Radio Consolidation Stories

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Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by sigrant » Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:55 pm

I originally posted this in a record industry forum, but all of my experience in these matters is as a Producer so I thought I'd solicit input from other Producers here...

Do you have a story about the effects of radio consolidation on your business?

Do you have examples of how your ability to work with the radio industry had changed after deregulation in 1996?

Are you willing to put your name on your story and have it told before a Senate Committee? (Ok- you can stop laughing now)

...The organization I'm working with has the necessary support to arrange such a hearing. There are reps in the House and Senate who want to hear how markets have been adversely effected and our recommendations for change. However we have worked for nearly two years to find people who are willing to come forward and tell their stories publicly- but to no avail. We have tons of stories from the touring industry, radio stations, record labels, and every artist who thinks it's their birth right to get airplay- but everyone is fearful of retribution, (or maybe they're just embellishing their stories too much), and won't go public.

I'm looking for folks who are currently or formerly in ownership and/or management of radio stations, labels (big or small), tour promotions or venues; and Producers too. If you want to learn more about me first- you can PM or email me; and your privacy is assured.

I need stories that carry the credibility of your name and associated title.

Of course if you're totally happy about the state of the radio industry right now- then I apologize for the distraction.

Thanks for your attention. sg

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Re: Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by Berolzheimer » Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:20 pm

I don't have any stiries for you but I wish you luck in this endevour, it's a very important issue.

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Re: Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by cvanwinkle » Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:05 pm

This isn't my direct story (second hand), so I don't think it can be of official help, but here goes. Working for a local PA company that I usually do every summer. The owner of the PA company is also a drummer for a house band for the local redneck bar (on the border of Idaho and Washington if anyone is from my corner). This place is big (think of the movie Porky's) and hosts a lot of touring country acts. Anyways the bar usually gets in on the promotion of the concert with a local radio station. Last summer there was an act that came through that had some sort of deal with Clear Channel. Well, the bar usually works with the other country station in town (not CC). I forget the details but CC bullied around the promoter (the bar, and thus affecting our pa company and everyone else involved) to do some things (i think cancel a deal with the competing station) or they would pull their band out.

Did anyone follow that? I think there was a thread last spring full of stories like that.

Good luck though.

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Re: Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by junomat » Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:37 pm

i work for a station that is owned by clear channel if anyone needs questions from the evil "inside"

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Re: Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by sigrant » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:56 pm

cvanwinkle wrote:Did anyone follow that? I think there was a thread last spring full of stories like that.
Thanks for your input. Yeah- that's actually one of the common stories I hear. I hear this story mostly in the touring broadway show industry- but I also hear it for one-off concerts.

I'm collecting the second-hand stories too; but again- first hand stories are what I'm after. Thanks to all who have contributed (on and off line) so far!

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Re: Radio Consolidation Stories

Post by lobstman » Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:47 am

You might want to post this to the "general" board, I think you'll get more response.

Good luck! Fight the power!


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