Do you lease or own your studio?

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Post by MoreSpaceEcho » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:43 am

trodden wrote: The milk crates full of random Home DeSpot bags with bits of stuff and parts, the paint trays, the extra conduit connectors, all the random leftovers from my build out, the unused tube of CAULK
oh yes. my back hallway here. 2x4 scraps, pieces of drywall....

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Post by magneticfidelity » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:25 am

I'm lucky enough to finally own my building. I spent many years trying to work out of rental buildings with all sorts of unbelievable situations occurring that always forced me out of a building just when I thought I had it all figured out.

I decided a few years ago that I would never invest time and money again unless I own the building. I was finally able to do all sorts of extreme modifications to the building, designing the acoustics from the ground up with floating rooms and excellent HVAC, insanely over engineered electrical installation with several stages of power conditioning, extensions, storage space etc...

I wanted to have a mastering room with really good acoustics and that wasn't an easy task I also decided to build it with my own hands with some help from friends and family. We basically started out with a concrete shell with all the necessary wiring and ducting coming in. Then built several layers of treatment and suspended a floating wooden construction with splayed walls and ceiling. Definitely not portable and definitely not something I would ever dare to do on anything I don't own. I was also lucky to have the building situated in a rural area with not much traffic and the neighbours being far away, so the area is basically dead quiet. Not only good for the studio, also very good for my ears, when I want to have a break in the garden.
** Magnetic Fidelity **
100% Analog Mastering, Direct-to-Master Recording, Record Cutting, Cassette Duplication - The Analog Sound

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