Rumor: Apple dropping headphone jack

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Rumor: Apple dropping headphone jack

Post by apropos of nothing » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:09 am

Bad news for them as depends on cassette adapters in the car. Hope this is false, or Apple walks it back. ... hone-jack/

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Post by kslight » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:14 pm

I don't know Apple has certainly done similar things in the past that may have seemed unsettling at the time to some but I think we can all agree that most of those decisions were for the better in the long run. Doing away with all the serial, parallel, scsi, gamepad, ps/2, at, etc?ports that computers used to be plagued with, for example. Embracing smaller 3.5", then dumping floppies, eventually disc drives entirely.

Even if this rumor is true I still use a regular iPod in my car so it won't really matter?and that same iPod travels around with me when I mow the lawn.

Considering Apple is going to enter the auto market, or at least the computer-stereo-automation side of it, it makes sense that they would pick how they want to interface with their own devices. I'm sure they also look at folks that do bluetooth, or other non 3.5mm interfaces, and take that into consideration. Not sure that using ye old cassette adapter is very popular these days?the last car I had that came with a factory cassette deck (and nothing else) was built in 1999?

But, will definitely be interesting to see. No, not enough to make me consider an Android?but maybe a deal breaker for some.

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Post by apropos of nothing » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:43 am

I guess the part that concerns me is that companies want to do away with "the analog hole." Granted that you can't do that one hundred percent, as there is always the airgapped recording method.

Fair use is important stuff, especially now that the growing public domain we were promised was yanked out from under by the mouse.

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Post by wren » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:44 am

It just means yet another overpriced Apple adapter. Apple customers are already very used to those.

And kslight - I largely agree with you. But have you used one of the new Macbooks with the single port that does everything? I found it annoying as fuck. If that's the general direction Apple's going, I'm really not a fan - much, much too form over function for me.
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Post by kslight » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:56 am

I said most of their decisions.

However that is a regular MacBook not a Pro, so I am not too bothered by it. I would be willing to bet that for non-businesses that own laptops, a large portion never plug anything in that isn't USB. My mom would be totally fine with that computer. I would rather have the MBP, and not only because of the port situation...but because it's a faster computer with a larger screen. I would argue that a baseline MacBook would have a tough time keeping up with serious pro audio tasks that might justify a high performance interface/etc.

Then, I've never thought that Apple was competitive on the low end side. I would rather they just made iOS devices and MacBook Pros, and a proper tower Mac Pro.

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Post by syrupcore » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:07 am

This rumor has been floating around since the iPhone 4. Perhaps it's finally going to be true but I seriously doubt it.

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Post by apropos of nothing » Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:43 pm

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Post by kslight » Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:10 pm

4 months later and I've got a new iPhone that still bears a headphone socket. Not real shocking about thunderbolt, no pun big reason why when upgrading my interface I went with one that has 3 different standards built in, so hopefully I won't get trapped by a lack of bolt or wires of fire or parallel or whatever.

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Post by mrc » Tue May 10, 2016 7:48 pm

For me, when I'm 64 is no longer a question. I have 2 z97 4970 Tbolt hackintoshes a Mac Air and an AMD 8 core with a Win USB system to run as a VSL unit via cat 6 and an UAD twin plus a magma unit with pcie cards for 8 UAD processors, so power shouldn't be an issue. By the time that gives it up, I'll probably be pushin daisies, deaf, or lost in an Altezheimers unit, so it's not that big of a deal in the long run here. As long as there are pcie slots, the Rme/Adat device system will Rock, so I might buy extra Tbolt cables as they come down during the fire sales, and I'm betting vetted adapters will appear for USBC to Tbolt 1/2 or whatever, so I'm not going to sweat it. The software I have now is really pretty mature compared to the tape and carts we worked with at the college radio program I started with in '71, so I'm pretty darned content, there will be no cash melting going on around here. I'm still on Yosemite, but may go to El Capitan at some point when I know all the battles are over. We're using gear and the sounds of it from the last century, or more in the case of instruments, so I truly believe that good quality equipment will be worth using maintained in good order, working as is, for a long time. I may buy a couple more motherboards for spares, while they are still around, but that and the parts + my labor for maintenance will be pretty much it. The new 60 IS STILL the old 60, and maybe 70 for the live fast, ...leave a good lookin' corpse devotees...anyway, I'll have a Sh!+#p!/'Ofun with what I have now, as long as I'm kickin'. Life is good. Screw the small shit. Ymmv.

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Post by Randyman... » Wed May 11, 2016 5:50 pm

The rumor/theory is Apple will be getting in on the ground floor of the whole Audio VR revolution (where the rendered audio perspective follows your head position as your move), and nixing the analog HP jack will basically force this to happen much more quickly. This would also allow discrete surround headphones.

Both are a bit too gimmicky for me at the moment - but VR (video AND audio) will likely become ubiquitous soon enough IMO - and Apple will already have a proprietary stranglehold on their Audio VR format...

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Post by comfortstarr » Thu May 19, 2016 7:43 am

I'll be pissed if this happens soon. My toe-dipping in bluetooth headphones has yielded poor results.

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Post by Zacharia Matilda » Thu May 19, 2016 8:25 am

I hate apple. I hate all computers. Get off my lawn!!

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Post by apropos of nothing » Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:45 am

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Post by apropos of nothing » Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:54 am ... move.shtml

With the latest rumors insisting that Apple is definitely doing this, Cory Doctorow has also weighed in to make the same point and go in much greater detail about how troubling this is:
Once all the audio coming out of an Iphone is digital -- once there's no analog output -- Apple gets a lot more options about how it can relate to its competitors, and they're all good for Apple and bad for Apple's customers. Just by wrapping that audio in DRM, Apple gets a veto over which of your devices can connect to your phone. They can arbitrarily withhold permission to headphone manufacturers, insist that mixers be designed with no analog outputs, or even demand that any company that makes an Apple-compatible device must not make that device compatible with Apple's competitors, so home theater components that receive Apple signals could be pressured to lock out Samsung's signals, or Amazon's.

What's more, once Apple gets the ability to add DRM, the record industry gets the ability to insist that Apple use it ("A phaser on the mantelpiece in Act One must go off by Act 3" - Pavel Chekov, Star Trek: TOS). In 2007, Steve Jobs published his Thoughts on Music, in which he said, basically, that the record industry had forced Apple to put DRM in its ecosystem and he didn't like it. The record industry is still made up of the same companies, and they still love DRM. Right now, an insistence on DRM would simply invite the people who wanted to bypass it for legal reasons to use that 3.5mm headphone jack to get at it. Once that jack is gone, there's no legal way to get around the DRM.

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Post by markjazzbassist » Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:59 am

if this goes through as expected i will no longer purchase iphone products, i will simply move to android. i need an analog headphone jack.

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