the physics of meaning

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the physics of meaning

Post by octobre » Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:03 pm

three new demos up at - the album should be fun to record, i'm looking forward to it. we did the demos in a weekend, with the guitar amp in the room with the drums so i got a lot of really funky compression artifacts on the overheads and guitar mic picking up the cymbals.

the record will be going for a neutral milk hotel meets john vanderslice with a dash of d-plan in there somewhere.

excited to be trashed.
bu_hanan records - chapel hill, nc

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Re: the physics of meaning

Post by workshed » Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:08 am

Listened to all three songs and I think it sounds great, not sure that I would change anything. The mix and tones all match the genre and moods perfectly. Love all the additional sounds and orchestrations in there. Tasteful but not overbearing. How did you get that guitar tone for the lead part on "columbia and cameron"? I love it -- sounds like a cheap distortion pedal going straight into the board or something. Neat!

On "Oregon," the acoustic guitar is a little muddy, but I think that it works for this song.

Good work.

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Re: the physics of meaning

Post by octobre » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:02 am

i'm not sure if you're talking about the regular guitar or the 'solo' guitar. the guitar tone is just a regular fender deluxe reverb (volume turned up to 3) and a fender telecaster mic-ed with a good 'ole SM57. the guitar is then copied to a left and right track, one of which is demolished by the PSP VintageWarmer plugin, and then the two are compressed together using IK Multemedia's T-Racks. i really like the way those two plugins can be used to clean up and destroy guitar recordings.

the solo is actually a fender bass run through a big muff pi distorion pedal and then into a brent avirill preamp (two layers of distortion) - for extra compression and to make it hit the cuts better, i ran it into the overhead compression bus, which is run pretty hot, so it gets a little more destruction from that, too. i was pretty happy with it.

the acoustic guitar was sadly recorded pretty badly, but the actual album version is being re-done this weekend, so i'm trying not to get in a tizzy about it, although i am really disappointed in how it came out.
bu_hanan records - chapel hill, nc


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