be the smart tvs with USB - though my experience tells me they aren't so smart -- won't play certain flies. Or a NAS harddrive home networked with an apple tv sort of thing.

Also, only part of the issue is the input device. Smarter A/V devices on your home stereo could make life easier for you. Networking from your iphone or computer, wirelessly, etc.
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Post by The Scum » Mon May 21, 2012 10:59 am

Looking at the latest receivers from Sony and Yamaha, they appear to have USB ports on the they apparently support thumb drives. Or is it just for iPod? Seeing as many car stereos now take thumb drives, the technology is out there...just not in the exact form demanded here. It's bundled into other things, not a discrete device itself.

Sandisk make little players that have media slots on them...microSD, I think.

Tascam make commercial-grade memory card players, intended to replace cart machines in broadcast installations.

As for the DIY approach, Sparkfun will get you partway there with this:
The docs say it'll play 16bit Wavs.
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Post by ;ivlunsdystf » Mon May 21, 2012 11:15 am

Get the song running through your head by listening to it like2235235 times? and then run to the living room?

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