Seeking Mature, Music-Tolerant Roommate in Napa or Petaluma

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buyin' a studio
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Seeking Mature, Music-Tolerant Roommate in Napa or Petaluma

Post by greatmagnet » Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:42 am

...if "Mature, Music-Tolerant" is not an oximoron.

Okay, here's the situation (that is not a Fresh Prince reference):

I live in Napa, CA in a very small one-bedroom house with my girlfriend. I run a very funky little semi-pro recording studio out of the house as well. As many clients as I can enjoyably take on in my evening/weekend free hours and make a few extra bucks, and not piss people off with the noise and foot traffic (including my girlfriend).

Well, in terms of gear and clients I have officially grown too big for my britches. There's no room to step over the cables anymore and we are both feeling kinda trapped so we need to move into a bigger place. But this is California and you just can't do that without romates unless you are a rich yuppie bastard, sooo...

I am curious if there are any TapeOppers out there who live in the Napa or Petaluma areas who would be interested in a roomate situation so that I could score a larger house...I'm thinkin' somethin' in the neighborhood of three bedrooms with a large garage hopefully. Me and the girlfriend can come up with around $800/month rent, so I guess the size of the place we can afford is dependant on how many other roommates we have and how much they can afford.

They would have to be infinitely tolerant of loud guitar amps or drum kits in whatever becomes the "live room", though I would try to keep that stuff mostly happening daytime (as I have been) to keep the neighbors happy. Also, they would have to understand that although we may share common recording interests, ultimately my gear is my gear and this is not a collaboration on any creative/financial level. If it became that by mutual choice that's awesome, but no preconcieved notions, please. I am rogue engineer.

Oh yeah...and of course, you'd have to be able to consistently make rent without issue and have a steady job, and just generally not be a dipshit. Goes without saying I guess, but I don't need the headaches. I'm in my early 30's and have already been down that road, so I'm trying to keep some domestic tranquility goin' on.

That's my spiel. It's a long-shot, but if anyone's interested, let me know. My studio website is in my signature. Email me there or PM me if interested. I will respond pronto.
"All energy flows in accordance with the whims of the great Magnet"
?Raoul Duke


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