What did you work on today? 11/11/04

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by bad_dude_69 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:53 pm

participating in a market research study about rum. $75 for 2 hours plus i get to tell them how i hate their shitty products. seriously, who wants to drink chutney flavored rum?
medicate? oh, i thought you said "meditate."

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by JGriffin » Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:03 pm

--Laid out splits on a DAT for a new Dove hair care spot.

--Made songwriting and theatre design demo CDs.

--Recorded a bunch of kids for an online series of educational videos about Color and its use in art.
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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by GLEA » Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:28 pm

Got up early today and finessed a mix I worked on yesterday. Just took a couple more spins to get it done. Then me and the wife (she had the day off from her gvmt gig) went and bought some compost for the garden. After a quick stop at the new "Asian" market down the street we planted our garlic crop for next year. My aching back...

Jawed with the neighbors who gave us some venison that they had just butchered. My neighbor returned from a long stay in Nashville, and is building a studio in his basement too. We joke that this is going to become Bozeman's Music Row. He's doing the total soundproof job. I felt a little smug telling him how well the new studio set up is working for me. He's got a fear of computers, so it's still adats for him. Being a singer/songwriter he was frightened when I told him how many tracks we dedicate to drums.

Once we got the gardening done, I packed up an order for our Euro Distro. We've run out of the Roy Loney cd, so I've been talking to Cravedog about taking our business to them. Our Canadian pressing plant has not been able to get one title done with out some stupid mistake. Since Burnside is our US distro and Cravedog is in the same office, I'd think we save some shipping and time. We shall see.

When I get back from the UPS Store, I'll start preparing for my radio show tomorrow.

The wife got excited and bought a load of stuff from the Asian shop and promises to cookup some swell grub.

RS :lol:
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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by Wild Bill » Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:41 pm

Been learning to use ACID to create drums tracks for my solo work demo stages, talked to some people down the street from me about using one thier room on a freelance basis for some high spl stuff (respecting my nieghbors). Talked to a band who has to return to retrack some lead and vocal stuff about scheduling them in.

Chilling otherwise...

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by Paul Fury 161 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:22 pm

Hi all

worked in the crappy music store day job hell, met up with my friend Sophie who lives near work for an hour, went home and rigged for guitar overdubs on this single i'm working on for a band - had accidentally cut the start of one of the guitar overdubs being late with a punch out on Sunday, had to get the guy back in to replace it (did it in one take).

Ate shitty takeaway, listened to a minidisc of a gig my housemate's band played last month, listening to "Discipline" by King Crimson.

Planned some more tie lines/signal routing and CCTV links for my rooms.

Take it easy yallz

Paul Fury 161
"These mixes are really great. I only want to re-record all the guitars and vocals - can I have the masters please?"


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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by andyg666 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:03 pm

that recording session i had? well, i hate to trash talk, but i think it's pretty safe she isn't reading this message board and i actually do have a point... she really couldn't sing to save her life. no breath support, pitch was all over the place, lyrics weren't memorized... she wanted barely any of the track in her headphones and expected to be in tune (i talked her into being able to hear what she was singing to). so of course i was nice and supportive and tried to make some minor constructive criticisms here and there... what do you do when you're working with someone who is wasting their time/money in the studio because they are just not talented? just take their money and make their time as pleasant and relaxing as possible... do your best to avoid getting bogged down trying to nail the perfect take that is never going to happen... so that's what i did today.

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by inverseroom » Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:04 pm

Paul Fury 161 wrote:Ate shitty takeaway, listened to a minidisc of a gig my housemate's band played last month, listening to "Discipline" by King Crimson.
Great record.

Hey, GLEA, I used to live in Missoula. How's life in the red states?

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by Reuben » Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:46 pm

Hey, I lived in Missoula for almost a year, myself. Sometimes I do miss the Ox.

Today I did a guitar overdub on this "ambient" track my studio partner and I have been working on. G & L Tele went into a Prescription Electronics Yardbox, and into our "vintage" Marlboro amp, and then I mic'd it with an Oktava ML-52. Did mostly pick scraping sounds with large amounts of reverb to mix with cymbal scrapes in the spooky middle part. But then I couldn't resist soloing a bit during the fade. Couldn't help it. Then I did a rough mix for myself since we probably wont use more than half the track, and I want to be able to go back and admire my own guitar work later.

Then I did some upright practice, and cleaned up the studio a little.
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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by johnny7 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:03 pm

I decided to forget about a song, the mixing of which was driving me mad.
I moved on to another tune threw up an old birdcage on my standel and hit record. From the frustration of the last tune, I was not expecting much, but...hey, this sounds great! Recording is fun afterall.

The rest of the day was spent building four ipe and bamboo panels for a customer down in California.

Johnny 7

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by GLEA » Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:19 pm

Great record.

Hey, GLEA, I used to live in Missoula. How's life in the red states?[/quote]

Well despite voting for jr, they threw the repbulicans out of office: passed medical marijuana and stopped cyanide mining. Besides that, it's been a beautlful fall and promises to be a nice winter. Best of all, it's been a great year for thirft store record finds. Just got a Tollie Beatles single for $.50..
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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by cgarges » Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:03 pm

ihavecomputer wrote:seriously, who wants to drink chutney flavored rum?
Good God, that sounds awful!

Chris Garges
Charlotte, NC

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by space_ryerson » Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:53 pm

went to real work, then came home to work on a painting/illustration for some product packaging. 50's sci-fi poster themed. I've been painting this sucker for days on end now, and now I'm about to resume. I can't wait to be finished so I can get back my time for playing music.

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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by theistheman » Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:57 pm

Project 2
by Theron

//boot the server
Server.default = Server.internal;
s = Server.default;

//load SynthDefs
SynthDef("aPulseWave", { arg freq = 440, width = 0.5, pos = 0, gain = -3;
Pulse.ar( freq, width, 0.1),
}, [0.12, 0.12, 0.12]).load(s); // array of lag times here
SynthDef("preDelay", { arg inbus = 0, outbus = 12;
DelayN.ar(In.ar(inbus, 2), 0.048, 0.048)

// Combs provide an exponential decay
SynthDef("combs", { arg inbus = 12, outbus = 14, rvbTime = 5;
Mix.arFill(7, { CombL.ar(In.ar(inbus, 2), 0.1, LFNoise1.kr(Rand(0, 0.1), 0.04, 0.05), rvbTime) })

// Allpass filters provide the density of the reverb
SynthDef("allpass", { arg inbus = 14, outbus = 16, gain = 0.2;
var source;
source = In.ar(inbus, 2);
4.do({ source = AllpassN.ar(source, 0.050, [Rand(0, 0.05), Rand(0, 0.05)], 0.5) });
source * gain

// This mixer will take two stereo audio channels and mix them into the main stereo outs
SynthDef("theMixer", { arg gain = 1, inbus1 = 12, inbus2 = 16;
Mix.ar([In.ar(inbus1, 2), In.ar(inbus2, 2)]) * gain

SynthDef("echo", { arg inbus = 0, outbus = 0, delay = 0.2, decay = 4;
var in;
in = In.ar(inbus,2);
Out.ar(outbus, CombN.ar(in, 0.5, delay, decay, 1, in));


//play music
//p, q are two versions of same synth, to be played simultaneously
p = Synth(
[\pos, 1.rand2, \freq, 2.midicps, \width, 0.5.rand];
q = Synth(
[\pos, 1.rand2, \freq, 2.midicps, \width, 0.5.rand];
//r, z are pitch routines
r = Routine({
20.do ({ p.set(
\freq, (126.rand).midicps
\freq, (10.rand).midicps
z = Routine({
20.do ({ q.set(
\freq, (40.rand).midicps
\freq, (80.rrand(126)).midicps
//a, b are random panning routines
a = Routine({
20.do ({ p.set(
\pos, 0.0.rrand(1.0)
\pos, 0.0.rrand(1.0)
b = Routine({
20.do ({ q.set(
\pos, 0.0.rrand(1.0)
\pos, 0.0.rrand(1.0)

//everything below this controls effects processing
//e, f, g, h are different components of the reverb
//k is echo
e = Synth.tail(s, "preDelay");
f = Synth.tail(s, "combs");
g = Synth.tail(s, "allpass");
h = Synth.tail(s, "theMixer", [\gain, 0.4]);
k = Synth.tail(s, "echo");

//i randomly sets reverb time
i = Routine({
\rvbTime, 20.0.rand

//j randomly sets reverb density
j = Routine({
\gain, 1.0.rand
//l randomly sets delay and decay time of echo
l = Routine({
\delay, 5.0.rand
\decay, 10.0.rand

//play all of the routines


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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by BrianK » Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:57 am

Finished listening to all the multitracks of an album that is being reissued. Made CD after CD (6 total) of all these takes.

We were looking for useable "bonus tracks" we could mix and add to the CD remaster. It was take after take after take of vocals and string quartet. All taken live, so essentially, they were ALL useable and mixable, but not really different to the released version. The producer may picka few cool takes and try a drier version or one with slightly different tempo to the released original. When we do mixes on these projects (which are for Warner Bros reissues) we have about 10-15 minutes per mix!

This was not as cool as finding demos or early reggae versions of something that's since become famous. But it's work, and we heard some hilaroious bits where the singer blew the high note over and over again!

After, mixed a "hard rock" band called Mother Superior - old friends, we have worked together a lot. They are pretty easygoing and play really well. What was NICE is that they said "Screw doing things traditionally - we want to mess with things and do some interesting stuff on the mixes. So we got to do drums all on one side, odd filters on the lead vocals etc. I wish that would happen more often. Maybe we need to encourage it... (but everybody loves to sound like somebody else...)
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Re: What did you work on today? 11/11/04

Post by phait » Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:56 am

I just came up with a workable nice beat and bass that needs some refining, but it's there. I'm anxious to work on this, but I have a bit of a stomach ache right now. I probably just need something to eat, and a couple Smirnoff Ice's from last night are probably the cause.


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