Language discussion in Letters section

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Post by TapeOpLarry » Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:57 pm

I didn't think of it in a hating way when Paul said it, so it didn't really hit me what that word could have meant to other people. My proofreader pointed it out and I figured "he said it" and let it be. I never thought of it being that powerful or negative a word, and thus my choice. There are certainly words I would not publish, I guess.

That's what you get when you hire a bass playing engineer to edit a magazine, I guess. I don't know shit.
Larry Crane, Editor/Founder Tape Op Magazine
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Gregg Juke
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Post by Gregg Juke » Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:15 pm

Tough one. For reasons of my own, I'm not a fan of pejoratives or vulgarity or profanity; besides "not being nice at all," I think the English language and its proper standard use in these here United States has suffered enough already. The level of discourse in this country sucks, and popular entertainment and media certainly can take a fair share of the blame... And if I were editing that piece, I certainly could see an argument either way, for inclusion or deletion.

But I also think the old-school journalist thing trumps PC here, and probably will every time. As someone mentioned above, I generally want to know how the person actually responded to a given question; what words exactly were used, when and in what context. Unfortunately, as has also already been pointed out, all of us say stupid and offensive things from time to time. I've been called on it myself right here at the TOMB, and rightly so. But I wouldn't blame the journalist, I'd blame the speaker. And I might choose to not even blame the speaker but to try and educate instead, so kudos again lysander...

Gregg Juke
Nocturnal Productions Music Group
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