Fun with CL "Musicians Wanted" spammers

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Fun with CL "Musicians Wanted" spammers

Post by vvv » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:23 pm

So a twat posted this ad, follered by our emails:
Singer/guitarist seeking

I play guitar, percussion, keys, and vocals.
That's right; I play vocals.
And I'm hoping you'll help my YouTube cover tune get to 300 views (aka "go viral").

If you don't like it, there are 26 other videos on my channel. Please watch them all. And tell all your friends.

Thank you.
Spam sucks, and so do you.

Hmmm... no links. Just as I thought.
Some "real musician."
Seems a little hypocritical, considering that spam is all your e-mail is to me.

Here's an idea: why not send links to some of your musical work instead, so as to prove your superiority and self-proclaimed right to judge mine?

Or you could just keep on yakkin'. Because that's all people like you do, "M.E.V."
You didn't ask for other's music, speaking of hypocrisy.

You simply spammed a forum for musicians to connect.

BTW, I didn't bother to listen to your music - I'm not interested in your spam-product.

Oh, and I'm glad you are annoyed now, just as you wasted my time and annoyed me and other real musicians-seeking-musicians, not spammers-seeking-attention.

Thanx for the laughs, genius; have fun playing with yourself.
Your "real musician" cred died as soon as you sent your first e-mail. What real musician - in a city the size of Chicago, no less - has time to comb the Craigslist ads and send e-mails in response tnd some CL ads deleted. But I honestly don't recall one single e-mail like this, before yours. Lots of e-mails asking about my availability to play; lots of compliments from around the country. But only one purported "real musician" who takes time to rail on something that he himself admits he knows nothing about.

At least I'm doing something positive. You're just a loser; a nobody with no music to offer, or even a name.
And you're just a spammer, with the intellect of a childish one at that. (I figure you to be between 14 and 20, without a social life but a very encouraging mommy who is proud of her little musician, she surely is. Now, keep trying to grow that beard and lose some weight and use deodorant and maybe a girl will talk to you for more than 2 minutes, and I don't mean your mom.)

Anyway. good luck with your music "career" and your craving for attention and your ego and your used-Kleenex habit, you total rock-star, you; I'll not tease you anymore as it's clear you're too dumb to get the message, even as you admit CL has already deleted your worthless spam on multiple occasions.

Don't look for any further response from me, either, as you are just too boring to be worth any further effort.

On the other hand, ...

... nah, you're just too boring.
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Post by jimjazzdad » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:10 am

I think its a narcissistic, generational thing - after all, IMHO , the whole purpose of Facebook is to say "look at me!" (and collect data about you).

On the other hand, I would be more worried about my email being broadcast to legions of other spammers by the CL poster - hopefully CL protects the email addresses of those involved...Kijiji didn't use to, but does now.
Jim Legere
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Post by kslight » Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:10 am

Aren't you afraid of making him go viral by posting his YouTube link on this wildly popular forum?

Pretty sure it takes more than his stated '300 views' to qualify as viral...

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Post by vvv » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:34 pm


CL uses some kind of anonymizer where you post thru their server and are given a short-lived (1 week) alias name what is a bunch of numbers.

It did occur to me that I'm giving him the attention and view-stats he craves, but the larfs is worth it.

I mix with olive juice.

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