Buying a New Audio Interface?

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Buying a New Audio Interface?

Post by teddyfarkas » Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:15 am

Hi Folks,

I'm the recording studio manager at my college's recording studio and we desperately need a new audio interface for our recording studio and are running off a rather tight budget. We are currently running off of a Digidesign 003 (8 Channel) that is going through an old Ramsa WR-S4416 (16 Channel) board. We mix everything digitally on a Pro Tools 10 set-up and have been running off of 8 channels through 003. (We also have an old Mac Pro as our machine we run pro tools off of)

I don't think we'll need more than 8 channels at the moment and so we've been looking at used RME Fireface 800s or maybe trying to find an affordable used Apogee Ensemble, but I was wondering if anyone here had suggestions of what to look at and where to do so, for those as well as any others you think would work for our set up.

To be honest, my co-manager recently left and he was much more tech savvy than myself and is a pretty active members on the Tape-Op boards and is how I found out about Tape-Op in the first place. Please feel free to post in this forum for suggestions but also message me if you're SELLING something that you think might work for us at a reasonable price. Thanks so much!
Teddy Farkas
Music Director / Recording Studio Manager
WKCO 91.9 FM - Gambier, OH

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